Chapter 112 Giving up the position of the Ten Masters of the Shōjo Shō Rina!!

“It’s over, what am I going to do for the next few days?”

A dinner lasted for two hours to end, but after the end of the crowd is eager to cry without tears, the reason is very simple, after eating such a dish, what to do next?

The next few dishes will taste like chewing wax, which they have already won before.

Although the special ingredients used this time are not of high grade, the cooking skills of Naita Soe and Alice Sakuchi are terrifying, so in the end, it is more delicious than any previous dish.

This also causes people who suddenly eat this kind of food to feel tasteless when they eat other things for a while.

It’s not that they can’t taste it, but because they have always kept the taste of these two dishes in their minds, they can’t tolerate other flavors at all, so that eating other things has no taste.

“Then it’s better to just gnaw on steamed buns in the next few days, and you can’t eat anything else anyway.”

Xingping Chuangzhen is very crisp, and everyone else nodded, anyway, they can’t eat any taste, so it’s better to simply gnaw on steamed buns.

After the dinner, the crowd parted.

The next secret realm will soon open, so Xia Ming plans to take a few girls to play and relax.

After all, the two of them have expended a lot of energy for this competition.

The intensity is even stronger than their previous high-pressure training, so they need to relax for the next few days.

Erina, who was stimulated by the two, also tried her best to work hard, but her physical fitness could not support her to carry out such high-intensity training.

So many times her training was directly stopped by Xia Ming, no way, it is not good to cause damage to the body.

Now there is no inheritance of the regeneration master in the hands of everyone, only Butterfly Kanae herself is constantly groping, and the physical quality of Sakura Erina is not even level 1, nor does it have gourmet cells.

It takes a lot of time to recover from your own injury in this case, so there is no need to work so hard.

In fact, Xia Ming can also understand Xue Qielinai’s thoughts, after all, she has always been in the forefront, and now after joining this small group, she has suddenly become the last, and the most important thing is that she will drag her legs.

This made her unbearable, so in order to show herself, she would be so desperate.

From a proud queen who is empty of everything to a little girl who is eager to express herself, such a change is indeed very huge.

By the way, after the autumn selection was over, Saeche Erina found Saeki Senzoemon and resigned from the position of Shijie.

In this regard, Xue Qiexian Zuoweimen did not say much, he already knew the news that Xue Qie Erina had joined this small group.

This news is undoubtedly the best, although he can also get some ingredients from Alice for sale to Shinkai, but this amount is very small.

After all, Alice is not the daughter of Shinkai Sakei, and Alice does not have much affection for Shinkai.

After all, the cause of this family’s affairs is really real in any case.

But now that she had entered the small group, she was naturally able to get more ingredients.

And after seeing the growth of Alice Tsubasa, Saeki Senzoemon is in favor of Kaochi Erina joining this small group.

Such an opportunity is absolutely unattainable.

Therefore, when Xue Qie Li Linai resigned from the position of Ten Jie, Xue Qie Xian Zuo Wei Men directly agreed, and also retained the privilege that Xue Che Li Linai did not need to go to class

In his own opinion, so did Saeche Erina who continued to stay in the position of the Ten Masters

It’s a waste of time.

“I really gave up the position of Ten Jie!”

When the other ten masters received the news, the whole person was not good.

This has just selected the ten masters seeds, and as a result, one of the ten masters took the initiative to give way.

But what makes them speechless is that it seems that the first and second people this time do not have the idea of becoming ten masters, and people only need the privilege of not attending classes to finish.

This also made them have an illusion of ten masters, as if these ten masters were a burden, otherwise how could they feel that these people were disgusting the position of the ten masters one by one?

How much thought and effort they spent when they fought for this position, now they don’t want it directly.

“Since they don’t want it, let’s continue to take the throne!”

In the end, Si Yingshi continued to put it down, but after all, this was the position of the ten jies, so naturally it was impossible to fall directly on Ye Shan Liang’s head…

These people are seeds, but they are only seeds, and if they want to become ten masters, they still need to continue to compete.

It’s just that these seeds have the right to compete for ten masters over others.

The convening of the Ten Masters Race this time also surprised the other students, after all, everyone knew the strength of the Ten Masters and knew the importance of this status.

I didn’t expect that there were still people who didn’t give it up directly, and they were also long insightful.

And the most important thing is that the first and second in the autumn selection directly choose to give up the competition for the position of the top ten, and for a while, the position of the top ten masters seems to have become something disliked.

Of course, such thoughts were quickly thrown out of the head.

After all, according to the performance of Alice and Tian Sohui before, the cooking skills of these two people directly dumped the other ten masters and did not know how many streets.

After all, in the past, the Ten Masters Tournament held between the moons and days had never seen such a thing be taught.

But now it’s not just there, it’s the hyperscale kind.

Before, the two also hung the ten masters up the hammer, and such cooking skills have completely surpassed the other ten masters in the eyes of the students.

Now, those who reached the quarterfinals, except for Alice and Megumi Tada, who were first and second, and Mimasaka Hiroshi, who was scruting in prison, have once again begun to prepare.

The ten masters are selected from these people, so they need to prepare for the battle.

This time, these students also prepared desperately.

Before, they were unlucky enough to meet Tashoe and Kohei Sojin of Alice, and others fought even harder.

After all, it was bad luck and a mortal game before, and now there is no such statement, and in these games, everyone has almost mastered the strength of the other party.

In this case, it is absolutely beneficial for Kohei Soshin.

Kohei Sojin because his ability is the wisdom of the fixed food house, it is said that it is a special ability and not a special ability, as long as the gap is not particularly large, after he has been defeated once, he will quickly catch up, and the horror of growing fast…

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