Chapter 131 Hell Kitchen!!

During this period, because Sadaya Nasu could not get close to the range of fifty meters back from Tiche, the new household sand was basically inseparable from Sasaki Eirina, so he avoided Sadaya Nasu.

But now because the assessment of the things that must be done will be divided into one piece, this makes the sand of the new household line some scalp tingle.

Although Sadaka Naoru is a beautiful girl, her new line sand is also a beautiful girl, which is very embarrassing.

She didn’t dare to read all the letters she received during this period of time, after all, after reading three or two letters before, the kind of words made her get goosebumps.

She also did not expect that she would change the object of Nao’s worship from Erina, Nasu, Nagaku, to herself.

And Zhenjia Nao’s persistence has become more exaggerated, and he is chasing after him.

But fortunately, the other party will not directly pounce on it, otherwise the new red shazi will really want to escape,

“It seems that the high-scoring members selected in the autumn have basically arrived, so what do we need to do next?”

Ye Shan Liang asked, the gap in strength is so big that he doesn’t even have the heart to fight with the other party, these two are monsters, so it is good to fight between these people, as for the monsters, don’t think about comparing.

“Your work is next arranged by the sand, and in addition, the kitchen needs several people to help us every day, and the others are responsible for the work outside, taking turns.”

After Erina’s words, Shinto Line Shashi introduced everyone to the work, she was in charge of this, of course, she herself will join in later.

In this way, at noon, the summer house is opened, in order to ensure that the level of exercise is enough, so the next time, the summer house will not only open at lunch and dinner, but also open every day from 8 am to 8 pm.

“Most of the dishes on the menu are Chinese!”

Soon, everyone saw the dishes on the menu again, which is actually normal for them to belong to Chinese cuisine, and there are also many recipes in the special chef insights obtained by the three, and these three insights are derived from the special chef, these special chefs are all small masters, which are mainly Chinese cuisine.

So most of the dishes on the menu are now Chinese.

Soon, the crowd became familiar with the environment and changed their clothes, as for the outside of the summer house.

Because there was no publicity, no one was crowded here.

The picture changed after it opened at noon.

I thought that Natsuya’s business might take a few days to ferment, but the three of them were too good at cooking, and the aroma of the dishes they made spread directly to the street.

Under the attraction of such a fragrance, many people come here because of the fragrance and the price of the food in the restaurant is not very high, nor is it to make money: there is no need to set such a high price.

Because of the aroma of the dish, the flow of people is getting bigger and bigger, and in less than two hours, the dining area that can accommodate more than 500 people is already full, and there are some people queuing up outside.

This also caused the students who were waiters to be very busy.

However, fortunately, this group of people is still quite sharp in this regard, plus some service personnel who have been called before, although there are many people in the whole venue, but the order will not be chaotic and the kitchen is here, compared to the outside work is even more terrifying.

Alice Akiri, Erina, and Megumi Tasho can all do high-intensity cooking.

Erina’s physical fitness is the weakest, but she has also surpassed normal people, so she is not weak in these three aspects.

Three people are in charge of being the head chef, while the remaining few are in charge of being assistant cooks.

Today’s few are the same ones who made it to the quarterfinals in the fall tryouts.

But now they are all about to explode, because the rhythm is too fast, and the rhythm of the three is not right.

It is said that it is a kitchen helper, but most of the work of the kitchen is done by others.

“This is completely a battlefield, it can’t keep up with such a speed, how do they manage that three people can make hundreds of people in an orderly manner!”

At this moment, Ye Shan Liang and the others inside were going to explode, and they all died like Tuosan.

But even so, most of the work is still done by three people, and others can only play a role in supporting a loss.

Now they really know the gap, it turns out that the previous game people are playing, and the real strength has not been shown at all.

Only the final duel between the two can be regarded as a full force, but there is no exaggeration in this kitchen.

The most shocking of these people is Kohei Sojin, Chengran Takmi has also helped in their own restaurant, but the intensity is completely different from Kohei Chuangzhen’s small restaurant.

Their small restaurant can also receive many guests a day, and most importantly, there are only two districts.

The Takmi family is also a restaurant, but the high-end restaurant itself is a reservation system, and the preparation of dishes is naturally carried out in an unfriendly manner.

So Takmi is really inferior to Kohei in this regard, not only him, but also several other people.

This is the problem with the environment in which we live.

With the passage of time, although it is past the time for lunch, there are still many people waiting to eat, after all, there is something delicious, which naturally cannot be missed.

Many wives don’t care about meal times at all, as long as they eat, so such high-intensity work has been continuing.

Fortunately, during the period, Erina Sakuri and others considered the physical problems of others and allowed them to take a break, otherwise it is estimated that people will faint directly in the kitchen.

This kitchen has become a hell’s kitchen at the moment, and this kind of ultra-high-intensity enjoyment is a kind of torture for the rest of the three.

Even Kohei, who has always been full of confidence, began to doubt life at this moment, after all, the processing of ingredients lasted from noon to 8 o’clock in the evening.

And guests are not received at 8 p.m., but guests who come in before this are still received.

So by the time they finished their work, it was almost nine o’clock.

“I… I lost my strength and felt like my whole being was collapsed! ”

In the end, all but the three of them sat directly on the kitchen floor without an image.

It’s not that they don’t want to go out and find a place to sit, but because they are completely out of breath after the calendar is relaxed.

Their workload today is like a full day of ultra-high-intensity exercise in the gym, no matter how hard people can’t hold it, it is good to rest a few times in the middle, otherwise it is estimated that the floor has already been corpses…

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