Chapter 103 Surprised Seiichiro!!

There wasn’t much going on at the dinner, and it was just that these special ingredients made everyone marvel again.

After the end, everyone dispersed, and at the same time, the game was underway.

According to the plot in the original book, Kohei Sojin drew Alice when he was drawn.

The winner of the original work is Kohei Chuangzhen, not because Alice Sakei is not as good as Kohei Chuangzhen, but because the region is biased towards Kohei Sojin in terms of this topic, you know, Alice Sakuchi did not grow up on the cherry blossom side since she was a child, and although the environment she grew up in knew this kind of thing, she did not particularly understand and Alice Sakei in the original book disdained spiritual theory, which became the biggest drawback.

As a result, he lost to Kohei Sogenma, but now Alice is completely different.

Even if the dishes she makes are off topic, she can rely on her strong cooking skills to crush Yukihira Chuangzhen.

To put it bluntly, this bento is also a box lunch, a box lunch, the most important thing is to make people eat and satisfy.

Of course, it is also very good to achieve balanced nutrition on this basis.

Satisfying these points, basically will not be off topic, as for the rest, it depends on whether the individual plays and can make it more delicious.

Alice, who had mastered these points, directly crushed Yuki-jin, which was not surprising to everyone, even Yukihira Chuang-jin himself was not surprised.

Of course, it is certain that he is not willing to be willing, he knows that he cannot win, that the gap between his cooking skills and the other party is huge, but after losing, he will definitely not be willing, and this cannot be changed.

In another game, Kurokiba Ryo also lost miserably to Tasukui, crushing and hanging in all directions, without any suspense.

That evening, the well-informed Seiichiro also called Kohei Souma.

“I heard that you lost in the quarterfinals, and this kind of result can’t be compared with your father and me!”

The first sentence of the opening is not to boo and ask for warmth, but to directly ridicule, which is the way of communication between the father and son of Yukihei.

“No way, after all, I met the existence of an exception, although I was very unwilling, but I have to admit that my cooking skills are indeed much worse than hers, and I even doubt that Daddy can win her!”

For his father’s ridicule, in other words, Xingping Chuang would not hesitate to go back, but this time he really lost too badly.

He also tasted Alice’s bento, and the final conclusion was that there was really no comparison.

Even if he knew what Alice’s bento box was, he didn’t have a clue now to let him make another one.

For with his current ability he could see only four words, and that was invulnerability.

Even if he is given the answer of the other party, he cannot come up with a dish that can compete with the other party, which is a very big blow.

This is the absolute gap in quality, just like players who are still in the novice village in the game, no matter how good the equipment is, players with a level of only 10 are not opponents of level 100 capped.

“Huh? It’s incredible to hear such words from your mouth! ”

Seiichiro on the other side was also stunned, you know, even if he lost to himself, his own son would not say such a thing.

“What’s incredible, it’s not comparable to others, it’s not comparable to others, there’s nothing to say, the main thing is that the gap is too big, she gives me the feeling of being an insurmountable mountain!”

To be honest, Kohei Sojin encountered such a sense of powerlessness for the first time.

In the hands of his father, it is nothing, after all, Seiichiro has lived decades longer than him, and if he is given enough time, he can gradually catch up with his own father, or even surpass.

But now what gives him this feeling is a peer of the same age, and the previous generation can still catch up, but this generation of people is very desperate.

Therefore, even the big heart of Iphira Chuang is now a little shaken.

“Well, that’s really powerful, but you shouldn’t have confessed, it’s really inferior!”

Seiichiro on the other side suddenly became a little out of tune, which made Kohei Sogen a little annoyed and angry.

Shock mode is directly turned on.

However, after being stunned, Kohei Sojin also realized that his own father said such a thing, not really to mock himself, but to make himself ask for that mentality.

Whether you can catch up with the other party or not, you must also catch up to know, even if you can’t catch up, it at least proves that you have tried.

Remembering his state just now, Yukihira was also a little frightened, if he really maintained that state just now, felt that it was impossible to catch up with the other party, and completely gave up, then he would basically be ruined after that.

“Bastard dad, give me a lesson at this time, forget it, there is no need to compare with such a monster!”

After hanging up the phone, Kohei Sojin no longer cared about these things.

As for Seiichiro, he is also very surprised now, he also heard about Tasuo Megumi when he was in Jixingliao before, and because he always pays attention to the situation of Tozuki, he also knows that Alice and Tae Sue are very powerful.

But he didn’t expect that his son would fail miserably like this.

The two matches played today also made the four people who did not play behind breathe a sigh of relief, because the death group finally passed, Kohei Sojin lost miserably to Alice Sakei, and Kurokiba lost to Tashoe Mi.

Although there are still two games ahead, the death group match in which these two people are located has been completed, which means that the next two games still have a chance to reach the final four.

After all, once you match these two people, there will be no suspense in the result.

Even Hayama Ryo, who has always been very confident, does not dare to say that he can defeat Tanoe or Alice.

However, the death group was only temporary in the past, after all, there are still four final matches, and there is basically no suspense in the final four matches.

“This guy named Mimasaka is a little weird, can he rely on such tracking to guess what kind of cooking the other party will come up with in the end, is this kind of thing possible?”

After watching the last game, even Alice and Tada’s eyes were surprised.

“It should be because of the power, his tracking should be classified into the power!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that Misaku imitates through tracking, and even can know what the other party will do after that, this is not a tracking, this is exactly mind reading.

Even with the current chef realm of the two people, it takes a long time to guess what dishes the other party makes, and even needs a lot of data to support it, but the tracking time of Misaku Pleiades is very short, and such a short time with hard power can certainly not do this, so there is only special ability, after all, most of the world’s special abilities, although general, but very few are indeed very anti-heavenly.

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