Chapter 105 Ingredients of Tadashoue!!

“With such preparations, is it possible that this teaching will spread to the audience area?”

Kohei also remembered the eclipse competition he had seen before, but the teaching did not spread to the audience area at that time.

“Not sure, but there is a good chance that this will happen, after all, Xiao Hui’s cooking skills have improved as we have all seen, and this period of time has also left the Polar Star Liao for special training, and no one knows how strong the two of them have become.”

Ichise-hui shook his head, Tian Sohui’s culinary progress was really terrifying, he had never seen this anyway, and most importantly, he had never seen what Tian Sohui was like to go all out.

The stands separated the boys and girls directly from the beginning, and now all the students watching the battle are gathered in the area under the white curtain.

As long as the competition is at the end, before the judges taste the dishes, the curtain will fall directly to cover all the students, and the boys’ and girls’ areas will be directly divided, and whether it is the boys’ or girls’ areas, a lot of clothes have been prepared, which can be said to be very humane.

“Enter, enter, the two goddesses enter!”

Soon, with the admission of Alice and Tada, all eyes were on the two.

Although the two do not attend classes, their popularity among students can be described as super high.

Even Ta’s research institute has seen a large influx of new people.

And now because of the gourmet cells, the appearance of the two is becoming more and more perfect, and the two who were originally beautiful girls have even captured most of the girls.

At the same time, several judges from the judging side also came out, a total of three people, namely Saeki Senzoemon, Dojima Gin, and Shochi Zongwei.

“Ahh Father? Why are you here? Didn’t even give me a message before! ”

Alice said with some dissatisfaction.

“Originally, I was going to invite your mother to come this time, but because of some special circumstances in the Che family, I could only change it in the end!”

Xue Che Zongwei was also a little helpless, originally this time it was Xue Che Leonora who came but considering that this time there would be an outbreak of the exclusive teaching of the Xue Che family, so this time it was replaced by him, as for the work over there, naturally it was Xue Che Leonora who presided over it.

No way, the status of the international side has climbed due to the appearance of special ingredients, and the power is getting bigger and bigger, and Chereonora has also helped in the past.

There are so many things that even Chereonora wants to come back to see her daughter, and the two of them must leave one to preside over the big picture.

So in the end, Zongwei came back, and as for Cherry Ionola, he stayed at Cutie International.

“That’s the same thing, what to teach is really annoying!”

Alice said a little unpleasantly, and in this regard, others did not say anything more, in fact, the people of the Xue Che family felt that their own characteristics were a little unpleasant.

After all, it is torn and taught, and people who don’t know their family are expected to treat their family as super perverts, but their family has such a special ability.

And not just the blood inheritance, but the inheritance of the surname, think about it is also drunk.

“Alice calls Daddy, that is to say, this person is the son of the commander-in-chief, the ruler of Xueqi International, and he is a big man again!”

After the students heard this conversation, they began to discuss it again.

“Well, let’s talk until the game is over, now the game is almost over!”

As he said, the top cover above the moon and sky opened a little.

Then I saw a full moon gradually appearing in everyone’s sight.

“Take the full moon, when the full moon is fully present, the game starts, and when the full moon disappears completely, the game ends!”

I have to say that this month is indeed quite good, but this operation is somewhat weather-eating.

Even if there is a weather forecast, it cannot be said to be completely accurate, so it is still easy to make a difference in this way.

The full moon had not yet fully appeared, and the two of them each took out the prepared ingredients.

“Huh? Wheat? Black wheat? What a strange color, and it hasn’t shedding yet, what is this for? ”

Seeing the ingredients that Tian Suohui took out, everyone was also stunned, because Tian Suohui took out some black wheat that had not yet been hulled.

“Black sand wheat? Is Megumi planning to make pasta? ”

Seeing the ingredients that Tadashue took out, Alice was a little surprised.

Black sand wheat, which was found in the interior of the eighth ecological region, grew in a sea of black sand, and it is not known whether it is because of the black sand, the wheat is pitch black.

Not only that, but even after the shelling, the wheat grains inside are black.

The flour that is ground out is also as dark as ink and is best used for pasta.

And the black sand wheat can not be dehulled in advance, once the husk, that mellow and thick taste will continue to weaken, and finally become no different from normal wheat The capture level of black sand wheat has reached level 8, according to the drawing book in Xia Ming’s hand, this thing is not originally in the eighth ecological region, but a special wheat grown in a black desert.

It is estimated that it was also transplanted to the eighth ecoregion by the IGO people, after all, the eighth ecoregion is a test base dedicated to transplanting and breeding some organisms from other regions.

So in the eighth ecological zone, such an ingredient was found, and now, Tian Sohui has also taken this ingredient directly.

In addition to the first time, Tian Sohui also produced a large number of vegetables from the eighth ecological region and the Balon Islands.

Some of these vegetables are huge, some are strangely shaped, and in short, they look like a very strange feeling.

But people who have come into contact with special ingredients will recognize that they are all special ingredients, and there are a total of sixty-four kinds of vegetables that Tashi brought this time.

“With so many special ingredients, and all vegetables, what exactly does she want to do?”

At this moment, Xue Qixian Zuoweimen and the others were very curious.

On the side of the ten masters, Xiaolin gentian looked at so many special ingredients, and his saliva was about to flow to the ground.

“Sister Gentian, your image is gone!”

Seeing this scene, Jiu I Teruki couldn’t help but speak.

“Image? What do I want to image for? These are not accidents are special ingredients, so many special ingredients, you dare to say that you are not hungry! ”

Kobayashi gentian didn’t care and shook back.

“Of course, I am hungry, but I am not so hungry that I don’t care about the image, and we can’t get these ingredients, we can only look at it!”

For a long time, I directly shattered the illusion of Kobayashi Gentian…

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