Chapter 132 The Kings of the Scroll are self-inflicted!!

“You guys are…”

The people outside were also exhausted, but they were good and had other helpers, so even if they were tired, they were still within the scope of acceptance, but when they saw a few people working in the kitchen, they were directly blinded.

Now all five of them had left the kitchen, but when they left, the sand of the new household was helped out by Kaochi Erina.

As for the remaining four people, the two-man factory group was directly thrown by Alice and Soe.

Although it looked very sad, they really didn’t want to move at all, and even Yukihei Chuangzhen had fallen asleep regardless of the image, not that he was weaker than the others, but because he didn’t care about this, so he simply closed his eyes and went to sleep.

“Is the kitchen so miserable?” It seems that tomorrow it will be a replacement! ”

Seeing this scene, Yuki Yoshino said that she was a little weak, and it would take any high-intensity intention to make these people look like this.

The five people present: the other four were all strong support, but fortunately Ping Chuangzhen simply went to sleep, too tired.

“This… This kitchen is hell, you’ll know it after you’ve been there! ”

Hayama Liang said weakly, he was the first time to soften, no way, this is completely beyond his ability, he is now thinking about what he will do tomorrow.

Cheng Ran doesn’t need to stay in the kitchen anymore, but this kind of ultra-high-intensity work is estimated to be suffered one by one tomorrow.

“It’s not because you guys are reckless, we all said before, don’t force yourself too much, you will probably have difficulty in action tomorrow!”

Alice said a little helplessly, to be honest, she didn’t have the idea of squeezing this group of people.

It was completely caused by the involution of this group of people, and several of them were concentrating on completing their own cooking.

These few people have been holding on to it when they see that no one is resting, and the result is like this.

“Isn’t it mandatory? That’s fine, you’re too hard to fight! ”

Yoshino Yuhime was relieved, it turned out that they had several inner scrolls to do this, to tell the truth, she Yoshino Yuki would never be so inner-rolled, it was time to rest or rest.

“It’s not your turn to say this, today’s waiter work doesn’t know who is still doing it while complaining to me!”

Ryoko Kamino is also a little funny, although Yuki Yoshino said that she would never roll inside, but when she was a waiter today, she did not stop.

The students who work as waiters outside are basically the kind that don’t accept defeat, so no one stops to rest at all.

However, after their work was distributed, it was not particularly terrifying, so they did not lie down.

Listening to Ryoko’s words, Yuhime cast a resentful glance at the doctor.

“Take a few of them to rest first, you too, remember not to be too reckless in the future, your work is not something that can be done in a day, you need to stay here for a while.”

“And from tomorrow morning, the opening time will be adjusted to eight o’clock in the morning, which means that the daily operating hours are twelve hours!”

Erina, who was difficult, also spoke, there is a living area for employees in the summer house, it is good to have money, and any person can prepare for the degree: “Ten… Twelve hours? Megumi… Tell this isn’t true! ”

Yuhime Yoshino stuttered a little at Megumi Tano, but it was Megumi Tashi who responded to her.

“It’s over, my bed is dark!”

At the thought of twelve hours of continuous work, Yuki Yoshino felt that her soul was out of the woods.

“Yohime, you can rest, go to rest when you’re tired, why do you show such an expression?”

Tian Sohui was a little helpless, and he didn’t want them to work uninterrupted for twelve hours, and rest when they were tired.

The waiters are enough to rest, as for the kitchen, it is the world of the three of them, and there is no difference between a few people and a few people.

Only this time it was to help train the students.

They also know the character of the people, and they will never be lazy, unless they are really tired, so they will not have any requirements.

“Even if you say so, there are so many scroll kings here, they can’t rest at all!”

Yuki Yoshino began to cry as she spoke, no way, there are too many roll kings here.

Just like in the kitchen, the first roll king in the kitchen is Kurokiba Ryo, once this goods enters the berserker form, it is a real roll flying, and several other people want to rest because this goods do not want to lag behind…

After all, Hayama Ryo regarded Kurokiba Ryo and Kohei Sojin as opponents, so naturally he couldn’t see that the other party did more than himself.

Similarly, Kohei Sojin is the same, Takmi stares at Kohei Soma, so she will not rest, and as for the sand of the new household line, she is absolutely not allowed to rest because of the face of Rikiri Eri.

As a result, this group of people were biased by Kurokiba Ryo, the scroll king, so that they became like this ghost.

The same is true of people outside, but if one person does not stop and continue to work, the others will be driven to emotions, so the last one will be exhausted.

“You guys really… Forget it, rest at home! ”

Erina, who was silent by these people, could only let everyone rest early.

In this way, the time came to the next day, and the next morning, although a few people who had been madly rolled in the kitchen yesterday did not say that they could not move in bed, but basically could not do anything.

Because of the crazy internal volume, causing the whole body to be sore, even if it is black and cold, the goods into the Berserker state are painful teeth and mouths.

So a few of them can only lie down and rest, and it is estimated that they will recover in two days.

With such a lesson in disguise, the person who enters the kitchen afterwards must allocate time reasonably.

Rest when it’s time to rest, don’t learn these roll kings, roll yourself up to the point of not being able to move.

Time flowed quickly, and two days later, Xingping Chuangzhen and several people also regained some vitality, still sore, but at least it did not affect the action much, so one by one began to work again.

Under the pressure of such high-intensity work, his progress flew.

Especially when working in the kitchen, because they can still observe the movements of Alice and a few of them, although they are fast, they can always learn some skills plus their talent is not weak, so one by one is like a dry sponge that frantically absorbs the water called knowledge, skill and experience.

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