Chapter 124 The difficulty of cooking puffer fish whales!!

“Found it, but unfortunately there are still many poisoned puffer fish whales, and I don’t know if I can find a way to remove the toxin!”

Dive into the deep sea, Xia Ming found puffer fish whales, which were mixed with many poisoned whales.

This is not because of Xia Ming, the puffer fish whale is very sensitive to the surrounding environment, and the slightest movement will directly poison.

Some large fish swim through here, and some of the river vein whales are stimulated to direct poisoning.

However, there are no creatures in this deep sea that will attack the puffer whales, because there is no benefit at all.

After all, puffer fish whales cannot be eaten directly, and these creatures have no way to remove the poison sacs of puffer fish whales, so puffer fish whales in the deep sea are one of the creatures that will never be provoked.

Unless the other party can resist the poison of the river vein whale, but the poison of the river vein whale is quite terrifying, it is estimated that few creatures in the human world can work with this fear of cloth.

The poisoned puffer fish whale Xia Ming has no choice, and can only catch those who have not been poisoned to catch the puffer fish whale is very simple, completely eliminate their breath, Xia Ming’s secret way is much more terrifying than the trick of killing life.

The whale near the river vein did not move at all, and then used the calorie chopsticks to signal the speed of the sixth.

The only way to catch puffer whales is to point holes, and there is no other way.

Even if it is killed directly, it is not as good as point six, after all, even if it is killed, the other party will not lose consciousness instantly, and the poisoning will still be poisoned, so only point six can perfectly capture puffer fish whales.

Xia Ming made hundreds of simultaneous points at once, directly captured hundreds of surrounding puffer fish whales, and then the task was shown to be completed, and everyone directly withdrew from the realm, but after exiting, Xia Ming summoned everyone to the secret realm, after all, the puffer fish whales have been hungry for a long time, of course, they ate directly, and Xia Ming also planned to test the two GT robot-like things.

He also had the idea of probing before, but he did not dare to put it into action, after all, the task was not completed, in case he accidentally made that thing violent, it would be a bad thing, so he has been holding back without temptation.

This time, first taste the river whale, and then test the next two homes.

Xia Ming was too interested in the things in this IGO building, and there should be something in it, and he was also curious about why this era had become like this.

At first, Xia Ming thought that this secret realm was copied by the system itself, so he didn’t think much about it.

But with the situation of the eighth ecological region, this secret realm is not copied at all, it should be the captive world of food.

As the secret realm continued to appear, Xia Ming was more certain of this, so now he was curious about what was still stored inside.

He also wants to know what’s really going on in this world, so he plans to wait to find out what is going on with these two GT robot-like guys and why there’s life breathing inside them.

This thing was a pure robot in Xia Ming’s memory, but now it had the breath of life.

“It’s so compact that I can’t figure out what’s going on with my super tactile sense, and this time I didn’t hear the ingredients!”

Tasohe tried to find out the location of the poison sac, but soon found that she couldn’t.

The flesh of the river vein whale is compressed from six meters to fifty sixty centimeters, which results in the meat of the river vein whale being quite compact.

Tian Sohui’s super tactile sense is good, but the ability of super tactile is not surprising that it should originate from the small boss world next door.

There is an upper limit, once this upper limit is exceeded, the super-tactile sense is useless, except for the puffer whale, many advanced biological fields benefit the super-tactile will fail, which requires mastery of food and sufficient experience.

Tasuohui’s super touch is useless, let alone difficult to cut Alice, as for difficult to cut Erina, she also does not.

“I can see the location of the poison sac, and the branches of those reticulated poison sacs!”

Butterfly Kanae suddenly said.

“Is it because of the world? Indeed, this trick is indeed easy to see through the poison sac of puffer fish whales! ”

Xia Ming nodded, the transparent world is the most optimistic ability of Xia Ming in the breathing method, his own perception ability is integrated into the strengthened transparent world made of the butterfly Kanae’s breathing method is also developed to the extreme, she can easily see the position of the poison sac and the branches of the poison sac.

It’s a pity that others have not mastered this trick.

“In this way, we must also master the world as thoroughly as possible!”

Hearing that the butterfly Kanae actually saw through these things because of the transparent world, several other girls were envious.

“Actually, I don’t recommend that you put too much effort into the breathing method, no doubt, it is a good perception of the world, but it is only a good black.”

“In your case, the time to understand the world is placed on the food meaning, and it is completely possible to push the food meaning to a certain extent, as long as it reaches a certain level, you can easily determine the location of the poison sac!”

Xia Ming said that it was not easy to learn to penetrate the world, and Butterfly Kanae was directly ascending to the heavens because she had received a reward.

There were very few people in the entire world of ghost annihilation who finally understood the transparent world.

Can Alice and others understand? Yes, Xia Ming had no doubt about their talent, but it would take a lot of time.

Such time to spend out, it is better to directly spend love on the food meaning, as long as the food righteousness reaches a certain level, then it is not difficult to find the poison sac.

It is also useful for other ingredients.

Therefore, Xia Ming does not approve of them learning breathing methods and wasting a lot of time on breathing methods.

“In this way, let’s try to improve the food righteousness!”

Several people nodded quickly, they must have listened to Xia Ming’s words, no matter what, Xia Ming’s eyebrows would definitely not say anything about her.

And these routes are basically taken by Xia Ming, so Xia Ming has the right to speak, and which one is better must be very clear.

“Then try cooking the puffer fish whale now, during the cooking period, Kanae and I will tell you where to go under the knife, you must control the strength of the knife, any slightest deviation will cause the puffer fish whale to poison him.”

“Of course, even if it fails, it’s nothing, after all, the meat of the puffer fish whale is compact, and it is indeed difficult to control the person who cooks for the third time!”

After Xia Ming reminded him, the cooking began, and the first to come was Megumi Tasho and Alice Akiri, and as for Erina, she didn’t have any opinions, it was just a sequence.

According to the location of the poison sac given by the two, the kitchen knife in the hands of Alice and Tadashi finally cut into the body of the river vein whale…

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