Chapter 139 Shocked Riberia!!

“A different world? No elves? So how did you recognize me? ”

Riveria is a little emotional, she can basically judge that the other party is not lying, but since there is no elven race, then why is she recognized? That’s weird.

“Let’s put it this way, the description of elves in our world was born in some fantasy works, that is, in the form of stories and the like, among which there are descriptions of elves, the most obvious feature is the ears of your race!”

Xia Ming explained simply, Riveria naturally knows what the novel is, but she now feels incredible that there is no such race, but it can be imagined, and it is still right, which is very outrageous.

After a short while, Riveria finally digested everything else about the other world.

In the same way, she also explained some things about her world, but it was inconsequential.

It can be seen that Riveria is a very vigilant person, but if you think about it, it is also a place where people eat people in the factory.

The adventurers are not as good as they imagined, even the Loki tribe is stepping on the Zeus tribe and the Hera tribe to take the throne.

There is competition between the dependents, and there is no deception, Riveria, as the trump card of the Loki clan, naturally will not reveal things about the Loki clan so simply.

“God Nether gives the Nether Life Gift, and then the Nether Life can fight monsters and upgrade after receiving the gift, it always feels like a game, but now we seem to be like this!”

After comparing it, Tasohe found that everyone seemed to be fighting monsters and upgrading streams, and they also brought tasks to receive rewards.

“There are also magical abilities and the like, so I want to learn, but unfortunately we can’t go to that world at all!”

Everyone is very curious about magic things, but if they can’t go to that world, then they can’t get the magic.

After all, magic also requires the grace of the gods.

“Okay, let’s put this topic aside for the time being, have you all seen the task this time?”

Xia Ming asked.

“See, the difficulty of capturing the flesh of the jewel should be more troublesome for a few of us, and it should be easy for Xia Mingjun, I just don’t know if there will be any dangerous creatures in this secret realm!”

Alice nodded, the task was to capture the flesh of the jewels, nothing special, but after the previous few secret realms, they didn’t know if something strange would happen.

“May I ask you, is the flesh of the jewel a jewel?”

Rivilia also saw the mission, and she listened to the tone of the crowd as if she knew the information of the flesh of the jewel.

“The flesh of the jewel is a piece of flesh that accumulates the essence of the whole body over a long period of time in the body of Li Jialu (legally) Mammoth.”

“However, it is extremely difficult to capture this piece of meat, and we don’t know how strong you are, but the people present, except for Xia Mingjun, can easily complete it, and we have some trouble trying to complete it!”

Butterfly Kanae answered, she did not say randomly, Rikaru wrote the capture level is level 48, according to the reason, among several of them, except for Chee Rina the other levels have kept up.

But there is a big problem with the capture level of the Ligalu mammoth, and it can be said that such an organism does not match the capture level at all.

Of course, it is not that they cannot be caught, but they need to use a little means to avoid the frontal conflict, but they do not dare to guarantee that they will be able to catch such ingredients, as for Nansai Cei Lina, she is too weak to catch such an ingredient.

“Why do you say that?”

Rivilia asked curiously.

“Just look at the information written by Li Jialumeng!”

Hu Di Kanae retrieved the data in the tester.

The information of Li Jia Lu was revealed.

“How can it be so big!”

After seeing the clarity of the specifics, Rivilia was shocked, this size was completely beyond her imagination.

“As you can see, although the capture level of Li Jia Lu is determined to be level 48, his large body is a terrifying cloth.”

“He is more than a thousand meters tall, has a body length of more than 1,500 meters, and has a body of more than 50,000 tons.”

“There is also a huge maze inside Rigalu’s body, and the flesh of the gem is located in the maze, and the location of the maze and the flesh of the gem in each Lijialumeng is completely different.”

“That’s why it’s so hard to catch this ingredient.”

Butterfly Kanae said with some helplessness, she could also understand Rivilia’s shocked expression, after all, her expression was even more exaggerated than Riberia’s expression when she saw the kilometer-level monster for the third time.

No way, who could have imagined that there was such a big creature in this world, it was simply terrifying.

And the point is that this creature is not just one, there are many more.

Especially in the food world, she can’t forget it now, when she first took the information to find Xia Ming to inquire, Xia Ming told her that this kilometer-level giant beast is still relatively rare in the human world, but in the food world, this kilometer-level giant beast can be said to be everywhere, and there are too many to count.

“I can’t imagine such a huge creature in this world!”

Rivilia remembered the creatures in the dungeon, which were big enough, but in front of this Lija Lumeng, it was simply incomparable.

She didn’t want to believe that there was such a huge creature in this world, but from the words of the butterfly Kanae, she judged that the other party was not lying.

That is to say, this terrifying beast is truly there.

And soon she thought of another question, just now these people seem to say that this man named Xia Ming can easily catch this ingredient, and the other few people are not hopeless.

Rivilia was really shocked, and when she came to her, she absolutely did not dare to say that she could do it.

Her magic is strong, but such a giant beast is too big, plus it takes some time for her to chant when she uses her magic.

And Li Jia Lu Meng can also run, her magic is very range, but how far can Li Jia Lu Mammoth take these three steps? Maybe her Mofa spread speed or the speed of movement was not the right way to go.

So she was also thinking at the moment, how strong this group of people really would have such confidence.

“Huh? That is, octopus? ”

Riviglia, who had just recovered from the shock, suddenly saw a strange figure appear above a mushroom tree directly in front of her.

And the other party is still shaking and crawling, and the body size is almost more than three meters.

“It’s a seasoned octopus, an adult individual, and the catch level is level 5!”

Hu Die Kanae recognized the identity of the other party for the first time…

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