Chapter 134 New Kitchenware!!

Not only has Tasoe become like this, but so has Sakura Erina on the side, don’t look at her usual arrogance like a queen.

But in this regard, she was not much better than Tasoe, and now her face was flushed.

Only Alice was the only one who was grinning.

“By the way, Xia Mingjun, our luminous cuisine has been completed, do you want to taste it three times?”

Alice asked quickly.

“Well, I already know, after all, I waited outside for a while and saw the flickering light inside the summer house.”

“But before that, I want Pa New Guinea’s kitchen to hand over to you!”

Xia Ming said and patted the package on his body, after all, there are other people here, and he is not good at taking things out of the space directly, so he directly put it in a package and brought it over.

“Have you built the new kitchenware?”

The three of them were shocked when they heard it, and after Xia Ming got the wreckage of the GT robot, he planned to use these materials to recreate a new kitchen knife for the three.

After all, this material is very hard, this level of material is definitely not a human fruit, not surprisingly should be the material of the gastronomic world.

As for why it appears in the human world, the road between the human world and the food world is opened in the end of the original work, which is actually very understandable.

It’s just that most of the secret realms encountered by Xia Ming and others belong to the wilderness, so they have not encountered these things.

This time he went to build kitchen utensils.

“Well, it’s done, to be honest, it’s a great waste of my work!”

Xia Ming did not say anything this time, creating these three kitchen knives this time really cost him a lot of love experience.

After all, this material was a material beyond the human world, and Xia Ming did not find a suitable grinding material.

In the end, he can only use his own calories as abrasive materials, which leads to his consumption during this period of time, either grinding or replenishing energy.

This is the result of absolute adaptation to the continuous improvement of the Melk flow casting knife method.

Although he does not accept much of this part of the inheritance, because he is absolutely adapted, he will not be completely limited to these aspects, and even if he wants, he can spend some time researching other kitchenware production methods.

This is the domineering point of absolute adaptation, and it is precisely because of this that three kitchen knives were completed in such a short time.

Xia Ming said and took out three kitchen knives and handed them to the three people.

“Be careful when using them, the sharpness of these three knives is not at all comparable to the ones you used before!”

Xia Ming said with a serious face, these three can easily cut the entire Xia House with a random wave, even with the strength of Erina.

So this is no joke, but after all, the three of them have been training for a year before, and the use of this kitchenware is still easy to master.

All three knives are wrapped in three knife pins, which are also made of GT robot materials, enough to wrap the terrifying sharpness of these three knives.

In terms of knife pins, Xia Ming did not do more processing, so the knife pins of the three knives are all stainless steel.

“What does the new kitchenware look like?” Let’s see! ”

Yuki Yoshino ran directly to Tian Soe and said with a curious face.

Seeing the curious eyes of everyone, Tian Sohui pulled out the knife a little, just a little, but because of the first use, it was impossible to determine the situation of the knife, and the sharp blade cut through the air to form a vacuum slash on the floor above the ground and was instantly torn open with a two-meter-long smooth incision.

Seeing this scene, Tian Sohui also narrowed his pupils, and then carefully returned the knife to the knife pin.

The first time she used it could not be accurately controlled, but in the first time she had already determined the sharpness of the knife, so when the knife was completely returned to the knife pin, there was no such situation.

“Fake… Fake it, how can this be so sharp, just pull out three points and open the floor! ”

Looking at the cracks in the floor, everyone was shocked, although most of the people here have been exposed to special ingredients, but this does not mean that they can accept such terrifying kitchenware.

This is just pulling out a little to cause such damage, this is if you wave it with all your might, think of this picture everyone is fighting a cold war.

And the most important thing is, does this kind of stuff and horse really exist in this world? It doesn’t look like a normal person can be afraid of it anyway.

“These three knives have cost me a lot of effort, and the sharpness is certain to make mistakes the first time in your case, but I will be able to master it quickly.”

“But as long as the knife is still in the knife pin, there will be no danger!”

Xia Ming explained again, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

“It’s okay inside the knife pin, Xiaohui, can you show me?” I promise not to pull it out! ”

Yuki Yoshino said with some curiosity that there was nothing wrong with the relationship between them, as long as they didn’t pull it out.

“No, you can’t hold this knife!”

In the past, Tasuo would not refuse, but this time absolutely not, because she had already felt the terrible weight of this knife.

“Not really, each of the three knives weighs more than a hundred kilograms, which is the minimum weight I can drop!”

Xia Ming also spoke, and the weight of the GT machine wood exceeded Shi He’s imagination.

So the same is true of the kitchen utensils that are made, and each knife weighs more than a hundred kilograms.

Such a weight, handed over to anyone but the three people, can not move, and a hundred kilograms condensed in this small knife, it is even more terrifying.

“I… One hundred kilograms?! ”

A group of people exclaimed again, what kind of fairy knife is this, even if the sharpness is so explosive, it is still so heavy.

“Is this weight serious? And since these three knives are so heavy, then Erina-sama, you…”

Mito Yumei said that there was no further talk at this point, and the others were overreacting.

How strong is the strength of the three people who can easily pick up these knives? However, they thought about it carefully and seemed to have no problem, after all, the three of them had shown that kind of inhuman physical strength in the kitchen during this time.

That’s not something that normal people can compare, so if you think about it, isn’t it normal to be able to pick up these three knives?

Among the three, even Erina’s use of this knife will not feel difficult, after all, the breathing method she cultivates is improved by Xia Ming, and the current physical fitness to use this knife is naturally not a problem…

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