Chapter 138: A New Secret Realm Opens and Newcomers Arrive!!

“Can this still be the case? I know, I’ll try it later! ”

Shinto Line Sand is also stunned, she has always tried to avoid each other, after all, Sadaka Naomi’s state is too scary, but now that she thinks about it, it seems to be the same.

Maybe this time you can get a right-hand man, so why not give it a try?

In this way, the three of them quickly took a car to the mental hospital where the difficult cut was originally outside the cherry blossoms, but after going crazy, they were picked up, and now they live here, and they can come out when it is good, but according to the doctor, the condition of this product is very serious.

This requires a long period of treatment, and the possibility of cure is also very low, so there is a high probability that Xue Che will have to live here in the future.

But he doesn’t have to worry about anything, after all, the cost is borne by the family, and raising a person is not a problem, and the three cents of life cannot be consumed.

When I saw thistle, the difficult thistle was in a room specially prepared for the mentally ill.

The walls and ceilings of this room are wrapped in sponges, and as for the thistle, it seems that her mood is still relatively stable, and she is sitting on the floor in a daze.

But soon, the hard thistle began to go crazy and began to find ways to destroy the surrounding things, but this goods only seemed to destroy other things, and would not hurt themselves, so the doctor did not have to worry about Ren in this room.

And someone stared at this goods at any time, apparently deprived of their surnames, but it was difficult to cut the family before, so specially arranged for people to watch this goods to prevent accidents.

“It looks really serious!”

Looking at the appearance of the thistle, Xia Ming said that it is comfortable now, and it is not bad that this goods are like this.

“It’s really serious, and he can’t stand the stimulation of the outside world, so no one can visit, and someone visited before, which made his mood even more irritable!”

The doctor is very calm, after all, after so many years, what kind of people have seen, this is not the most serious.

“Since you can’t visit, forget it, I’m better!”

After staying for a while, Saeche Erina also opened her mouth, unable to visit, then only a glance.

To tell the truth, now that I see my father become like this, the fear in my heart has also been diluted a lot.

After all, the current Thistle is already a lunatic.

After leaving, the crowd rested for a few days, and the new secret realm was opened again.

The secret realm opened this time is the first ecological zone, which is the most dangerous of the eight ecological zones of IGO, but referring to the situation of the previous eighth ecological region, Xia Ming is not sure what the first ecological region is.

However, there have been so many incidents, he has long been accustomed to it, and there will always be a calendar for soldiers to cover the Water King.

After the secret realm was opened, everyone came to the secret realm again as before.

The place where they appeared was a huge forest of mushrooms, which was suddenly the mushroom forest in the eighth ecological zone.

“There are a lot of mushrooms of all kinds, and they are all very big, but most of them are edible!”

Looking at the surrounding situation, everyone suddenly felt as if they were on the phone, after all, this forest is made of colorful mushrooms.

“Guys, can you tell me who you are? And what exactly is this place? ”

Just when several girls were observing the mushrooms around, Xia Ming also stared at another figure, no accident it should be a newcomer, looking a little familiar, of course, Xia Ming mainly noticed her ears, because this ear is completely different from normal people.

The other party’s ears were pointed, and the moment he saw this kind of ear, two words popped out of Xia Ming’s mind, elf.

“Is it a new person?” But the ears look so strange! ”

Everyone’s attention was also drawn, and they also noticed each other’s ears, but Hu Die Kanae obviously didn’t know what pointed ears represented.

“Such ears, can it be said that they are elves?!”

The other three people recognized it, after all, they are all modern people, and they know more or less three settings.

The person in front of him was an elf girl, with long green hair, pointed ears, and a beautiful face, and as for the other aspects, because he was wearing a very tightly covered robe, he could not see anything else.

In addition, there was a very ornate-looking staff in his hand, more than two meters long.

Xia Ming can also see that the other party is very disciplined, although it is somewhat familiar, but Xia Ming has seen too many elf characters in the anime, and he can’t remember who it is at the moment.

“Introduce yourself, Xia Ming, these are…”

Xia Ming introduced himself, then introduced Ichika to the others, and then briefly explained about the secret realm.

“… There is such a thing in this world! ”

“Then I will also introduce myself, my name is Riviales Orvi, a member of the Loki clan, as you can see, the elves!”

Riveria also introduced herself to Ichika.

“You believe so? Not suspicious at all? And elves we know, Loki Kan Clan is Ren? ”

For the newcomer to believe in the secret for the first time, it is also very surprising that Alice is difficult to cut.

“I have my own judgment, but I am a little surprised that you don’t know that the Loki clan is in charge.”

As an elven king, Liveria is quite sensitive to lies, so she is confident in her words.

But she was also very surprised that these people did not know the Loki Clan, after all, the Loki Clan was quite famous.

As one of the two kings of Eurari, the Loki clan is very famous even outside of Eurari.

“The people who entered the secret realm are not from the same world, among the five of us, Chana Hui is from another world, and it is no accident that you should also come from another world, but there is no Jingchen race in my world.”

Xia Ming shook his head, what he just explained was only the simplest setting about the secret realm, so now he needs to talk about it in detail.

After Riveria introduced herself, he naturally knew who Riveria was, one of the elven kings from the dungeon world, one of the trump cards of the Loki family, and a super magician at the V6 level.

Xia Ming naturally knows everything in this world, to put it bluntly, a group of sub-gods are tired of staying in the god world, so they set up the so-called clan in the lower realm to pass the time, but the life span of the gods is endless…

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