Chapter 1002 I’m hallucinating?!!

“I met Mr. Xia Ming and a few others, welcome to Polar Star Liao!”

When they entered the door, they saw the Great Imperial Hall Wenxu.

“Meet again, Mrs. Wenxu!”

Everyone also greeted Daigodo Wenxu, and then others came out one after another.


After seeing Saeche Erina, Mito Yumei also quickly said hello, even if she had been kicked out of the camp, but she still greeted Saeki Erina when she saw it.

“I haven’t seen you in a while, Mito, can you talk alone?”

After seeing Mito Yumi, Sakai asked.

“Huh? Not…… No problem! ”

Mito looked at Sakura with some confusion, but finally agreed, and the two went directly outside to talk.

Xia Ming also basically knew why Saeche Erina did this, after all, there were indeed problems on both sides of the matter.

Mito’s problem is that she needs to join the Donburi Research Institute after she loses, and the Donburi Research Institute was on the purge list of Erina, and her subordinates lost and joined the hostile research institute, and it was normal to kick out.

But that’s not to say that Erina, who doesn’t have any problems, what she does is clean up all the research institutes that she doesn’t think she should exist.

Undoubtedly, there are indeed some research institutes that occupy the place and the funds, but do not achieve anything.

But at that time, Erina’s standard of purge was all low-class cuisine, which she knew as low-class cuisine.

Everyone knows how awkward Erina was at that time, and after experiencing this secret realm, Erina’s personality has changed a lot.

It’s not that simple to get her to completely reverse her thinking, but basic twists can still be done.

So now Erina’s eyes will no longer be on the campus, and this kind of behavior has always been a small fight.

“Kohei, who is this person?”

On the other hand, the Takmi brothers are asking for Xia Ming’s information on the side of Kohei Sogenjin.

After all, the people of Polar Star Liao now have great respect for Xia Ming, which can be seen as long as they have eyes.

But Xia Ming’s appearance was obviously not a student of the school, and they didn’t have any impression of Xia Ming, so they couldn’t help but ask now.

“Well, you just need to know that it’s a big man!”

Yukihira finally didn’t blurt out directly this time, but only spoke after thinking about it, he also knew Xia Ming’s identity, plus others had warned him, so he wouldn’t casually say anything about Xia Ming.

“Big man?”

After listening to Kohei Chuangzhen’s words, Takmi is not a fool, and with a character like Kohei Chuangzhen, he does not dare to talk nonsense, which shows that this is indeed a very incredible heavyweight.

Soon, Mito Yumei also finished talking with Erina, but when he came in, Mito Yumei still felt a little sluggish.

“Mito, what did Erina, who called you out just now?”

After Mito Yumei returned, Yuhime Yoshino came up and asked in a low voice.

“Huh? Not…… Nothing, it just made me feel as if I was hallucinating! ”

Mito Yumei opened her mouth and said, after she went out with Erina, Erina, Yong Akiri invited her again, and there was no such sense of condescension in both the tone of speech and the expression.

This change makes Mito feel as if he is in an illusion.

Erina, Sakekiri, simply invited Mito because she felt that some of her previous ideas were wrong.

After eliminating these ideas, she and Mito Yumei are no longer hostile forces.

This is not an apology to Mito.

Because there was nothing wrong with kicking Mito Yumei out of the camp, after all, after losing, Mito Yumei was already a member of the hostile forces, even if it was not what she thought.

In the face of Sakura’s re-invitation, Mito Yumei felt that his brain was down, and he slowed down for a while before he came back to his senses.

You know, since losing to Kohei Sogenma, in fact, Mito’s life is not particularly good.

Mitozuka is one of the ingredient suppliers of Togetsu and offers a variety of meats that they need to rely on to survive.

Mito Yumei followed Satoshi Erina with him, but as a result, Mito Yumei was directly kicked out of the camp.

Although this matter does not rise to the level of problems affecting the supply of ingredients, Mitozuka is still counting on Mito to become a confidant of Sakuto Erina, so that the supply of ingredients is even more secure.

So after Mito Yumei was kicked out of the camp, he definitely wouldn’t be much better at home.

Mitozuka is not a family member of the Sashiri family, and he is more concerned about profit than family affection.

In the end, Mito did not directly agree when he came to his senses, and asked Erina.

Because she was very puzzled, those who had been expelled in the past, but there was no precedent for returning, why did they give her this privilege.

In this regard, Erina, Sagiri, did not hesitate to tell Mito Yumei the reason.

Knowing that she was not the party being given alms, Mito Yumei also agreed to return to the side of Erina’s camp, and similarly, her identity of the Donburi Research Institute Sagiri Erina did not care about such a change, which made Mito Yumei always feel a little trance, always feeling as if all this was an illusion.

Under Yoshino Yuhime’s questioning, Mito Yumei also told Yoshino Yuhime what had just happened.

The operation of Erina, Sagikiri, is also really incomprehensible to Yoshino Yuki, who has been in Engetsu for several years, although he has not had much contact with Erina, but from Erina’s style of acting, it can be seen what kind of person he is.

Logically, Saeche Erina would never have invited Mito to return to her demon, but this happened now.

Naturally, she also felt very incredible.

“Ichise, I haven’t seen you in a while, it looks like you’ve indeed abided by our agreement!”

Seeing that Ichise-hui was now wearing a sportswear, Xia Ming also smiled, it seemed that this goods had chosen to seal his perverted nature under the temptation of special ingredients.

“After all, that’s a special ingredient, the other ten masters can’t get even a little bit of special ingredients if they want it, and I won’t give up with such an opportunity!”

Ichise-hui also smiled and said that the other ten masters had also asked him if he could get special ingredients, after all, he and Tian Sohui were in a dormitory, but after that, he threw the pot to the Xue family.

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