Chapter 140 The Problem of Ranks!!

“It’s unbelievable that there can be octopuses in places like this, but what is the catch level you’ve been talking about?”

Riveria felt the need to find out what was going on as soon as possible, and the feeling of not knowing anything was so bad, even worse than the expedition to the Zhi floor.

“It’s really strange to have octopuses in this kind of place, but there are many strange things in this world, as for the catch level…”

Hu Die Kanae quickly told Riveria about the catch level, and as for the octopus appearing here, in this strange world, it is no longer strange to see more mold and strange strangeness.

“The capture level feels a bit general!”

Riveria spoke, listening to the description is indeed quite general.

“In fact, it is very normal, after all, the capture level does not mean the real combat power level, it can only be used as a definition, for example, me, my level is slightly higher than Li Jialumeng, but to be honest, I did not have the confidence to defeat the other party Butterfly Kanae shook her head, this thing is too big, and the consequences of any attack dodging in time will be very serious.”

Of course, Butterfly Kanae is talking about facing up, if she wants to find a way to kill Li Jia Lu Meng, it is actually not particularly difficult, but it takes some effort.

The biggest advantage of Li Jia Lu Meng is the huge size, but the same disadvantages are also obvious, and it is also the body type.

Billy Lu Meng, they are too small, do not need to match with Lijia Lu Mengma, and when Lijia Lu Mengma sleeps, they can easily touch each other’s side, and even enter each other’s bodies.

In this case, it is not too difficult to kill Lijia Lumeng, and once it enters the opponent’s body, the threat of Lijia Lumeng is basically zero.

Hu Die Kanae’s words also shocked Riveria’s heart, it was a general capture level, but it was also a solid number, she did not expect that the level of the girl in front of her was even higher than Li Jia Lu Meng.

The contrast is simply too great.

“How is the capture level determined?”

After calming down a little, Rivilia asked again, how many levels she had to send herself to.

“Our levels are all measured with a tester, but I’m not sure how many levels you have and if you can measure them, but you can give it a try!”

At this time, Xia Ming spoke, and to be honest, he doubted that the tester could measure Riveria’s level.

It seems that this thing is given by the system, but Rivier’s mute body has a calendar ah.

Magic is not something that this world has, and whether the things given by the system can measure the strength of the other party is a big problem.

After all, the people here are pure bodies playing, and the energy in the body is also calories.

Previously, the breathing method of butterfly Kanae also borrowed breathing to strengthen the body, and it was not a special energy.

So Xia Ming wasn’t sure if he could measure the level of Riviglia.

“Then give it a try!”

Rivilia opened her mouth and said that now that she had determined that these people had good intentions, she had also let down a lot of guard, and now she was also interested in whether she could determine the level of Zhizhi.

Hearing this, Hu Di Chanae did not say anything more, and directly tested the level of Riberia with a tester.

“Level 5!”

The final number is 5.

“Sure enough, our tester can only test the strength of the flesh, but there is another force in your body, which cannot be measured!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that this level was only pure broken flesh strength, which meant that Rivilia’s physical strength had reached level 5.

This number is not low, you know, Rivia is a heavy guide.

In the world of geo-error, the level is increased as long as you achieve enough greatness and a single attribute exceeds D.

The protagonist Bell is a hanger, and his attributes do not have any reference.

Riveria, as a magic guide, is basically the boss of the magic single attribute exercise, as for other attributes, it will not work.

After all, there is a bottleneck for people who are not the protagonists, and the time it takes to fully practice other attributes to a high level is huge.

Therefore, most people will choose to upgrade directly when they can upgrade.

Riveria’s magic talent is very strong, so she often raises her magic talent to the limit and then accumulates praise for Weia to upgrade.

Although the other attributes will be relatively small, but the good guy is also an adventurer at the LV6 level, so it is not surprising that his physical fitness has reached this level.

Hierarchy is such a thing, Xia Ming has always been a reference, never blindly trust the level, after all, he himself belongs to the existence of the rank can not be defined.

“Another force in the body? I know! ”

Rivilia was also relieved if her level was really only level 5.

That was completely unreasonable, after all, after listening to the butterfly Kanae just now, she didn’t think that her magic only had such a little power.

At this time, Alice cut Alice a vertical body, holding Xia Ming’s point gun in her hand directly to the seasoned octopus, the three-meter-sized seasoned octopus was directly punctured, and then from the mushroom straight.

This year’s training is not in vain, their acupuncture skills are very general, but at least they can point points.

The seasoned octopus is placed here at a high level, but its strength is very average, and it is not aggressive, and it will fight back unless it is threatened, otherwise it is a very docile creature.

“This taste, it’s the taste of hot sauce!”

Tasshoe sniffed and said.

“That’s the spicy sauce octopus, let’s look for it again, there should be other seasoned octopuses around, by the way, collect the surrounding ingredients!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, this seasoned octopus is also a very good natural seasoning, at least much better than the halberd that carries the world.

After hearing this, several girls quickly ran to find all kinds of seasoned octopus.

“Mr. Xia Ming, will there be a bundle doctor because of the Xuan Yu body?”

Riveria is in love again, this is also too strange, first of all, even if the octopus runs around on the ground, this body is still hot sauce, which is also too weird.

“This world is like this, a world built entirely of ingredients, and you will see a lot of this creature in the future!”

Xia Ming explained briefly that any normal person would be compelled when they encountered the ingredients of the gourmet tiger world, unless they knew these creatures in advance.

Soon, others also returned with some seasoned octopus, there were soy sauce octopus, vinegar octopus, a series of seasoned octopuses.

The mushroom forest is the habitat of flavored octopus, so this seasoned octopus is really a big catch.

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