Chapter 119 is ruthless enough!!

“Another point, see for yourself what he has done over the years, with his current situation, even if you want to get him back, whether he will come back and whether he will listen to you is another question!”

Xue Che Xian Zuowei handed over the collected information to the two, and these things were actually known by Xue Che Zhen Kai, after all, she was also paying attention to Xue Che Thistle.

But Saeche Eirina is completely different, she knows nothing about these things, and after seeing the operation of Thistle over the years, Saeche Erina is also unable to understand, and she can’t understand the significance of doing so.

Over the years, the practice of thistle in the outside world is very simple, that is, it is constantly developing contacts and promoting its own ideas.

Many people in the culinary world actually think the same as him, thinking that high-grade ingredients and high-grade cuisine have the need to exist, as for other things, it is completely useless, I have to say that there are many people who have tofu residue in their brains.

They boast of noble birth so they look at people graded, and Kohei Sojin is the best example, after all, there is no shortage of such people in this school.

These people like to run with Xue Che Thistle, plus Xue Che Thistle’s cooking skills are indeed good, so they have accumulated some contacts over the years.

Of course, if such a connection really wanted to hit him, it would instantly turn into nothing.

After all, these connections are all for the sake of profit will choose to join hands with the Thistle, as for those brain-dead believers and the like, these basically have no strength and power.

“Anyway, contact him, and if he’s willing to give up these twisted ideas and come back, I’ll accept him!”

After all, it was his own fault, although the operation of Xue Qixian seemed to have nothing to do with saving the tongue of the gods, but Xue Qichen decided to accept the other party because of guilt.

Finally, under the gaze of everyone, Xue Chezhen dialed Xue Qiqi’s phone

However, the result did not surprise everyone, because the goods of Xue Cut Thistle were already crazy.

The reason why I repented in the original book was entirely because I was whitewashed by the plot and changed my mind by the cuisine of Sakura Eirina, but now it is a reality

With the paranoia of thistle, just a few words will not be reversed.

And the reason why Xue Che Thistle did this is more because of the original Seiichiro, if it weren’t for the fact that this goods had a son and a daughter, Xia Ming would have doubted whether this goods was gay.

So now after talking to the other party, Xue Che Zhen Rin has no intention of coming back at all, and he is constantly promoting his ideas.

In fact, the current Thistle is even more crazy than in the original work, and the reason is very simple, because of Xia Ming’s intervention.

Although Xia Ming did not have any intersection with the other party, the special ingredients he took out directly changed the entire food world.

In the original work, Thistle chose to keep approaching these ten masters, so as to constantly seduce these ten masters in the past.

I have to say that these students are always just students, and they are completely incomparable with the Thistle who has worked hard in the society for so many years, especially Si Yingshi, who thinks more.

It was directly deflected by the Thistle, but now, the Thistle Cut Thistle has no way to take ten Jie.

Maybe he can still start on Si Yingshi’s side, but others can’t, and the temptation of special ingredients is too great.

Once these ten masters have supported him, where do the special ingredients come from?

The forces of thistle development are too small and too small, and it is almost impossible to get special ingredients from these big forces.

After all, the ingredients that Xia Ming took out are so precious, quite precious, and the price of special ingredients is getting higher and higher with the passage of time, after all, more and more people know

Therefore, if you can’t get special ingredients, there is no way to convince many ten masters.

You know, if you want to change the commander-in-chief, you must also agree to more than half of the ten masters.

The inability to win over these ten masters made Xue Qiji this uncomfortable, so that under such influence, the goods became more dark and paranoid.

Therefore, the appearance of Xia Ming has led to the current changes in the thistle, and it can only be said that the butterfly effect is really powerful.

“As a result, you have all seen that this guy has become more paranoid and crazy, I suspect that he has some mental problems, what are you going to do?”

Sakuchisenzoemon asked, although he really wanted to remove this guy from his own house, but now he left the decision to his daughter and granddaughter.

“I know, I will use the WGO power to interfere, his concept is too dangerous, maybe let him lose everything he can recover some, here also ask the father to temporarily take away his surname.” 」

Xue Qichen also knows what kind of ghost this thistle is, and it is definitely not possible to let the other party come back so easily, but with the concept of Xue Qi, success is impossible, but complete failure is impossible.

In the future, she may not be able to make any moths, so her idea is to destroy everything that the thistle has been able to manage, so that without these things, the thistle may be able to give up this strange idea.

“Wouldn’t this be…”

Erina, Sagiri, was a little unbearable.

“There is no other way but to do this, after all, if he does not lose these things in his current situation, he will definitely not give up his distorted ideas, and it is impossible to come back!”

Xue Qi is also helpless, and now Xue Qi Ji is like a madman.

She can only draw salaries from the bottom of the kettle, and in addition, she can’t think of any other way, if she gets the thistle in this state back, the result will be a black miasma of thistle here.

In the end, Erina no longer said anything, but let her mother do it, because she really couldn’t think of any other way.

As for Xia Ming, he naturally won’t say anything, it’s not his business, even if the thistle is hung, it has nothing to do with him.

But there is a sentence to say, this woman is indeed ruthless enough, and Xue Cut Thistle will suffer next.

“Then do as you say, and at the same time use the energy of the Xue Che family and WGO to dispose of these little troublesome things of him as soon as possible, the surname old man will temporarily remove it, if he can recover, then the old man will return the surname to him again!”

Xue Che Xian Zuoweimen has always kept the surname of this product is not to miss the old love, but for the sake of Xue Che Zhen Kai, now that Xue Che Zhen Ke has said so, of course, he directly deprived the other party’s surname.

The next morning, this matter was directly announced, and now the energy of the Xue Che family is quite large, all because of the special ingredients.

As soon as this news was announced, some forces that were still in contact and cooperation with Xue Che Thistle instantly defected.

Before, I cooperated with the other party for the sake of the surname Xue Che, but now that the surname has been stripped away, then there is nothing to say…

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