Chapter 126 Check the reward, appetite condensation!!

“The cheeks are sour, but I just can’t stop, it’s so delicious!”

Erina, Sagiri, found that the deliciousness of the puffer fish whale was completely beyond her imagination, obviously the level was not high, but the result was all the good taste before.

So much so that now even though my mouth is sore, I still don’t want to stop.

“After all, this is a puffer fish whale, and it is indeed quite delicious, completely beyond the level of deliciousness!”

Xia Ming said that the classification of ingredients is based on the location of the ingredients, the difficulty of capture, and the various environments, but this does not include deliciousness.

Some creatures are not of low rank, but they do not have any edible value.

At this meal, everyone ate more than sixty puffer fish whales, originally according to their appetite, eating a thousand is not a problem, but the delicious little enjoyment is on the line, and the continuous eating of the three straight will have some impact.

And the number of puffer fish whales is not particularly large.

According to this way of eating, the puffer fish whales here will soon be eaten extinct.

Blowfish whales only lay eggs once in ten years, and the number of ten years of growth cycle is not much, and it will be poisoned for some reasons, and once poisoned, it will be completely gone


After eating, I remembered that I still had two rewards that I hadn’t checked.

I forgot about the puffer fish whales that were busy tasting before.

Xia Ming directly checked his harvest, and found that he had only one harvest, which was a trick called appetite condensation.

This trick also made Xia Ming stunned for a moment, and he also remembered what kind of trick this was.

In the original book, during the period of the four beasts, Ah Yu and others tried to refine their appetite to form an arcane trick, and directly gnawed the four beasts, which can be described as quite strong.

You know, at that time, the four people were extremely miserable by the four beasts, and as soon as the appetite condensation trick came out, the opponent was directly finished.

Xia Ming has not tried this trick, after all, he is still busy cultivating other things, and the complete inheritance he has obtained now is point six.

So his main focus is on the point.

The point point has reached a certain level, just like Master Jiro, it is extremely terrifying, so Xia Ming’s main energy is on this.

He really hadn’t thought of this move, but even if he remembered it, he estimated that he wouldn’t easily practice these three moves.

After all, this move, even the Four Heavenly Kings were in a critical moment, and they all mastered extremely advanced food righteousness, and the level was broken through a hundred before they joined forces to condense a dragon that could condense on its own, but the strength of the human dragon was placed here.

Now this move was directly handed over to him as a reward, and after receiving it, Xia Ming found that he could release these three moves now.

Moreover, the condensation of appetite is not what Xia Ming thinks of as a ball of eating beans, but a way of energy expression.

Xia Ming can integrate the condensed appetite energy into the tricks, so that the power of the moves will increase geometrically.

Subconsciously, Xia Ming tried it, and then three more golden energies appeared between his hands.

“Xia Mingjun, what is this?”

Several other people also looked at their gains, but when they suddenly saw Xia Ming condensing such a golden orb, they were a little curious.

“This is appetite energy, extracting the energy of appetite, fusing it into other tricks or forming a trick of its own can skyrocket the power.”

“It’s just that appetite condensation is extremely difficult, and the reward I got this time is appetite condensation!”

Xia Ming said a little happily, he could sense how strong the appetite energy condensed was, he had planned to test the two GT robots, but now with this move, it is more stable.

Don’t look at this energy is not very large, but its internal energy is terrifying, at least Xia Ming himself can’t eat this move, yes, as the person who released this move, he knows very well that if he eats the same move, then basically the person is gone, and he can’t stop it at all.

Appetite energy is too terrifying.

“Can appetite energy also be refined?”

Everyone was a little surprised.

“Actually, you can too, but with your current appetite and strength, you can’t do it at all!”

Xia Ming shook his head, it was reasonable to say that even if this trick was mastered by himself, it would take a lot of time to rely on absolute adaptation, not to mention other people.

They want to condense their appetite energy early, after all, this is not as simple as simple calories, but the endless appetite.

People with gourmet cells will have a very strong appetite, but it is too difficult to reach the point where they can condense their appetite.

Not to mention that several of them do not have gourmet demons in their bodies, you know, gourmet demons are also called appetite, and people with gourmet demons are stronger than those who don’t.

“That is, we need to continue to improve, I am used to it!”

Elice said with some helplessness that many of these tricks have limitations, and even if Xia Ming taught her to be red and she was red, it would be difficult to learn.

Just like this food righteousness, this kind of thing is the control of power, but even if they know it and practice hard, the harvest is not particularly large.

It’s the lack of something and teaching.

Xia Ming, a half-hanger, practiced by himself, and taught others that he was a little blind, and Xia Ming dissipated the condensed appetite energy.

Now I don’t dry the fight, and it is useless to keep this energy reserve.

In addition to this reward, Xia Ming did not get other rewards, which is normal, Xia Ming is not surprised, the main thing is that this time the secret realm is indeed not too difficult.

The biggest threat GT robot will not chase out as long as it does not enter the building.

As for other creatures, it is like this, so the reward for this second time is three shares.

“By the way, what’s your reward?”

Xia Ming looked at several other people, the reward he got was definitely the best, but it was only the same, so what about the other people?

“I got a regeneration master basic, which records the basic requirements of three regeneration masters and three knowledge!”

“It’s just that I have mastered most of these things now!”

Butterfly Kanae said that the basis of regenerative masters is nothing more than identifying living things and using the knowledge they have learned to regenerate them, as well as various medical methods.

But these things are all things that Hu Die Kanae is good at.

The accumulation of knowledge has also caught up a lot in this year.

So there are very few places that this foundation can be used in the end, most of which are already met by Diexiang Nae, and it can only be said that it is always the foundation, although it is helpful, but it is not particularly large, but at least it can really get into the profession of regeneration master…

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