Chapter 111 Autumn Selection Ends!!

“Unfinished product?” No wonder there are flaws, but the old man did not taste this is an unfinished product, just felt that there are flaws, both dishes are undoubtedly very outstanding dishes, but one of them has a flaw! ”

Xue Qiexian Zuo Weimen shook his head, he really didn’t taste this is an unfinished product, his only thought was that there was a flaw in this taste, it was as simple as that.

“Anyway, this time the autumn auditions are also a perfect end, after which the video will be placed on the big screen!”

After Xue Qixian Zuoweimen finished speaking, he directly asked people to release the video just now.

This allowed everyone to see what kind of cuisine it was, and although Alice’s cuisine was seen, Tasoe did not see it.

When they saw Tian Sohui’s dumplings, they were all shocked.

“Is this really something humans do?”

On Shijie’s side, Jiu I Teruki asked with a confused face, in such a short time, the vegetable shreds in each dumpling have been woven and adjusted and adjusted to a reasonable match, which is simply outrageous to the extreme.

Not only him, but the other ten masters also looked confused.

“No wonder I used a miraculous technique just now, this is called a miracle miracle without any problem at all!”

Si Yingshi said that he had also seen it for a long time, and he had never added such a terrifying skill.

“I really want to eat it, that kind of dumpling must be delicious!”

Xiaolin gentian is already salivating like a river, no way, she was originally a foodie, it is strange to see such a perfect cooking.

But unfortunately, Tashoe is not familiar with them, including Alice Cherry.

Recently, although many people are close to Tasuohui, Tian Suehui is well aware of what these people’s purpose is, so he simply responds to distance himself.

This practice makes people who want to befriend Tasukei helplessly.

As for Alice Cut, it is even more helpless, and Tian Sohui will also participate in some research institute activities, which makes them also take advantage of it, but Alice has always been at home and basically does not participate in these things.

Coupled with the fact that Alice’s status is here, others really have no way at all, so even if they want to make friends, they can’t find any reasons and excuses.

Even if they had met before, they were not familiar with it, and even the cheeky face of Kobayashi Gentian was completely unruly.

At this moment, Tian Soe didn’t care about the others, but put away the remaining dumplings, and as for Alice’s side, she had no ruts, because making this dish was very laborious and inconvenient to carry.

So she planned to make another copy after she went back, and as for the current one, it had been packed away by a few of them.

This level of cuisine, they will not choose to stay.

Soon, the students who watched the video also left one after another, and it was handed over to the staff to sort it out.

After going back, everyone gathered at Polar Star Liao, which is relatively remote and has many rooms upstairs, so it is undoubtedly the best to have dinner here.

But because there were more than one people in the Xue Che family here, men and women were still separated, the girls went upstairs, and the boys stayed downstairs.

“It’s okay to eat, I feel like my saliva is almost dry!”

Yoshino Yuhime stared at the dish in front of him with dead eyes, this was one of the most delicious dishes that even the Devil Eater King Saemon had ever eaten.

This level of cuisine, she naturally will not let go, now she is really glad that she and Tian Sue are friends.

That’s why I have the opportunity to eat such a dish now.

“Eat, after all, everyone doesn’t need to care about these at dinner!”

Alice also spoke, and after spending some time with the people of Polar Star Liao, she also found that the people here have good personalities.

And it’s not pretentious at all, and there is no false snake like other students.

Even if you are more restrained in the face of them at first, but after a little familiarity, you completely let go.

This also makes her like this environment very much, whether it is Alice or Xue Che Erina, the environment in which they grow up is a steady stream of rainbow farts, all sugar-coated shells.

It’s not easy to find a trusted friend.

There is only one new household around Akira who can speak from the heart, and as for Alice Tsubasa’s side, it is even less, after all, Kurokiba Ryo is a man, just following the class.

Now that there is such a group of friends who completely disregard their identities, Alice is also quite valued.

She also found that this dormitory seemed to have some special charm, and the people here were very frank, even if the cooking skills were not top-notch, but they were also middle and upper.

With the entrance of the dish, Yuki Yoshino directly shed tears for the simple reason that it was so delicious.

“Yohime, although you know it’s delicious, you won’t be so good to cry!”

Seeing her friend with a tearful look, Ryoko Kami was also helpless, but she was also familiar with her friend, and Yuhime Yoshino was usually a person who played a lot.

Her personality is very lively, and the movements she shows are also the same, so it is reasonable for this to happen.

“I know, but I can’t control it at all, I’ve never eaten such a delicious dish in my life!”

A tearful Yuhime Yoshino spoke.

After the two of the Xue Che family ate, there was no doubt that the teaching came again, which was really very helpless.

Fortunately, the location of Polar Star Liao is very remote, and other students basically will not come over, otherwise with such a teaching range, if it is a dormitory area like a normal school, it is estimated that there will be a big disturbance.

“Although I have experienced it several times today, the teaching of the Xue Qi family is really helpless!”

Shen Ryoko, who had re-changed her clothes, said with some helplessness that it was nothing to eat with others, but it would be more expensive to eat with the people of the Xue family and eat super food.

“This is also something that can’t be helped, and it’s mainly because the taste of the food this time is a little too good, and in the past, our Xue Che family’s teaching was not so easy to appear!”

Erina, Sakekiri, shook her head, the time when the teachings appeared in the original book were during the time when Sakuchi Thistle seized power.

In this way, it can be seen how difficult it is to impart the trigger, even the ten masters need absolutely advanced cooking skills to do this, as for the others, then don’t think about it.

The number of people who can trigger the teaching of the Xue family is also such a part of the world, and the large-scale teaching is even less, which is because of the outbreak of Taso Kei and the special ingredients so frequently…

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