Chapter 136: Humanoid Cheat!!

This meal, even if no special ingredients are used, but the taste of the dish cooked after such a level of cooking is completely sublimated.

Although others have not tasted the cooking skills of the three during this time, this time it is really delicious to the extreme.

“I didn’t expect ordinary ingredients to be able to make a taste that is not inferior to many special ingredients, and this full sense of happiness and satisfaction is really great!”

Everyone can feel a sense of satisfaction and happiness after eating, which is the mainstream of the Xiaochen family world.

Of course, not all special chefs can make such a taste, such as the dark world, most of their cuisine is limited to delicious, and don’t think about the rest.

It’s just that what the three of them get is normal, so the prepared dishes will give people a sense of happiness and satisfaction.

“The summer house will be closed after today, it’s really a little reluctant!”

As the first restaurant he opened, plus it is still named after Xia Ming, it is somewhat reluctant.

“In the future, if you are interested, you can come over at any time, and the restaurant will run here anyway!”

Xia Ming said that this restaurant will definitely be preserved without accident, and the three of them may have time to open three times too fast in the future.

“That’s what it says!”

All three of them nodded, and indeed there was no problem.

“This time our improvement is also very significant, and now I can completely abuse myself two weeks ago!”

Ryo Hayama opened his mouth and said that these two weeks were a period of transformation, just like the internship at Kojiro Shinomiya in the original book of Kojiro Kohei, and the time of Kohei Somasa entered a period of change.

After returning to the far moon, he began to absorb nutrients like crazy, and thus grew rapidly in the next things.

Now Ryo Hayama and others have also successfully reached the transformation period in Natsuya, and the accelerated growth of this period of time has allowed them to learn a lot of things, and now the three of them have rapidly approached Jie.

After all, they are not Tian Suohui and the others, following Xia Ming, and there is still enough time for the culinary inheritance, so their growth has only accelerated a little under the influence of Tian Suohui and others.

“Hayama, let’s have a halberd after you go back!”

Xingping Chuangzhen said with some burning eyes, he obviously did not compete with the other two in the original book to win the championship, but after a period of getting along, he also knew that he was indeed three points away from Ye Gongliang, but this gap was almost negligible, so he would keep staring at Ye Shanliang.

“And me, I’m going to trample you two under your feet!”

Kurokiba Ryo on the other side also entered the berserker form at this moment, and sparks splashed between these three people.

Now don’t get rid of Tian Suohui and the others The strongest are indeed a few of them, but it will not be necessary after a while.

Don’t forget, Sand Nito has been following Erina.

Now Kurokiba Ryo is basically not Alice’s follower, although everyone in Polestaro can often see Tasuohui, but it is impossible for the Kai clan to follow Hisukei until late.

Shinoto Sashi, on the other hand, as Nana’s secretary and friend, has been following Nana’s side with Nana.

Sakai Rina stayed with Xia Ming and the others.

So it is no surprise that the cooking skills of the new household sand will improve at the speed of a rocket.

Even if Shinto Line Sand is not part of their team, staying together can learn a lot.

A little more time, not surprisingly, Kohei Chuangzhen and all three of them will be crushed by the sand of the new household.

Even if there is a protagonist aura, it is useless, after all, this is not the original work, Ping Chuangzhen can even be in the later period of time because the protagonist Yuanhuan touched the ceiling of the food load world cuisine industry in a short period of time.

But the ceiling of the Eclipse World is actually like this, as long as there is enough time, the new line sand can easily break through this layer of ceiling.

As for the other three, let alone that, the ceiling now had no idea how many floors it had been broken by them.

This time, everyone who participated in the summer house field training can say that the cooking skills have skyrocketed, and the next period of time will be opened quickly due to the conscientious period.

After eating, everyone rested for a while and then went to play cards, after all, their field training has ended, and then it is time to rest, but unfortunately there are not many entertainment facilities here, you can only relax by playing cards and the like…

But after a while, everyone didn’t understand.

“Xiaohui, you are always winning!”

After a few rounds, on Tasoe’s side, Tashoe once again won, which led to Yuhime Yoshino and Ryoko Kami and others falling in love.

Winning consecutively is nothing, many people can do it, but winning consecutively by an overwhelming margin, that’s a problem.

“Actually… It’s because I wrote down the cards! ”

Tasohue said a little embarrassed.

“Wrote down the cards? What do you mean? ”

Shen Liangzi’s face was confused, she seemed to have heard any unbelievable operation.

“In fact, every card looks the same, but there will be some subtle differences.”

“If you look closely, you can see the features on these cards.”

“So when I play cards, I already know what cards you have in your hands!”

Tian Suohui said a little embarrassed, to be honest, she didn’t mean to show off, nor did she do it intentionally, but because she got used to it.

Just like observing ingredients, this meticulous observation has become a passive skill, so she just recognized it very easily.

So that when playing cards, the cards in everyone’s hands are transparent in the eyes of Tian Sohui, as long as her luck is not too bad, then it is impossible to lose the cards, or luck will not affect this aspect of things, otherwise the consequences are even more terrible.

The current Tashoe and the others are completely humanoid cheaters, and Coco, who is almost like Coco, with his ability as a food demon, can be described as an invincible existence in the food casino.

And the most important thing is that Coco is not just about using ability: people’s brains are also quite useful, and they are a wise man-type character.

The original dish Bubeara was calculated by Coco.

Now that they are playing cards, everyone already knows what cards you have in your hand, and if you want to lose, you can only be unlucky.

“Also… Can this still be the case? How the hell is this to see it, I look at it without any difference! ”

Yuki Yoshino kept looking at the cards in her hand, how could she not see any difference?

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