Chapter 129: A New Plan for Field Training!!

“Speaking of which, we will soon go to the field for training, and it is a complete waste of time for us to participate in such an event!”

A few days after returning to the halberd, everyone began to talk about the next exam question.

The various activity topics in the far month came one after another, first residential training, then autumn selection, followed by field training, and the interval was very short.

It is no wonder that very few students survive in this school, and even a few classes can reach the Asian only single digits.

This kind of high-intensity screening basically screens out nine out of ten people by the second grade.

However, now people don’t want to go to the field training, for the simple reason that it is a waste of time.

It is easy for them to stay and study, and they only need to complete the project and their time is at their disposal.

In the autumn selection, Alice and Tian Sohui both only value each other’s confrontation, so there is nothing.

But the field training is completely different, this is to go to work, this kind of activity has a very good exercise significance for other students, but it is not useful for them.

The purpose of the field training is like an internship, so that the students in the school can apply what they have learned.

Otherwise, it is just paper after all, and many students in the far moon are really scummy in this regard.

Although most of the students come from a family of cooks and have a shop at home, most of the students have not helped in the store themselves, which is completely different from Kohei’s high-pressure training in the store.

Just look at Shinto’s sand, her cooking skills are naturally very good, and she is also a top presence in the third grade.

But the result? During the first on-site training, the whole person was blinded by the frenzied influx of guests.

Only Kohei Chuangzhen is used to such a mode, so he quickly brought her on the right track, it can be said that in the first field training, the sand of the new household line was completely taken by Kohei Chuangzhen to take Jie Qin along.

It is not fortunate that Ping Chuangzhen can adapt quickly with the strength of the new household sand, but it will definitely be slower, and there may be some mistakes.

This is the question of experience, but for the three people around Xia Ming, it is completely useless.

Take the restaurant that Kohei Tsunai is in, for example, the biggest problem with this restaurant is how to deal with the huge flow of guests.

Because the customer’s time is tight, it needs to be served quickly, and the huge flow of people and the huge demand for meals have caused the entire small shop to be overloaded.

In the end, I chose the reservation system, and to be honest, this system feels very average.

The so-called reservation system is basically equivalent to eating repeat customers, and this restaurant is not very famous for trying to survive in this way, which is not easy.

Instead of using the reservation system, it will not be changed to a self-help system.

Because the flow of people is very large, people come and go quickly, and guests will not always drag on here, and they will leave quickly after eating.

Therefore, such a buffet not only makes the supply of dishes without problems, but also does not have to worry about whether there will be a loss.

Moreover, it can be adjusted according to the business situation in the future.

Of course, this is the most straightforward method, in exchange for these people around Xia Ming, what they will do is definitely improve the recipe.

It’s too simple for them.

The reason why the store will not receive timely payment, one is because the passenger flow will soar in a short period of time, and the other is because the dishes are more complicated, and the guests will cause the entire kitchen to make two pots after ordering.

In this case, then directly simplify the recipe, after several of their modified recipes, only need to keep a few modified recipes.

It’s like the fried chicken incident that Kohei Sojin encountered in the original book.

A small fried chicken recipe, but can change the fate of two whole Shang Ya Ye Jia Street.

That’s the power of good food.

With the strength of a few of them, keep a few modified recipes and sell only these dishes, so that the ingredients only need to be allowed to be approved, and the dishes only need to be made.

Needless to say, the power of the cuisine they have transformed can easily rewrite the fate of the small shop.

This is much better than the reservation system in the original book.

Therefore, field training of this kind of thing has no effect on everyone at all, it is a waste of time, and the key is that the intensity of this exercise is completely unable to keep up with the intensity of their usual training, which is very helpless.

Something completely harmful and unhelpful will naturally be overdone: “This is simple, haven’t you all got a special chef’s understanding?” ”

“Talk to Mr. Che, open a shop for a few of you, and then make the glowing dishes out during the field training.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, this realization they are still studying, then simply take this opportunity to open a store.

“That’s a good proposition!”

The three of them were all dazzled, indeed, they solved the problem of field training and solved their own problems.

Thinking of this, Erina, Nagiri Kiri, called her grandfather directly and explained her thoughts.

On the other side, the difficult Xian Zuoweimen also felt that there was no problem after listening to it, after all, the strength of several of them was not to mention in the first grade, and now they could not find an opponent in the whole moon.

Therefore, it is completely unnecessary to let them go to field training.

In that case, it is better to help them open a store as they say.

In addition, Xue Qiexian Zuoweimen also planned to put the emissaries selected by this autumn school to be the clerk of this shop.

It can be said that this field study is quite interesting.

There was such an idea, mainly because the students of this class were too outstanding, after all, it was the Jade Age that they had carefully delineated, although the real purpose of the Jade Age had been achieved in advance by Xia Ming.

But the Jade Age naturally couldn’t just leave it alone.

Those who stand out in the fall selection will also get some growth and experience when they are sent out for field training.

Since this is the case, it is better to send it directly to the shop of Sakura Erina, and then the growth and experience can still be obtained.

Moreover, Xue Qixian Zuoweimen was also very curious about what this store would eventually look like.

If the effect is good, maybe he will put such a plan among the next batch of students in the future, after all, the useful experience will naturally be preserved.

Yuanyue’s system has not been completely static, there are good plans, it will naturally be adopted, and Yuanyue has been growing…

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