Chapter 113 Balon Islands Sea Vacation!!

In fact, Kohei’s talent itself is stronger than most of the magicians, which itself stems from Seiichiro’s bloodline.

It is true that such a bloodline theory exists in the world of the Eater, and the Xue Qijia is the best example.

Because of this talent, Seiichiro left him in the small shop for high-intensity training, and even did not let him contact the outside world, single-mindedly polishing Yukihei Chuangzhen.

After Yukihira went out, the growth rate was terrible.

Now, the strength of Ryo Hayama and Kuroki Ryo has been known to Kohei Sogenma, who can quickly catch up with these two people.

This is his ability, which can also be regarded as the convenience brought by the protagonist’s aura.

So no surprise, the final winner of this time the Ten Masters competition will be Kohei Chuangzhen.

Xia Ming didn’t bother to care about what happened in the school, he had already asked everyone’s opinion and decided to put the place to relax on vacation in the Baron Islands.

Mainly because of the butterfly Kanae, and the sea around the Baron Islands is very large, and many places are very beautiful.

So it’s undoubtedly best to place your holiday in the waters near the Baron Islands.

For this vacation, the Xue Che family also prepared a luxury yacht, which was equipped with all kinds of equipment, and Xia Ming learned how to drive a yacht without much effort.

In fact, even if he can’t learn, there is no problem, after all, with his strength, he can easily carry the yacht around.

Of course, it was a little too strange to do so, so he still spent a little time learning.

For his current learning ability, learning this kind of thing is also a matter of minutes.

“Is this really a boat?” It was the first time I had seen such a boat, and it was completely different from what I remembered! ”

Butterfly Kanae said that the ship on their side was very backward, after all, the times were different.

Now that I am under such a modern yacht, I feel a little uncomfortable and very surprised.

After a round of visits, the crowd also showed the video of the game to Butterfly Kanae.

“These things are magical, this is technology, completely beyond my imagination!”

Butterfly Kanae sighed, Butterfly Kanae is so surprised by these things is actually very normal, first of all, because of the problems of the times, and secondly, I think that the cultural level of Butterfly Kanae is actually very low.

If you think about it, they have not learned anything other than writing since they were young.

And after that, it was attacked by ghosts, resulting in the destruction of the family, and after the establishment of the butterfly house, the only things studied were breathing methods and medical techniques, as for other aspects, then don’t think about it, don’t know anything.

So in addition to medical skills and breathing methods, in fact, the cultural level of butterfly Kanae is really low.

Of course, it is useless for her to learn these things, and she doesn’t have to learn them again, Xia Ming’s learning ability is super now, but he doesn’t have the idea of learning these things, it’s a complete waste of time.

If you have this time, it is better to exercise your ability.

After walking around, everyone went to change their clothes, after all, this is on the sea, naturally it is inevitable to swimwear.

Xia Ming had already explored the surrounding sea, and the perception was always on, after all, this was near the Balon Islands, although there were no super powerful creatures, but just in case.

After all, others are still good to say that Saeche Rina is a down-to-earth ordinary person.

However, when changing clothes, the butterfly Kanae almost fainted directly in shyness.

She is different from modern people, and modern people’s ideas about swimsuits are normal, but she was different at that time.

So much so that in the end she just changed to a very conservative one.

But to be honest, these girls are not counted as good looks or in shape, which is also a feast for Xia Ming.

“Irina you’re too slow!”

While swimming in the sea, Alice also said a little, which turned out to make Chercher’s black line on the head of the line.

“It’s that your speed is too fast, well, I don’t have your terrifying physical fitness!”

Erina, Sagiri, said with some dissatisfaction, she was no longer slow to swim, but it was incomparable to these non-human physiques.

“Well, you can do it later, Xia Mingjun, won’t you come down and play for a while?”

Looking at Xia Ming, who was standing at the bow of the boat, Alice cried out.


Xia Ming also nodded, just as he was going to test a small trick, so he jumped directly.

As a result, to everyone’s surprise, Xia Ming did not sink directly into the water, but just stood on the surface of the water, and there were circles of water streaks above the water surface that continued to spread.

“It’s actually standing on the water, what’s going on?”

Everyone who saw this scene dug very deeply, swam to Xia Ming’s side, and then saw the almost inconspicuous vibration of Xia Ming’s feet.

“It is a kind of treading technique, just like a person can make his body float out by treading water in the sea, in the same way, as long as the speed is fast enough, it will bounce up at the moment when the foot steps on the surface of the sea.”

“The feet are constantly alternate, so that you can stand on the water, and there is another way to concentrate the calories on the soles of your feet so that you can float on the surface of the sea or even in the sky.”

“But in terms of consumption, it must be the former less!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that the calorie trick can float in the air, and during this period of time, he also improved this trick, which can directly cover the body and drive people up.

However, on the issue of treading water, relatively speaking, the consumption of using such rapid alternating treading water is smaller than that of directly using calories, and the consumption of calories outside the body is much larger.

It is also because his ability and control of power are placed here, and it is impossible to change to the same level as others.

Now the three of them can already use calorie condensation weapons, but the consumption of the three is not small, and the control ability is not as strong as Xia Ming.

But there are also some more means, which is also very good.

“This kind of thing is not something we can do now, no matter how you look at it!”

Hearing this, Alice couldn’t help but complain that Xia Ming’s completely abnormal ability was something they couldn’t learn.

Although the gap in rank is not particularly large, the gap in strength is still a world of difference.

“Learn slowly in the future, you will always learn!”

Xia Ming said that he also directly stopped treading water, and people fell directly into the ocean, after all, he came to swim and relax, not to develop new tricks.

This is just a whim, so I plan to try it out, and now I want to relax honestly!

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