Chapter 109 Miraculous Technique!!

“That’s right, the shredded vegetables in each dumpling are woven, and the filling of the dumpling is not just a random chop and wrap of dozens of vegetables.”

“In order to make the taste of vegetables completely conflicting, it is necessary to match, and I match each vegetable with other vegetables according to its characteristic taste, so that the taste of vegetables can be reflected as much as possible.”

“Different vegetables require different amounts of matching, and some that cannot be matched must also be separated and used to guide the fusion with other vegetables.”

“Strictly speaking, this vegetable dumpling can also add more ingredients, but now this one is the limit of what I can do!”

Tian Sohui shook her head, the vegetables she used were determined after a lot of experiments, not blindly taking a bunch of vegetables and finishing the matter.

In order to ensure that the taste is not conflicting and perfect, the amount of vegetable shreds in this dish is completely unequal, and it can be said that a lot of energy has been consumed by Tasoe Kei for this dish.

“What a miraculous skill, is this really something that humans can do?”

Xue Che Zongwei really said this sentence unabashedly this time, no way, he was too shocked, not only him, but the other two also agreed with what he said.

How much work does it take to combine dozens of special ingredients into one?

Let them come, even a bunch of top chefs will take a lot of time to study together.

Moreover, the cooking time of the dish is so small, Tashoe actually perfectly matched these shredded vegetables in such a short time, and also wrapped them together, and adjusted the position to ensure that the taste of the dumplings was not affected.

Just thinking about this step makes them feel that their scalps are numb, which is not something that normal people can do at all.

Not to mention normal people, the top international chefs can’t do it, anyway, several of them here said that they couldn’t do it, and before seeing it with their own eyes, they didn’t think anyone could do such a thing.

“I’m really curious about what kind of cooking Xiaohui has done, and she has received such praise as a miracle, it’s amazing!”

In the girls’ area, Yuhime Yoshino said that her curiosity was about to explode, how could others say so? But now everyone is embarrassed, so there is no way to see what is really going on outside.

After all, teaching this kind of thing will not only break out once, so now I can only listen anxiously to guess the scene of the scene.

“Wait a minute, it seems that the video just now will be released after the game, and then we will be able to know what happened!”

Ryoko Sakaki spoke, she had now seen that someone on the other side of the curtain wanted to poke her head out to see the situation, but was stopped by the other students in front of the curtain.

After all, once one person takes the lead, then others are expected to do the same thing, and it is inevitable that the curtain will not be covered up due to too many people, and it will be everyone who suffers at that time.

So the girls who tried to stick their heads out to check were stopped by others.

In contrast, the boys’ area is much more convenient, after all, there are no girls so much scruples, so many people have to look out, if it is not the rules here, it is estimated that these people will come out directly.

Next, the imparting pulse continued, and soon, several judges ate all the dumplings in front of them, although they still wanted to eat them, but considering that they still had to taste the dishes of Alice Cut, and Tian Sohui only served so much, they resisted.

It’s just that at the moment they are full of the delicious taste of dumplings, even if they want to forget this taste, they can’t do it.

Now that Tian Sohui’s dumplings have formed a strong taste blockade, if you want to break it, unless the cooking skills and Tian Sohui have a fight, otherwise it will be replaced by someone else, it is estimated that it will end with an unpalatable evaluation.

This taste blockade is not deliberately formed, but because it is too delicious, the person who eats it automatically and continuously recalls such a delicacy, does not want to destroy such a delicacy, so it will resist other flavors.

Even if they eat other dishes, they themselves resist the taste, creating a spontaneous taste blockade.

It can only be said that if you want to do this, you must also have a domineering taste of the cuisine.

Although Tashoe took a gentle route, the delicacy itself was too overbearing, thus forming such a blockade.

“Xiaohui, Yu De is beautiful, but now it’s my turn!”

At this time, Alice’s cooking was also completed, compared to the three plates of Kei Tian, Alice only had one plate here, but this plate was very large, and there were more than fifty seafood dishes on it

And there are hot and cold, such a combination is really shocking

But what was even more shocking was that Alice actually lifted the huge tray of more than fifty dishes with one hand.

You know, many of the dishes on this seem to be not very small, plus the number of dishes, this weight is not a joke.

But for Alice’s current fitness, this weight is no different from being as light as a hair.

Just looking at the eyes of others, this impact is very large.

“Ahh It seems that the table of the judges’ table cannot be placed, can we have more tables? ”

After bringing up the stage tray, Alice found that she had cooked too many dishes, which made it difficult to place at all.

In the end, Xue Qixian Zuoweimen also called some of the workers who had already changed their clothes to get a few more tables, and finally put down the huge tray.

“Alice, your cooking is a little too much!”

Saeki Senzoemon said with some headache that Tian Soe’s cuisine is to fuse dozens of vegetables into a small dumpling, but the food made by Aceri Alice is already a big table, which is too much.

“Before the competition, there was no full quota, and I couldn’t do less than every dish I made!”

Alice smiled and squinted.

“That being said, but you have done too much, it is completely a banquet, no, it is much more exaggerated than a normal banquet!”

Xue Che Zongwei looked at his daughter a little helplessly, he didn’t know that he thought that dozens of people had competed, who would have thought that these dozens of dishes were made by one person in such a short time?

And compared to Tian Suohui’s dumplings, the fragrance in the air is too strong now, Tian Suohui’s dumplings taste restrained, there is not much fragrance at all, and Alice’s is a completely different style…

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