Chapter 108 Explosive Teaching!!

The two people in the field can be described as the pinnacle of skill, the people watching are overwhelmed, and because the physical fitness of the two is placed here, their movements are unable to keep up, and many students feel that the brain is overloaded after watching for a short time.

Even Dojima Silver stared dead-eyed, and they found that they couldn’t keep up with this speed at all.

“Father-sama, when did Alice’s body become so…”

At this moment, Zongwei Sakuchi doesn’t know how to comment on his daughter, and he puts himself in the position of Alice Sakekiri, only to find out tragically that he can’t do the cooking ingredients he told like this.

And the most important thing is that your body will never be able to support such a super fast cooking.

If he had to say it, he felt that his daughter’s body was no longer a normal person’s body, but a small superman: “Although the old man knew that their physical quality was very strong, he did not expect to be strong to this extent!” ”

Even Sagi Senzoemon was stunned, he had tried to cook special dishes before, but it was difficult to handle.

But for both Alice and Tada, it was much easier to deal with than him.

However, now seeing this scene, he knows that his granddaughter’s physical fitness has surpassed normal humans, which is terrifying.

“No, I can’t keep up at all, even if I can’t see clearly, my brain can’t keep up with the speed at which they process ingredients!”

Many students have been staring at the two people with excessive eyes because of their high concentration, and at this moment, they are all in tears and can’t help but close their eyes.

“Don’t look too engrossed, let’s wait for the result!”

Many students are very helpless, they can’t see that they have suffered at all, and they are drunk when they think about it.

This cooking did not last long, and with the speed of the two of them, it was completed quickly, but compared to Tashi’s side, Alice’s side needed a lot of stoves.

She knew this herself, so she got people ready in advance.

In the end, it was Tasukei who did it first, as her production steps were a little easier than those of Cut Alice.

The person who finishes the dish first naturally gives the dish to the judges first.

At this moment, Tian Sohui came to the three people with three plates of steamed dumplings, each steamed dumpling had ten, of course, she did not only do this, but also many should be left to Xia Ming and other friends.

“The old man is still the first time he has seen this kind of wheat, which is as dark as ink itself!”

Xue Qixian Zuo Weimen looked at the black dumplings in front of him and said, Black wheat is not unseen, but that kind of black does not have this purity.

The wheat is really completely pitch black, even when ground into flour and wrapped in dumplings, even darker than flour with cuttlefish juice.

“Does this dumpling have a name?”

Dojima Silver asked.

“Name? No, this is a dumpling, there is no other name, if you have to say it, it should be vegetable dumplings! ”

Tashoe shook her head, she didn’t give the dumpling any bells and whistles.

“Vegetable dumplings? The old man knows, the curtain is over! ”

Xue Qixian Zuoemon nodded, and then gave an order, and the curtain that was prepared above who had been prepared before completely fell.

The entire audience area was completely covered, and at the same time, many people dressed in black appeared in the middle aisle, directly cutting off the aisles of the boys’ section and the girls’ area to prevent someone from doing something bad when the time came.

As for the host, he also hurried to the girls’ area.

“Wow, I really don’t know what’s going to happen now!”

Yuki Yoshino, who was in the midst of the curtain, said with an anxious expression, in fact, the others were similar to her, everyone was curious about what would happen outside, but no one dared to open the curtain.

After all, once the teaching breaks out, the boys are fine, and for the girls, it will be too much of a loss.

So even if you are curious, everyone can only honestly stay in this curtain.

The outside world’s Tian Sohui and Xue Che Alice were not affected, and there were also several judges blocking the stage above, so there was no big problem.

“Then I’ll avoid it for the time being!”

Xia Ming looked at the two people next to him and left decisively and directly.

At this moment, the preparation has been completed, then it is the turn to taste the three of them at the same time, grab a dumpling, dip a little dipping sauce, and the dumpling is in the mouth.

However, when they took a bite, the three of them found at the same time that this taste was very peculiar, as if it was broken in the mouth one by one, which was very good.

At the same time, all three of them found that they seemed to have come to an endless vegetable land.

A large number of vegetables are gushing out of the ground, constantly accumulating, and people have been completely surrounded by a sea of vegetables.

At the same time, a special pulse was emitted from the body of Xue Qixian Zuoweimen, not only his own clothes were torn, but the other two were also affected for the first time.

And in addition to Xue Che Xian Zuoweimen, Xue Che Zongwei’s body also erupted with such a special pulse.

Two pulses spread in all directions.

Soon, the audience area was also affected, and there were bursts of exclamations from inside.

The Man in Black in the aisle was also affected.

“This is… Spread to the outside! ”

Xia Ming looked at the three people on the stage wordlessly, and he clearly felt the constant expansion of the pulse just now, and even rushed to the outside between the moon and the sky.

Sure enough, soon there were some exclamations from the staff outside.

This time, the scope of the teaching is very large, and it has completely exceeded the scope of the release of Yong Qizhen and Xue Qie Lina at the end of the plot.

“It’s really delicious, completely indescribable, as if it has completely entered the vegetable world, obviously there are many kinds of vegetables used, but there is no conflict, the most important thing is this taste!” 」

Xue Qixian Zuoweimen set his eyes on the half-opened dumplings in his hand.

He also saw the situation inside now, and he found that the vegetable filling in the dumplings was not chopped, but filamented one by one.

And the most important thing is that these filaments are entangled with the filaments of different vegetables, not without winding, but orderly, some are two, some are three, and the number varies.

It is obviously shredded, but it does not affect the taste of the dumplings at all, but makes the taste better and more special.

“The shredded vegetables in this should have been wrapped around by yourself, and you did such a thing in such a short time!”

The faces of the three people were full of stunned at this moment.

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