Chapter 107 Glowing Ingredients!!

“The other side is also incredible, it is directly to the knife to get out of the shell, and this speed, has become a phantom!”

Soon, everyone’s eyes were attracted by Tian Suohui again, at this moment Tian Suohui was husking the black sand wheat, directly using a kitchen knife, and this speed, flying up quickly, his hands pulled out the phantom.

And the whole process only lasted a short time, the wheat in front of Tasuohui was directly hulled, and then Tasuohui quickly ground it into powder.

The special feature of this black sand wheat, as long as it is ground into powder, is the best flour.

This is mainly because of its growth environment, the growth environment of black sand wheat is in the desert, which is condensed by absorbing nutrients in black sand, and is very dry.

However, this degree is not comparable to golden wheat, which is the most dry of all wheat.

The flour milled from black sand wheat is pure black, and although the dryness is not comparable to that of golden wheat, it is also amazing.

Tasuo Megumi added a lot of water, and even the amount of water exceeded the amount of flour itself, but even so, the water was completely absorbed.

“Should it be said that it is worthy of special ingredients? It’s incredible that I absorbed more water than I could! ”

Seeing so much water being completely absorbed, Dojima Silver also sighed, he did not get many special ingredients, and there were not many types, after all, Xia Ming could not prepare a variety of ingredients for them.

Just a few of them, now these belong to those who have never seen it.

“Yes, that’s why special ingredients are called special ingredients, but is this technique of noodles a special technique?”

Watching Tian Sohui start to make peace, Sakura Senzoemon said that he couldn’t understand it, because the speed was too fast, resulting in a rough and violent action, and there was no appearance of harmony at all.

This is actually just an illusion, Tian Soe has a super sense of touch, so when it comes to the noodles, she can accurately determine the force that needs to be used, plus to ensure the taste of the black sand wheat, so she speeds up.

After speeding up, her movements give the impression that she is wrestling with the dough.

As the dough is kneaded, soon the dough is finished, after which the dough is pulled into a uniform dough that if someone weighs it with a precision scale, they will find that the weight of the dough is almost exactly the same.

This is the horror of the ultra-tactile sense, the precise control of the ingredients.

“Dumpling skin? Is she planning to make dumplings? And also vegetarian dumplings? ”

Soon, seeing the dumpling skins being quickly rolled out, everyone also determined what Tian Suohui was going to do.

However, after Megumi Tassho finished the dumpling skin, the next scene made everyone’s eyes widen, including Alice and Megumi Tashi, who was processing the ingredients opposite.

Because when Tashoe was processing the ingredients, some of the vegetables actually glowed golden, and although the light was not very strong, it was indeed glowing.

“Am I blind? I actually saw the ingredients glowing! ”

One of the students in the audience area couldn’t help but rub his eyes, wondering if he was blind.

“Don’t tell you, I also saw the glow, I thought I had a problem with my eyes!”

“Me too, and I see…”

Soon, one by one, the students spoke, and there was no doubt that all the students saw the ingredients glowing.

“Xia Mingjun, this… What’s going on here? ”

On the other side, Sakura and Shinto Ayashi were in one place with Xia Ming, and they were shocked to see this scene.

“It’s really amazing, this should be the first time, obviously, Xiao Hui heard the sound of ingredients!”

Xia Ming was also very surprised.

“Heard the ingredients? What is it? ”

The two looked at each other after hearing this.

“Special ingredients are called special ingredients not only because of their deliciousness, but also because they are the purest ingredients.”

“Even pure enough that it chooses its own chef.”

“When the chef reaches a certain level of recognition of the ingredients, the ingredients will make a sound, which is why they shine.”

“Recognized chefs can hear the voices of the ingredients, and the ingredients themselves guide the chefs to cook themselves, and this cooking method is also the most perfect way to cook.”

“Of course, this situation is very demanding on the chef, not to ask the other party to be highly cooked, but to look at the heart, there is no doubt that Xiaohui has been recognized by the ingredients!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, hearing the sound of the ingredients because Tian Suohui’s respect for the ingredients had been recognized by the ingredients.

Tiansuohui himself is the most simple of all people, and his inner side is purer than everyone else.

So that after continuous improvement, now it has finally been recognized by the ingredients, and the ingredients have made a sound.

“It’s incredible that special ingredients have such a capability!”

Sakai Erina is fine, after all, he has entered the secret realm, and even has such a thing as food transportation, so his ability to accept it has become much stronger.

But Nito’s scarlet sand only knows special ingredients, she does not have such receptive ability, and she feels that her worldview is beginning to collapse.

“Xiaohui, what the hell is going on?”

On the field, Alice also asked with a surprised face, she really did not know this, Xia Ming did not say.

After all, there are so many things in the world of the captivity of food that it is naturally impossible to talk about them all.

Some things Xia Ming also waited until he met them before telling them.

Now the ingredients shine for the first time.

“I… I don’t know, but I seem to hear something! ”

Tian Soe didn’t know either, but she soon sensed a kind of guidance emanating from the ingredients.

It’s like telling her in her ear how best to handle these ingredients.

“Heard the sound? Forget it, wait until the end of the game to ask Xia Mingjun well, this time the game is really a surprise! ”

Alice has a lot of war in her eyes, no matter what, this time we must go all out.

As for such a change, say hello later, don’t think too much about it now.

After being guided by the ingredients, Tian Soe’s cooking speed began to become faster, and the already terrifying speed became even more terrifying.

On the other side, Alice is also quickly processing her own ingredients.

Megumi Tadashi makes vegetable dumplings, while Alice cuts her, and the seafood she makes is hot and cold, and the cooking techniques are varied, which is very complicated to look at.

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