Chapter 125 Delicious Fugu Whale!!

“It’s really hard, but fortunately, it’s still within the scope of acceptance, after all, there are not many high-end ingredients that have been cooked before!”

At the moment, both of them are cautious, but for them, the control of power when cooking this ingredient has been very easy.

After all, before the puffer whale, they had already cooked a lot of high-grade ingredients and the meat hardness of these high-grade ingredients surpassed that of the puffer fish whale.

The only difference is that now the body of the puffer fish whale is full of spreading poisonous sac branches, and if you accidentally cut it wrong, it will lead to poisoning, which is completely different from other ingredients.

But this hardness of the flesh is not too much of a problem for both of them.

The kitchen knife smoothly stopped where it stopped, cooking the puffer fish whale requires knife work accurate to the millimeter, and the compact flesh of the puffer fish whale will make the knife uncontrollable, but for the two, this is not a problem, according to the position of the poison sac given by Xia Ming and Butterfly Kanae, the two quickly cut, and soon, the poison sac completely appeared in front of the two.

“Done, the puffer whale will indeed turn golden after completion, this looks so beautiful!”

Looking at the puffer fish whale that became golden after taking out the poison sac, everyone’s eyes lit up, and they had long known the information of the river vein whale, and they also knew that the river vein whale would be golden after finishing the meal.

It’s just that this is the first time they have seen such a change, and it is not only the outer skin that has become golden, but also the flesh has become golden, which is indeed a fantastic ingredient.

“It’s a complete work of art, and it’s even a little reluctant to eat it!”

Looking at the two golden river vein whales in front of him, Dansuo Huiwangkou said.

“In fact, if you are fast enough, take out the poison sac when the river whale does not react, then the color of the puffer fish whale will not change!”

Xia Ming said.

“Is it possible to remove the poison sac before the puffer whale reacts?”

After hearing Xia Ming’s words, everyone looked a little beautiful and always felt that there was something wrong with this statement.

“In fact, as long as you are proficient in food righteousness, this kind of thing is not difficult to do, food righteousness is a very magical thing, and even a master who is proficient in food righteousness can remove the flesh of the fish that is still swimming in an instant, and the fish will not die, but will die after continuing to swim for several years, which is the power of food righteousness!”

Xia Ming said that it sounds ridiculous, but the top chefs in this world can do this to this extent.

The more the world of the tiger is captured, the more exaggerated it is, and even the existence of the Eight Kings level will affect the natural environment.

“This… How is this kind of thing possible! ”

Even if these words came from Xia Ming’s mouth, for several girls, they all suspected that Xia Ming was blowing up!

“With my current strength, I can do this, after all, in terms of food and righteousness, I am already good!”

Xia Ming has absolute adaptation help, his attainment in food and righteousness is simply like riding a rocket, he mastered food more than a year ago, let alone now, and after more than a year, his achievements in this aspect are terrifying.

“No matter how you look at it, it always feels like you’re listening to it!”

Even so, everyone is difficult to understand, after all, it is completely beyond common sense, even if it is placed in the world of food and tiger, few people will believe this kind of words, it is too nonsense.

“When you can do it later, you will understand, it does sound strange now, deal with these puffer whales first, and then eat them together!”

After Xia Ming finished speaking, he continued to let everyone handle the ingredients.

Even Saeki Erina was a one-time success, mainly because they were now too many Komatsu in this period.

Komatsu is really good at cooking during this period, when someone prompts the location of the poison sac, the three girls will not make mistakes at all, and this year’s time is not in vain.

“Done, then the next thing is to eat, ask the guinea whale I remember it is best to use it for sashimi and soup!”

The meat quality of the puffer whale is very good, and it is great to make sashimi directly, and likewise, if it is used to cook soup, the umami of the soup will also burst the surface.

As for fish fin wine, this thing Xia Ming doesn’t particularly like.

Several girls are basically not the kind of people who like to drink, so these two parts are directly skipped.

You must know that the fish fin wine is quite good in the eyes of people who love wine, otherwise Master Jiro would not have run a special one in the original book.

After all, if Master Jiro wants to drink, he can easily get any high-grade liquor to catch the river vein whale because of this mouthful of fish fin wine.

But alas, there are no people who like alcohol here.

Even if there is, Xia Ming is estimated to strictly restrict the other party’s drinking, the reason is very simple, after all, it is very dangerous in the secret realm, and at this time he is still drunk like mud, and the consequences will be serious.

“Fish fin wine can be brought back to the family to taste, but this wine must be controlled!”

Everyone thought about it and planned to go back and give it to their favorite drinkers, but this drink was no better than other ingredients.

These ingredients are not a problem even if ordinary people eat them, but the drinks are different.

Alcohol is such a thing in the captive world of food, even if people with gourmet cells face some high-end alcohol.

So alcohol content is not going to disappear.

The characteristics of some ingredients, such as eating chili peppers that lie directly for a year after improper use, and those who will be drunk for several months after being drunk, are all tangible fruits.

Under the preparation of the three people, a large number of puffer fish whale sashimi and a large pot of fish soup were quickly completed.

“This taste, and this sweetness, is really hard to stop, but unfortunately the cell level is too high, and the puffer fish whale simply can’t make the cells active!”

Xia Ming’s eyes lit up after tasting it, you know, he is a solid and comfortable enthusiast, and he is limited to eating raw food.

But now the smell of the puffer whale really made his eyes light up.

This taste and taste, simply not fantastic, the only pity is that the cell level is now too high, so that after eating the puffer whale, let alone cell activity, even if the level can not be done.

The improvement in physical fitness can be said to be too little and too little, because there are too many levels of ingredients in the past.

If you change to a grade of only one or twenty, you can completely activate the cell again.

But now everyone doesn’t care so much, the delicacy is in front of them, naturally after eating…

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