Chapter 130 Store Operation Mode!!

After Nan Shu Senzoemon agreed, the three of them also carried out a plan for Ichika, and in addition to the three of them serving as the head chef, the kitchen was naturally indispensable for others.

According to the meaning of Nan Xue Cut Senzoemon, then put the sent students into the kitchen in batches, and the others entertained the guests outside, and their high-pressure intensity training was still no problem with a group of students.

Kohei’s biggest growth in his real training is that in Shinomiya Kojiro’s shop, in fact, Kohei Sojin is not unable to keep up with the speed of Shinomiya Kojiro’s few people, but he can’t squeeze into the law.

Kojiro Shinomiya and several helpers in the kitchen have been running in for many years, in this case they are a whole, and they can carry out the work in the entire kitchen in an orderly manner and quickly fill in the vacancies that arise.

Kohei Sojin couldn’t intervene at all after the past, he couldn’t fit in, and several people had a high level of cooking, so they also had high requirements for cooking, and it was normal for Kohei Sojin to be substandard.

However, in the future, Kohei Sojin also gradually followed, such a pattern will only be more obvious in the kitchen of Erina Sakuri and others, and at that time, it will be necessary to test the pressure resistance of these students.

After a discussion and the strong financial support of the Xue family, a very large shop was prepared before the accommodation and training.

The store is large and, crucially, can accommodate up to 500 guests at a time for simultaneous dining.

And the chef is only three of them, which seems to be extremely strange, but now even Nansa can receive so many guests at the same time, after all, this year is not in vain, the other two are even more relaxed.

So this is not a problem at all, but I hope that other students will not collapse when the time comes.

After all, with the cooking skills of three people, the ability to attract guests is very strong, perhaps the number of guests in the first one or two days will not be too much, but with the flow of time Zhejiang guests will be more and more.

If they start cooking during this time, it will be even more explosive, so the other students will have to doubt their lives again.

“You guys are serious about that name?”

Looking at the name of the shop, Xia Ming was a little speechless!

“This is the name we got after discussing, after all, all of this we have now been obtained with the help of Xia Mingjun, so I named the store Lixia House.”

Alice said with a smile, yes, the shop that the three of them are preparing to open now is called Xia Wu, and the name is taken from Xia Ming’s surname.

Listening to the reasons of the three people, Xia Ming was also a little speechless, but he didn’t say much, after all, this is the person’s own idea, and as a name, don’t mix this kind of thing.

A few people visited the restaurant, all kinds of decoration are very good, to be able to find such a place and carry out such decoration in just a few days, can only be said that it is not a Xue Che family.

“I also received the list of students who will come after that, and they are all people who have received high scores in the autumn selection, and everyone else has arranged for Ji Xingliao except for Daigo Aoki!”

Later, Saeche Erina also came up with a list of students who came back to help later, but there were quite a few students.

The people who shined in the autumn selection in the original book came.

Of course, there are exceptions to prison for those who are still eating.

Other preparations were also completed quickly, and the ingredients sold to the outside world were not special ingredients, they could all be purchased in the market, after all, this time it was for exercise, not for selling special ingredients.

In this way, the time came for the second star.

“This is it, this field training is really strange, so many of us are arranged in one place!”

At the door of the summer house, a group of people had already arrived here, and they were naturally the people of the polar star.

“What’s the problem?”

Yukihira asked with some confusion.

“So you should take a moment to understand ah, field training has always been conducted in teams of two, and there may be a single group in the future, and there will definitely not be so many people together!”

Yoshino Yuhime rolled her eyes, although she was almost used to it, she was still a little unrestrained.

“I have understood, but not much!”

Yukihira said with a smile, in fact, he didn’t know much about the situation, all he learned before was the news he got from Shiomi Run, and after he was not perfect, he received a notice issued by the school, and this time the notice issued by the school had already been updated, so he didn’t know what the factory was.

“Speaking of which, this field training is indeed very strange, according to Senpai Isshiki, it starts with a team of two, and then it will be split according to the situation, and there may be a situation where it is a single team, but it is the first time to meet so many people together.”

“And most importantly, didn’t you find out that Megumi is not among us?”

Shen Liangzi opened her mouth to warn her.

“Indeed, Xiao Hui didn’t come back yesterday, so what the hell is going on?”

As everyone was looking at each other, the door of the shop opened, and then Tian Soe came out.

“Everyone is coming, hurry up, I’ll give you a job in the summer house after three clicks!”

Tian Sohui directly beckoned everyone to enter, and the crowd also subconsciously stepped forward, but when they entered the door, the crowd also reacted.

“So Xiao Hui, why are you here, and what the hell is going on?”

Yuki Yoshino immediately asked after her return.

“A? Isn’t it stated in the school’s guide? ”

Tian Suohui asked with some doubts, she thought that the school would explain it, but she didn’t expect the school to just throw the students over.

“Not at all!”

A group of people said in unison, and then Tian Suohui also quickly explained the situation to everyone.

“That’s so, no wonder this field training meeting is so weird, but staying with Xiaohui and you, it is estimated that there will be a lot of pressure at that time!”

Knowing the cooking skills of the three of them, the locals felt the pressure increase.

At the same time, others who had previously scored high in the fall tryouts arrived.

“Hey, hey, Sister Sand!”

As soon as Sadaka Naosu saw Shinto’s sand, she flashed a crazy smile.

This smile is also a goosebump of the new household line sand to see.

During this period of time, she was also very helpless, since Sadaka Natsu fell in love with her, often wrote her various letters, if it were not for the fact that she had been staying by the side of Nansu Cei Reina, causing the other party to be unable to get close, Shinto Satsuko could not imagine such a scene.

So now seeing each other, Sasha Nitoto is also straight and her scalp is numb…

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