Chapter 135 The Last Day, the Pillar of Light through the Heavens!!

“It’s really exaggerated, we can’t use this kind of kitchenware in this life!”

Looking at the kitchen knives in the hands of the three people, the others said that although they were hungry, they were still a little counted.

“By the way, according to Xia Mingjun, aren’t these knives created by Xia Mingjun yourself?”

Suddenly some people realized this problem, and they all cared about the horror of the shock knife, completely ignoring that this knife was created by Xia Ming.

“It is true that I made it, but don’t think about it, you can’t use the knife I created, otherwise it may be difficult to save your life!”

Looking at the eager eyes of a group of people, Xia Ming directly refused, after all, the relationship with these people is not very good.

And Melkeliu’s kitchen knife, even if it is ordinary, is not something that ordinary people can use casually.

Without precise control of force, using this kitchen knife is a curse.

Casually a knife can cut the plate and the stove, maybe if you accidentally cut yourself, then it is really me who killed myself, so no matter from which aspect, Xia Ming will not build kitchen knives for other people.

“By the way, let’s cook each dish now, since Xia Mingjun has returned, it is natural that Alice has reminded her again, but before she can finish speaking, Xia Ming shakes her head.”

“I’m really interested in your cooking, but I’m not going to eat it now, it’s two days before the end of your field training, take advantage of these two days to get familiar with the kitchen utensils, and on the last day I’ll taste your hopper again!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that although he could already get out of the luminous cuisine, Xia Ming also hoped that the three kitchen knives could be used, which was also a statement that the three people were now even more energetic.

“Then please ask Xia Mingjun to look forward to our results!”

Alice took the kitchen knife and said with a determined face that she planned to sprint one last time, and the momentum was already there.

Not only her, but the other two are also holding their breath, and the other people who saw this scene also twitched the corners of their mouths, very good, these three appearances are also going to become the king of the volume, and in the remaining days after that, the three of them riveted their training and improvement.

Until the last night, the store closed early, and on the last night, many people were not invited, except for the students and staff working inside, the only guest was Xia Ming.

Originally, everyone planned to invite the family, but if you think about it carefully, forget it, because once the people of the Xue Che family are invited, it will be very frequent, so the dinner party is a dinner for everyone inside.

Although Erina, Erina, and Alice, are both members of the Erina, but this year, Xia Ming also let them try to control the teaching.

Imparting is a kind of delicious pulse, and after tasting the ultimate delicacy, an invisible fluctuation is formed to spread out, which spreads to others.

But since this pulse can be resisted, can it be controlled?

In the course of a year, the two have also successfully achieved this, and can control themselves from releasing the teaching pulse.

So now you can eat together with two people and don’t have to worry about eating too delicious food will release the transmission pulse.

But other people who are difficult to cut the family can’t do it, and once they invite others, it is naturally impossible to miss the people of the difficult family, so this time there is simply no invitation, and they can have a dinner inside.

All those involved in Natsuya’s work were invited this time, and a series of dishes covered with hoods were brought to the table.

There were now only three people in the kitchen, and as for the others, they were all now sitting at the table waiting to eat.

Cheng Ran’s hood has not been lifted yet, but everyone knows the deliciousness of this dish, after all, the aroma is constantly spreading.

But the dish has not yet been served, and the last three have not yet arrived, so naturally it is impossible to eat directly.

After putting up with it for a while, the dishes were finally ready, and the three dead people in the kitchen finally arrived.

“Everyone, thank you for your help for this period of time, let’s eat now!”

As Alice’s words fell, everyone couldn’t wait to open the lid on the dish.

Suddenly, a large amount of light gathered, and then converged into a pillar of fear.

At the same time, there are many people outside the summer house, although the summer house has explained that it is a student-owned shop and will be closed after this field training, but there are still many people waiting outside.

And this rich fragrance also attracts many people.

This pillar of skyrocketing light was also seen by the people around it for the first time.

Even not only the people around, because the pillar of light is too large, so people in the city can basically clearly see this pillar of light soaring into the sky.

The scale of this pillar of light is even more exaggerated than the two sticks of the battle between the small master world Luo and the master combined.

“What kind of dish is this to burst out such a light, converged into such a pillar of light, even the building can’t stop it and rush out directly!”

Looking at the pillar of light through the sky, everyone was shocked.

The matter of glowing cuisine is already known after a few days of fermentation.

In order to prevent trouble, the three of them also gave WGO information about the glowing dish.

Although they are not afraid of trouble, they will still be disgusting if they continue to be in trouble.

And even if you know these things, it is too difficult to do it, just look at other students, you can’t grasp the key at all.

And they also want to see glowing dishes bloom everywhere, but unfortunately this is unlikely to happen in a short period of time.

The information was handed over to WGO’s attention and was naturally transferred to WGO’s side.

Therefore, no one wants to come to the trouble of the three people, after all, this is the cherry blossoms.

As a place controlled by the Tu Emperor’s Xue Qie’s family, the people who had been cooking late at night had already learned their lessons.

So naturally no one will take a second lesson.

It’s just that the most crazy people are late-night cooks, because the information is in the WGO, and they are not recognized by the WGO.

In the original THEBLUE, there were late-night cooks who participated because the hard real dish had lost his patience.

That’s why she lets late-night cooks in.

But the current hard and sincere dish has long been restored, and naturally such a thing will not be done again.

So much so that late-night cookers have a hard time getting first-hand information.

By the time these things come out, others are estimated to have begun to grasp this kind of things.

Therefore, late-night cooks are very helpless, and even some late-night cooks try to lose their identity as late-night cooks.

It can only be said that luminous cuisine is indeed particularly attractive, and it is also a huge impact on the culinary world of the halberd world.

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