Chapter 120 Beach Cave!!

There is no doubt that the painstaking management of thistle over the years will collapse within extreme events.

Xia Ming also didn’t want to pay attention to his business, because a new secret realm had opened.

The new secret realm is also a place that Xia Ming is more familiar with, the beach cave, which is familiar, but Xia Ming is not careless, after all, the things in the world of food and the tiger world have changed a lot from his understanding.

Who knows what other weird things will pop up, so even if the beach cave is not difficult in the original book, he is still careful.

After entering the secret realm, because of his weak physique, Nansai Cei Lina was still unconscious, but he also woke up quickly.

“It’s the IG building again, the mission is to ask us to catch puffer whales, is it inside this building?”

Looking at the huge building in front of her, which was also marked with the word IGO, Alice asked.

“I have seen information about puffer fish whales, which are fish that live in the deep sea and only come to the front beach every ten years to lay their eggs.”

“Puffer fish also live in the shoals as a child until they become adults.”

“And I remember that this should be a very difficult ingredient to cook, and there is poison coming!”

Butterfly Kanae quickly repeated what she knew.

Because she needs to remember a lot of information about biological things, she has been memorizing these things, especially creatures with medical effects and various highly toxic creatures.

And the puffer whale is one of the most poisonous creatures.

Originally, the body of the puffer fish whale was six meters large, but due to the deep sea pressure, the puffer fish whale will eventually be compressed to 50 to 60 centimeters.

In addition to the delicacy is concentrated, the toxins in the body are also concentrated, which can be called a super highly toxic creature, even poisonous people like Coco dare not eat the poisoned puffer fish whale, which shows the horror of the poison of the puffer fish whale.

Puffer fish whales in the world of gourmet captive tigers claim to be able to independently remove toxins from less than ten people in the world.

This statement is only for the general public, otherwise many of those ranked chefs can easily take out the poison sac.

The most difficult thing about blowfish whale cooking is not the operation, but many chefs can control the power after several attempts.

But the key is how to find the poison sac of the puffer whale, and the location of the sac is completely different for each two puffer whales.

Moreover, there are a large number of toxin branches around the poison sac that are distributed in a network of branches, and a little carelessness will cut to these toxins and cause the puffer fish whale to poison.

This is the biggest difficulty, even if it is the current Xue Qi Alice and Tian Sohui, Xia Ming does not feel that they can handle the puffer whale independently, even if Tian Sohui has a super sense of touch.

However, the flesh of the puffer fish whale itself is concentrated, and the location of the poison sac cannot be detected simply by virtue of this degree of super-awareness.

The fact that there are no more than ten people in the original book is an exaggeration, but there are not many people who can handle it.

Now the cooking skills of the two are put into the world of gourmet tigers, which is really nothing, so if you want to deal with puffer whales, you can’t do it without Xia Ming’s assistance, and only if Xia Ming finds the location of the poison sac, they can cook it.

Of course, none of this is now the focus of the IGO building.

Originally, there was no such thing in the beach cave, but Xia Ming clearly remembered that when the four beasts attacked the human world, the beach cave was pushed and destroyed once, of course, only the entrance to the beach cave on the ground was pushed and destroyed, and the underground was not destroyed.

Now it seems that IGO has also controlled this place after rebuilding here, but it is also right, after all, there is no problem in the control of IGO reconstruction, and now Xia Ming is curious about whether he can find anything useful from this before he found anything in the eighth ecological region, he is really curious about what is going on, and what kind of thing-like creature is in the eighth ecological region.

Thinking about these questions, Xia Ming took the lead and entered the building, this time, he did not sense any threat within his perception range, so he dared to take people in.

But the moment everyone stepped into the IG0 building, a strong sense of crisis hit.


Xia Ming instantly pulled a few people out.

He should have thought a long time ago, with the constant urine nature of this secret realm before, how could it be simple.

However, when Xia Ming pulled several other people to leave the building quickly, this sense of crisis disappeared, and such a change once again made Xia Ming a little incomprehensible.

At the same time, just as he entered the door of the building, two more bodies suddenly appeared.

“Nitro? GT robot? How does it not feel like it? ”

Looking at the two figures in front of him, Xia Ming was a little confused, these two guys looked exactly like Nitero, but they had some mechanical parts exposed to the air.

But saying that this thing is a GT robot, Xia Ming sensed the aura of Zhuang Ming from these two things.

This breath of life was very weak, so weak that Xia Ming had not found it when he probed before, until now this thing was standing in front of him, and it was only under careful investigation that he could capture this breath of life.

So now Xia Ming is a little confused, whether this is Nitero or GT robot: it always feels like nothing.

And the most important thing is that this thing seems to only attack people who enter the interior of the building, but as long as it does not step into the interior of the building, this thing will not chase out the crisis induction is a good tester.

Of course, according to the speed at which Xia Ming caught these two guys just now, Xia Ming could be sure that he should not be able to kill each other.

“Xia Mingjun? What’s going on here? ”

At this moment, the others were still compelled, just entered this building, but Xia Ming directly brought them out again, and at the same time, there were two more very strange robot-like things at the door.

“I don’t know, I sensed a crisis the moment I stepped into the building just now, so I took you out, and now it seems that these two things should be protecting this building and preventing people from entering.”

Xia Ming shook his head, this time he really didn’t know, the secret realm can always produce three witnesses who are unrelated.

“So what do we do next? Can the mission still be completed? ”

Erina, Nakagiri, asked with some concern.

“There should be no problem with the mission, the range of movement of these guys should be within this building, although this is the entrance, but as long as there is enough power, it can directly open the road to the underground.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, you can’t go through the entrance, then go directly into the hole, but he still needs to test it, who knows if this thing will run into the underground cave…

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