Chapter 106 Huge Pliers!!

“Little dwarf, I see that you seem to be jumping more and more lately!”

After Kobayashi Genie was shattered by the illusion, he looked at Hisame Teruki with a look of displeasure.

“Who do you say is a little dwarf?!”

A few crosses also appeared on the door of Teruki Kume’s head, and asked with an unhappy face.

“Whoever admits me is talking about whom, but I heard that your Chinese Cuisine Institute has been doing well lately, so I’ll check it out when the time comes!”

Kobayashi’s next sentence directly made Kume Teruki almost jump.

The place where Xiaolin gentian passed can be described as not leaving an inch of grass, if he ran to his research institute to walk around, his research institute would be unlucky.

“I’m sorry, I was wrong!”

In the face of the threat of Xiaolin gentian, Jiu I Zhaoji decisively admitted, several other ten jies saw this scene is also a little funny, who called this goods cheap, others can’t wait to stay away from Xiaolin gentian, this goods also dare to take the initiative to provoke, really drunk.

“For the sake of you admitting your mistake so sincerely, I decided to go together!”

Kobayashi gentian didn’t plan to let go of Jiume Teruki, which caused Jiume Teruki’s face to become a word.

“Speaking of which, where is Erina? I have rarely seen her recently, and I don’t even care about the work in hand, I heard that she seems to be pushing off the seat of the ten jies, is this true? ”

Kobayashi Gentian suddenly looked around, and did not see Erina, who used to be mixed with them in this kind of activity, even if he didn’t talk much, it was very cold, but he didn’t play missing as he did now.

And in recent times, Erina’s work has been dumped on others.

“This is what I heard her say, it seems that she plans to wait until the end of this autumn selection to give up the position of the ten masters!”

Ezuzu Ruishan also spoke, and he also felt very confused, why did Yongchu Erina give up the position of Ten Jie? I don’t understand it at all.

“It turned out to be true, what did she think?” He even wanted to give up the position of Ten Jay! ”

Others couldn’t understand the brain circuitry of Xue Che Erinai, but if you think about it, it seems that the location of the Ten Jie is indeed of no effect on Xue Che Erinai.

What is the biggest role of Ten Masters? It is a resource, just like the original Tada, who used the resources of the Ten Masters to travel and study around the world after becoming a Ten Masters.

But for Xue Qie Li Linai, it seems that there is really no effect, after all, people are the big miss of Xue Qi’s family, what resources do they want? So the position of these ten masters seems to be really dispensable.

In fact, this is also the decision of Erina Sakuchi after she returns, and she herself feels that her attention should not be on these things.

So I plan to directly lose the position of the ten masters, who wants who to take it.

Originally, she had the idea of giving this position to her little secretary, but considering that her little secretary did not have this strength, she gave up.

In fact, if she loses this position to Xindo Crimson Sand, as long as Xindo Crimson does not accept other people’s halberds and does not use ten jie as a bet, there is no problem at all, but this will invisibly bring a lot of pressure to Xindo Crimson Sand, so she still did not do it after thinking about it.

Doing so will definitely hurt Crimson Sand in the end.

Not to mention what these ten masters think, on the other hand, Alice also took out her own ingredients.

Her ingredients made everyone a little shocked, and the first thing that caught their eyes was a huge tongs almost the size of a person.

This pliers are taken from lobster fish, in addition to a range of various seafood.

These seafood are all obtained from the waters around the Balon Islands, and some of them are caught in the waters around Hangulira Island, although Hangolura Island is abandoned and the surrounding sea is small, but there are also ingredients.

The highest grade of ingredients used by the two is Tanzo Kei’s black sand wheat.

“Is that a pliers?” What kind of pliers is this, so big! ”

All the students were shocked to see the huge pliers that Alice had taken out, after all, a pliers was so big that it was terrifying to look at.

“It looks a bit like the pliers of a whole shrimp, but is there such a big shrimp in this world?”

The people in the far moon are all cooks, and they know a little bit, but whether it is those vegetables before or the huge tongs now, they are completely beyond their imagination.

In fact, this is still because Alice did not bring the complete ingredients, otherwise the ingredients she used were quite top-notch.

Not just lobster fish pincers, but also the legs of silver king crabs and the meat of some huge fish.

It can be seen that the dish that Alice intends to take out this time should be a seafood dinner.

As for Tasuoe’s side, it is a completely vegetable route.

The ingredients on both sides were ready, and the full moon quietly appeared above, which meant that the game had begun.

The two of them also did not hesitate to move, originally everyone was still curious, how to deal with this huge pliers for Alice Che, after all, this pliers look very hard.

It was so big that it was really hard to open without some tools, but as a result, they just saw Alice holding a kitchen knife, and then the knife flashed away, and they didn’t even see how the knife was made.

In the end, the shell of the huge pliers in front of Alice’s face was directly cut into pieces and peeled off, and the crystal full flesh appeared in front of everyone.

“I can’t see it at all, Father-sama, what the hell is this…”

Seeing this scene, Xue Che Zongwei was directly confused, is it still unclear about his daughter’s situation? Although I have also received a call from my father before, saying that my daughter has changed a lot.

But I didn’t expect that the change would be so great, these three sutras are very outrageous.

He didn’t see how Alice was knifed just now, and in his cognition, isn’t his daughter’s best at molecular cooking? When did you become so good at traditional cooking?

It can only be said that he is busy with work and has not paid much attention to his daughter, until he has seen it with his own eyes, and then he is directly confused.

“I told you something before, but you didn’t listen at all, did you?”

Xue Qixian Zuo Weimen looked at his son wordlessly, will this boy not listen to people?

“It’s not because I’ve been too busy before, things on the side of Xueche International have already made me anxious, even if Leonora helps me, it’s not so simple!”

Xue Che Zongwei said that he was busy with work to death, and he was not in the mood to pay attention to these at all, he just heard it before, and he had no idea, so he quickly forgot about it.

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