Chapter 127 The Cuisine Is Going to Shine?!!

“The reward this time is also something that can’t be helped, after all, you can’t meet the standard of capturing ingredients, this time it’s not just as simple as fighting and killing, it’s not enough combat effectiveness.”

Xia Ming nodded, although the reward was a little bad, but at least it could get the butterfly Kanae into the regenerative division.

After that, Xia Ming looked at the other three.

“What I got is a special chef insight, except for some skills, the human part is biased towards the god side!”

Alice opened her mouth and said that she didn’t know what a Holding Chef was, but she felt very good after receiving it.

“Me too! ×2”

Tasuke and Nanaka also spoke, and all three of them received the reward.

“Chef Sense!”

Xia Ming is also bright, this is a good thing, the special chef is the chef of the small master world, it can be said that the special chef is the top existence, of course, the special chef is also divided into different grades.

And the most important thing is that the masters of that world are all capable of making hair dishes.

This glow is much more awesome than these bells and whistles in the halberd world.

Now that they have this dish, will they be able to master the luminous cuisine in the future?

This time no one received extra rewards, mainly because this time the task was indeed quite simple, and there was not much danger, so it was successfully completed.

“Since the inventory has been completed, you guys leave the secret realm first, I’ll try the two guys above, it just so happens that these poison sacs can also be used!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, the other figures left the beach cave six directly, and the next thing was not something they could mix in.

Don’t look at the fact that the level of others is not much different now, except for the level of Erina, but the difference in strength is still a heavenly difference.

Robots that can bring that kind of crisis to Xia Ming: they don’t dare to touch the mildew very quickly, Xia Ming came to the ground, he has had a lot of ideas in this year, but he can’t put them into action.

For example, if you stand outside the building and attack the GT robot, will the opponent go out directly.

Or completely stealthy aura to attack with other tricks, if you can’t find the target of the attack, then will the other party directly become a target for him to hit?

There is also the breath of life in the other party’s body, so does it mean that the toxins in Xia Ming’s hands can play a little role?

In short, Xia Ming has a lot of ideas, and now he wants the factory to conduct tests.

The blowfish whale’s venom sac has been mixed with the venom of him and the demon serpent.

The venom of the demon snake is extremely corrosive, that is, Coco, the poisonous man has eaten so much to be fine, Ah Yu does not dare to hard take this toxin to attack these two GT robots may be because it is too long, many mechanical parts of the body have been exposed to the air, but it can still operate normally, which shows the high level of science and technology in this world.

After each set of venom, Xia Ming condensed the chopsticks and hollowed out the center of the chopsticks to fill the venom.

It can only be said that calories are indeed quite good energy to be able to condense such tricks.

After filling the venom, Xia Ming did not directly expose the two GT robots, but chose to completely hide the breath, and away from here for remote control, controlling the chopsticks directly from the location of the three mechanical parts to poke the method.

This year, Xia Ming did not observe these two guys less.

I just haven’t dared to do it.

However, Xia Ming obviously overestimated his own attack, the chopsticks on the other side, did not directly poke into the inside, the hardness of this metal was completely beyond his imagination.

Xia Ming, who saw this scene, directly took out the toxin wine inside.

The venom of the Demon Serpent could not corrode the metal shell when it came out, and the toxin could not be injected into it at all.

Although it had no effect, Xia Ming’s eyes also lit up, because these two things seemed to be shaken and hit if they did not find the target of the change.

Knowing this, Xia Ming also very simply condensed a ball of appetite energy again, and the attack power blessed by appetite energy will increase geometrically.

After the fusion, the power of the chopsticks increased greatly, and Xia Ming directly controlled the chopsticks to drill towards the position of the two GT robots.

As the straight line guessed, it will not dodge at all, but after being hit by chopsticks, the GT robot also responded.

Both hands tried to grab the chopsticks, but Xia Ming’s chopsticks were spiral-shaped, constantly rotating, and the other party’s arms could not be grasped at all, but the other party’s huge strength still resisted the chopsticks, and he was stunned.

“Such a hard shell, how many times does this have been updated to make such a GT robot!”

Xia Ming looked at the GT robot that was deadlocked with his spiral chopsticks and couldn’t help but gasp.

This defense is really too strong, the spiral chopsticks he released now burst out with all the power, even the appetite condensation he just learned was used, so that the power of the spiral chopsticks increased so many times that he still stalemated to watch.

However, this stalemate did not last long, under the incomprehensible efforts of Xia Ming’s chopsticks, soon, the metal layer was drilled open a little, which also made Xia Ming’s spirit a shock, although it is now consumed a lot, but no matter what, as long as it is useful, this thing will not rush out to find the enemy, can not find his trace at all, give him enough time, he can always grind, know to grind the other party to the right time.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming simply took out a large number of ingredients from the space and began to replenish the calories consumed.

The calorie consumption of chopsticks released at full strength is very fast, even if the food is not carried out according to the current progress, it is estimated that his calories will not be destroyed by completely consuming one.

So he needed to replenish his calories, and now it’s a protracted war of attrition.

However, the other one that was not attacked did not react, this one did not sense the enemy, and this attack would not matter unless it hit it.

This also gave Xia Ming the opportunity to break through one by one.

Xia Ming was also helpless, such a defense, if he let him fight the other party head-on, the life of the clan would not be enough.

The strength of this GT robot has completely exceeded the standard of the human world.

In the end, it took Xia Ming three days to destroy the two GT robots.

When destroying one of them, Xia Ming found that his induction was correct, this thing did have the breath of life, and there were three things similar to hearts in the position of the chest.

This may also be the reason why GT robots can be preserved and can still act, after getting the two GT robots, Xia Ming also entered the building carefully, and he didn’t know if there were other GT robots: so it’s not a big mistake to be careful…

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