Chapter 137 Xue Cut Thistle is Crazy!!

“Look closely, this position is a little more protruding than the other cards!”

Tashoe said, pointing to one of the positions of a card in Yoshino’s hand.

“Is there? How can I not see it at all? ”

Yuki Yoshino kept looking through the two cards, but she could not see where the bulge that Megumi was talking about.

“Don’t look, can’t see, Xiao Hui’s vision is much stronger than yours, and their five senses are completely beyond the understanding of ordinary people, so you can’t see it!”

Xia Ming said with some amusement that this level of vision is not a special ability, but a simple enhancement of the process of continuous improvement of food cells.

But even so, the five senses after strengthening are also very terrifying, completely beyond the normal person’s model.

So much so that such a subtle difference is now completely invisible in the eyes of Yuki Yoshino and others, but they can easily recognize it.

“Good… Good words, good envy, this is a humanoid microscope! ”

Yuki Yoshino said that she was really quite envious, but unfortunately, she could not get it, unless one day she could enter the secret realm, but this rate was estimated to be small.

In the end, the 22 people directly joined forces and wanted to defeat the three humanoid beings as a whole device, but unfortunately, the luck of the three people was not very bad, so the result was that they could not win at all.

These people lost all night and lost their temper.

After the field training of Xia Wu was over, everyone returned to the campus again, although the other students would not finish waiting for half a month, but several of them had begun to challenge each other and set their eyes on the second-year students, but soon Xia Ming received another breath.

That’s hard to cut thistle crazy, that’s right, hard to cut thistle crazy.

Originally, this guy had a problem in his heart, so many years of business in such a short period of time, all the plans were completely unworkable, plus the betrayal of so many people, and finally he went crazy.

People’s endurance is limited, and difficulty itself has great problems, and others are relatively shady species.

The original Seiichiro thing made the goods gloomy, and then the things that were difficult to understand the real dish were another fuse.

And now, all the fire was extinguished in an instant, so that the goods could not bear it and went crazy.

“This really makes people not know what to say, Elena, you’re all right!”

Xia Ming looked at Erina, who was extremely afraid of thistle, but she was a person who longed for family, so even if it was difficult to do all kinds of things in the original work, she finally forgave the other party.

Now Hard-cut thistle is crazy, and I don’t know what will happen to Erina.

“I’m fine, Chengran was hard to accept when I got this news at first, but now it’s much better, can Xia Mingjun accompany me to see my father three times?”

After taking a deep breath, she asked, “Hard-cut Thistle is a father to her, but also a huge shadow.”

Even if she became stronger, she didn’t need to be afraid of the other party, but this shadow left by her from childhood could not be directly eliminated after becoming stronger, and Xia Ming was now a pillar for her.

She wanted to see her father, so she wanted Xia Ming to accompany her.

“That’s fine, by the way, where is your father now?”

Xia Ming is also very interested in what the thistle has become now, after all, this guy is notoriously annoying in the original book.

There is no self-consciousness of being a father at all, and even persecuting his daughter with some garbage ideas, this kind of person, even if he is whitewashed later, it is estimated that few people will like this role.

Xia Ming naturally hated this guy very much, so now that he heard that this cargo was crazy, Xia Ming was also curious about what it had become.

It just so happened that Erina, who was going to go over and take a look, he would not refuse.

“My father has been sent back to Sakura’s side and is being treated in a psychiatric hospital, but I heard from the doctor that he is very seriously ill!”

Nanaka also explained the specific situation.

Then check it out!

Xia Ming nodded, as for Alice and Tian Soe, she did not follow, she could also see that Yache E was wearing the skin now.

Tian Sohui is an outsider: it doesn’t matter, she naturally won’t go.

As for Alice in the difficult cut, she hated the difficult thistle as a person, so she did not plan to go with it.

In this way, Xia Ming and Nansu cut Erina and Shinto Hongsha Trio Factory went to the hospital.

Needless to say, the sand of the new household line is that she follows wherever she goes.

In addition, there was another person: hanging tens of meters behind everyone, this person was naturally the Zhenjia Naxu.

Both Xia Ming and Erina, Nakagi Kiri, could easily find each other.

In fact, Shinto Shazi also knows that the other party follows, after all, it is not once or twice, and the other party will follow wherever she goes, but she has no rut, there is no way at all.

To be honest, the sand of the new household line is already numb, but fortunately, the other party can’t keep up after getting on the car.

After all, they are all in special cars, and in this case, the Zhen family lineage will naturally not be able to continue on the road.

After getting into the car, both of them could clearly see the relief of the new household.

“Line sand, you better find a way to solve the matter of Zhenjia Naxu, otherwise it is not a way to follow all the time!”

Erina, Nakagiri said, looking at Shinto Shazi.

“Lord Elina, if I could, I would have solved this matter a long time ago, but this guy is like a brown candy, there is no way to do it!”

Xinhu line sand is really helpless, even if she goes to scold the other party, the other party is also a face of worship, which is completely the type of oil and salt.

“This is simple, you just take her as your subordinate, and then throw most of the things in your hands to the other party to do, and slowly become better!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth, this matter is also very easy to solve, and now the new household Wei Shazi is the object of worship of the Sadaka Natsu, and also the existence of the spiritual pillar.

So as long as the new household line sand accepts each other, and then throws a bunch of things to the Sada Nao, according to the current Sada Nao’s personality, it is estimated that it will be meticulously completed, so that the new household sand will be idle.

And with the passage of time, after all, it has been followed by the sand of the new household line, and the quality family will naturally not make any unusual mold.

To put it bluntly, Sadaka’s Naosu is not a love aspect to Shinto line sand, but an adoration.

This kind of worship originally originated from Erina, but now it is transferred to Nitoshi Sha and aggravated, so you only need to leave the other party to slowly solve this problem…

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