Chapter 104 The Final Final!!

Misaku’s ability has undoubtedly reached the realm of supernatural powers, of course, it is actually very simple to sanction this guy, after all, his tracking is to turn himself into a super stalker.

Even this guy’s tracking has no bottom line, that is, many behaviors are already criminal.

It wasn’t difficult to get this guy going, but these students obviously didn’t find a reasonable way, otherwise Mimasaka’s student career would have ended long ago.

In addition to Mimasaka Ang’s tracking, what is more against the sky is Si Yingshi’s dialogue with the ingredients, the staggered blade of the rising sun, and the god’s tongue of Erina, and the real melon, these extraordinary abilities are very strong.

Of course, it is limited to this halberd world, the ability is limited, and this kind of thing, like the tongue of God, will have a limit, and it cannot grow continuously.

In the captive world of food, chefs who have reached a certain level of culinary proficiency can hear the sound of ingredients under certain circumstances, and this ability is called listening to the sound of ingredients.

This is something that only chefs who have been approved by the ingredients can do this, and throughout the text, except for Komatsu, who can hear such sounds frequently, other chefs even Setsuno’s mother-in-law cannot guarantee that they can hear the sound of ingredients every time.

This ability is similar to Si Yingshi’s ability, but Si Yingshi’s ability is not useful at all to the ingredients of the food capture world.

The ingredients of the world of food captives are very special, and when they are approved by the other party, creatures will even actively sacrifice to become ingredients.

But in other worlds it will not, and the ingredients of other worlds, like chicken, duck and fish, are also eager to live.

Only by getting the approval of the ingredients can you hear such a sound, so Si Yingshi’s ability is completely invalid for the ingredients of the food captive world, and there is no use for Misakuang’s tracking and Caibo Chaoyang’s interlaced blade is even more funny Mizoang’s tracking equivalent to the weakened version of Caibo Chaoyang’s ability, so the two situations are similar.

Let’s not say that there is an upper limit to the ability, let’s say that Cai Bo Chaoyang, let him now get Tian Sohui or the kitchen knife of Xue Cutting Alice, he wants to reproduce the cooking skills in the past and can’t do it.

Just like before Tian Sohui used twenty pots to cook at the same time, even if he copied the past, could he do it? It was impossible to do it without strong physical support, let alone his special abilities, and it was impossible to replicate the cooking skills of the two at all.

In the Final Four, Ryo Hayama turned on Alice Sake, and as for Misakura, he turned against Tada.

However, in the end of the Final Four, only one was played, that is, the one between Ryo Hayama and Alice, and as for the one of Mizoang, he did not participate at all.

As for the reason, it is naturally because this product and Tian Sohui even wanted to peep, and then they were found out and sanctioned by Tian Sohui in advance, and now they are still in prison.

Although there is no big problem with simple voyeurism, go in for a few days at most, but this goods provokes Tian Suohui.

And after Megumi Tasho made a difficulty, the students who had fought Mimasaka before jumped out.

After all, Mimasaka Ang’s goods have robbed many people’s kitchen knives, and now there is a chance to beat the drowning dogs, how can they let it go.

As a result, this matter became a big trouble, and the most important thing was that the person this goods intended to track was Tian Suohui, and the relationship between Tian Suohui and Xia Ming also made Chexian Zuoweimen start to operate.

With a little trick, it is estimated that this goods will serve several years in prison, and the school has directly expelled him.

Such a change also made Ruishan Edzu hate his teeth, after all, Misakura was his subordinate, but he couldn’t do anything, who called Misaku’s ability to take this cargo needs such a premise.

Therefore, after Misaku was imprisoned, Tian Sohui won this battle without a fight.

This also did not feel unfair to anyone, after all, people were the ones who had hung up the ten masters before and hammered them, and no one would say anything more about such cooking skills and direct promotion.

The final match became a duel between Alice Sakei and Megumi Tada.

And this time there is no prescribed topic.

According to the words of the Shōchi Senzoemon (薖切senzoemon), the theme is set to test the comprehensive strength of the students.

There will always be some imbalances in different topics, such as bento titles, which are absolutely good topics for Kohei Sogen and very little understanding for Alice.

If the theme of the time was changed to a sub-cuisine, then even the protagonist would basically lose, after all, that was the best field of Alice Xue.

The last game of the original saury is strictly speaking, the field that Kuroki Field Cool is best at, although there are also places that are beneficial to the other two, but the biggest convenience is undoubtedly on the side of Kuroki Field Cool, but as long as the strength is enough, then even such an exam question can directly get the first, just like Ryo Hayama.

But in Saeki-senzoemon’s view, the title completely restricts the play of Alice and Tadashi Yongxue.

This was the first time the two had faced each other, and he was curious about what kind of cooking the two could make with their full strength.

Therefore, I didn’t want to use the topic to restrict the cooking skills of the two people, so I directly cancelled the topic and played freely.

In this way, the two can also play their full strength.

As for the rules for choosing ingredients that are popular in autumn as the theme, can this thing be compared to special ingredients? These two people will definitely use special ingredients in the competition, and they are definitely not the kind that are not sold to the public.

Xue Qixian Zuo Weimen said, rules, go to his uncle’s rules, now he is the commander-in-chief of Yuanyue, he is the rule.

As time passes quickly, the final is also coming, and because of the time span of the autumn selection, the next secret is getting closer and closer.

In order to fight with the other side with all their might, this time, both Alice and Tashoe were riveted to carry out special training.

In this state, even Butterfly Kanae was shocked, and she also regretted that she could not see the duel between the two in person, but Xia Ming also said that she would bring the video of the game, and the other machines were not very troublesome.

On the day of the competition, at 7 p.m., the students gathered at the main venue between the moon and the day.

“The setting of this venue is so strange, why are there so many curtains on it?”

Upon entering the venue, the crowd noticed a white curtain above the location of the spectator area.

“This is prepared to prevent the Commander-in-Chief’s teaching.”

“You know, even in the past ten masters battles, there has never been such an arrangement, but their cooking has already been taught by the chief commander before.”

“Considering that this time it may be more extensive, so these curtains are prepared for the students!”

Isshiki opened his mouth to explain…

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