Chapter 128 Unexpected Gain!!

After entering the building, Xia Ming did not feel any danger, his perception was always on, and once there was any accident, he could react to it at the first time and leave the secret realm.

“It looks like it’s all decayed!”

After Xia Ming entered the building, as he had seen in the eighth ecological region before, it did not collapse, but the things inside had decayed a lot due to the flow of time.

It is estimated that the production materials of those two GT robots are relatively special and the same things as those two hearts have been preserved to this day.

After walking around, Xia Ming was also a little helpless, and originally thought that he could find some useful information here.

As a result, all the electronic equipment and other things were scrapped, the paper documents were almost non-existent, and except for a few skeletons, everything else was basically useless.

This also made Xia Ming extremely depressed, but limited Xia Ming to find a material warehouse.

Xia Ming found some windfalls in the material warehouse.

“Is this a lighting suit?” That’s a good thing! ”

Xia Ming also showed a surprised expression on his face when he looked at the things stored in the box, perhaps because of the environment of the storage and the material itself, and now the lighting set of the box in front of Xia Ming is very well preserved.

This lighting set is very special, is one of the technologies of the food age, according to Ah Hu’s words, this set is the overlapping material, during the activity, the overlapping material will continue to rub to generate heat.

This is a pretty good thing for extremely cold environments.

However, soon Xia Ming saw a paper document stored inside, but because it was stored in the box, it was not covered by dust, but because the time was too long, it was estimated that it would be broken.

So Xia Ming didn’t touch it, but from the information on the first page, this is not a simple lighting suit, but an improved environmental adaptation suit.

In other words, this set can not only be used in extremely cold environments, but still in other environments.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming is also interested, but he didn’t expect to encounter this multi-functional version.

However, Xia Ming is not very sure whether it can still be used, although the set in his hand has not changed, but it may no longer work.

So he himself plans to experiment with it.

The suit was quickly changed, and this suit was also full of technology, pure black tights style with blue stripes on it.

At first glance, it feels as if you are seeing a future warrior.

After putting on the suit, Xia Ming came to the sixth cave, the temperature in some places in the cave is particularly low, in a year’s time, Xia Ming has long figured out the entire cave when he came to the low temperature area, Xia Ming found that the suit on his body is constantly generating heat, so that the body can be completely free from external influences.

And because of the special material, it can fit perfectly with the body regardless of height and body type when wearing.

“Good stuff!”

Xia Ming’s evaluation of this thing is three words, good things, although he does not need to use them, but others need them.

Now these secret realms they have experienced are actually relatively normal environments and the like, if they encounter the environment such as polar races and hot summers later, it will be good for Hu Di Kanae and others, because the level can resist for a period of time here, but it is very fatal for the low-level difficult to cut the painting system.

So with this outfit, you don’t have to worry about these problems in the future.

Xia Ming himself doesn’t need it, all kinds of extreme environments only need a little time for him to adapt easily, after all, the ability to definitely adapt to this is still here.

After testing Ichika to make sure that these suits still worked, Xia Ming immediately went back to put the remaining suits into the space, and then continued to look for three things that could be used.

But alas, the rest of the stuff has been completely scrapped, and the base is not very large, and there is very little stuff inside.

There are only twenty sets of this set, but it is already an unexpected gain for Xia Ming, and the harvest is still very useful things.

After making sure that there was nothing that could be used, Xia Ming also put away the two GT robots by the way, and the GT robots were basically intact, but they were scrapped after they had drilled two holes by themselves and the core was destroyed.

As for the other positions that are still intact, the materials used in this GT robot are very hard, and even Xia Ming’s current strength will take several days to fully drill through.

This material can be used to create kitchenware for others.

After that, Xia Ming also called everyone in and said, and everyone also felt very pity for the damage to these things, but they were also surprised to learn that Xia Ming found the suit.

There are gains, and useful ones, which is pretty good.

After that, everyone also tried to wear this suit.

I have to say that this suit is really very good, there is no need to worry about the figure at all, no matter how tall you are, what your figure is, this suit can be worn and fits the body tightly.

However, after a few girls wear it, their figures are also vividly displayed.

“The technology of this era is really amazing, I am really curious about how many things we don’t know!”

After changing into the suit, Alice said very emotionally, as a molecular cooker, she used to deal with various equipment, and she was also very interested in scientific and technological things.

She is very interested in the technology of the food age, according to what she learned before, only to know that the level of technology in this era is very high.

But the specific degree is not clear, but this time it is to see some, and it is this kind of robot that can survive in various environments, which shows the horror of technology in this era.

The technology of the food age was originally very high, and after years of development, just like the suit in Xia Ming’s hand, there was only a lighting suit before, but now, it has developed a multi-energy defense.

Completely adapted to a variety of extreme environments, coupled with this combination of biological and mechanical GT robots: it is quite incredible that it has been able to operate for so many years.

It can be seen that the technology of this era has developed for a long time, but I don’t know why everything has disappeared.

Now Xia Ming couldn’t find any useful information at all.

This may not be known until the system responds or later finds some of the other important agencies of the IGO.

To put it bluntly, this place is only a small building located in Beach Cave Six, and there are naturally not many useful things, but this time the set harvest is indeed a bit surprising…

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