Chapter 121 A large number of highly poisonous creatures!!

Looking for a place, Xia Ming directly used chopsticks to drill a hole in the ground, leading directly to the underground cave six.

“You stay on top of it, I’ll go down and have a look!”

Xia Ming jumped directly into the cave, and below it was a wide passage in which in addition to the light from the hole drilled above, there were some luminous plants and minerals inside.

It’s just that it is also a very small number of places, and some places in the sky are basically ~

Five fingers are missing.

At the same time, Xia Ming kept his perception open, and finally found that as long as they were not in that building, the two things like Nitro and GT robots would not attack.

Determining this, Xia Ming also called down everyone above, and within his perception range, there was no danger anymore.

The creature level in the six beach caves is not very high, and now everyone’s level is more than four levels except for Erina: “It’s so dark, even if you have a flashlight, it’s hard to illuminate the surroundings!” ”

After entering the underground cave, several girls except for the butterfly Kanae were a little helpless, even if their vision was strengthened, but there was no night vision function.

Their vision is basically enhanced dynamic vision after being enhanced, and they can also see farther away.

But this night vision ability is gone, after all, they do not have Xia Ming’s absolute adaptation.

Strictly speaking, Xia Ming’s cell activation did not bring night vision, but absolute adaptation has long developed the ability to see objects clearly at night.

These are all benefits of absolute adaptation, and others don’t have the ability, so naturally it’s gone.

As for Butterfly Kanae, she is mainly because she is transparent to the world, and the transparent world itself is a special perception ability that can be used even by a blind person.

Others have learned the breathing method, but they have only learned it and have not dug it in detail, so naturally they cannot reach this level.

“Everyone follow closely, there are a large number of lip creatures in the beach cave six Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, the location of the puffer fish whale is still some distance from here, and there are a large number of highly poisonous creatures in the middle.”

At the same time that Xia Ming finished speaking, a very dense sound came from the passage, as if something was crawling densely.

At the same time, it also emitted a foul smell.

“It stinks, something is coming!”

The faces of everyone who smelled this smell changed, it was really smelly.

“It’s a giant Yusong, but this body shape is a bit strange!”

Xia Ming had already seen those creatures, it was a large group of huge entertainment pines, and he also knew that there were giant entertainment insects in this cave, but the size of this giant entertainment insects was not quite the same as the normal giant entertainment pine body that was six meters long to eight meters high.

However, this giant pine is only one meter long than two meters in length, and the crawling speed is very fast, and it has already exceeded the level of this model.

The target of these giant Yusong seems to be Xia Ming and others: without waiting for Xia Ming to start, the butterfly Kanae released her breath.

With her current level of releasing breath, these Yu Song could not stop it at all, and after a coercive pressure hit, all Yu Song was directly stunned.

Because the level difference is so large, even if you want to escape, you can’t beat it.

Seeing that all the giant entertainment pines had fallen, Xia Ming also tested it, but the information obtained was indeed that the giant entertainment pines were correct, but this size and speed were completely different.

After that, Xia Ming once again injected a part of the toxin of the giant amusement worm into the body, using absolute adaptation to make antibodies.

At the same time, he also had an understanding of the toxin of the giant Yu Song, which was stronger than the three dangerous creatures above level 5 that Xia Ming had seen before.

“Different body sizes, abnormal speed toxins, this should not be mutated or modified!”

Xia Ming remembered the IGO building above.

IGO is not a good thing, they will also do various genetic experiments to synthesize some special organisms.

It’s just that the creatures they synthesize are all used for good purposes.

It’s like an underground arena, where the money is sent to some extremely poor non-member countries.

IGO has always been a large organization, and many of the things that many member countries join will also be subject to certain restrictions, such as bailing out poor areas.

Naturally, the member countries do not want the money they paid after joining to be taken by IGO to rescue the non-member countries.

To put it bluntly, they are all for the sake of profit, if a bunch of non-member countries can also enjoy such treatment, then why should they join?

Therefore, the rescue in the original book can only be put until the time of the festival.

Xia Ming wondered if this was used as a testing ground by IG people, which seemed to be not difficult to deal with.

You know, the creatures in the beach caves are highly poisonous creatures, which can be said to live here in bunches.

Moreover, there are also Demon Serpents here, although they are not the original species, but it is necessary to know that the level of the original species is several thousand.

The demon serpent here is weak, but it appears here, proving that the environment here is very suitable for the life of the evil serpent.

A large number of highly poisonous creatures gather here, and even puffer fish whales come to this kind of place to lay eggs, which is indeed worth studying.

Of course, these were Xia Ming’s own speculations, after all, it had been an unknown number of years, and God knows whether these creatures had produced their own degree differences.

The only thing that can be determined is that this thing is still a giant amusement, otherwise the tester will not be able to detect it.

On the following road, the crowd once again encountered a large number of highly poisonous creatures, scorpions and cockroaches and the like, and some very small creatures, good at hiding themselves, hiding on the rock wall of Cave Six.

As soon as the creature hall is approaching, there will be a large number of attacks.

It’s just that now they don’t need Xia Ming’s hands, and the other girls can easily expel each other.

After all, the strength is placed here, beyond these creatures too much, that is, the two guys above Xia Ming can’t get it, as for the rest, it’s very simple.

“Everyone be careful, there are big guys speedy!”

Xia Ming suddenly sensed a few big guys coming towards the location where he and the others were and reminded him.

And Xia Ming also directly used calorie tricks to illuminate the surroundings.

It has been useless before, because using such tricks will burn calories, and it is naturally not necessary to use it if it is not necessary.

But the big guy Xia Ming who appeared this time already knows what it is, the demon big snake, this threat level is not high, just to practice for a few girls, after all, except for the butterfly Kanae, others have not fought much, of course, except for Erina…

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