Chapter 141 Mountains? Skull!!

“Everyone work hard, squeeze out all the sauce for seasoning octopus, I’ll check the surrounding situation, if there is no danger, then stay here for seven days!”

Xia Ming said and took out a large number of large jars, which he had a lot in his space, all for storing some liquid and other ingredients.

Now it comes in handy.

“Where did these things come from?”

Seeing a sudden pile of large jars in front of you, Riveria was taken aback again.

Although there is a god in her world, adventurers also have a variety of different skills and magic.

But she hadn’t seen much of space or anything like that.

“It’s my personal space to store things, and I’m responsible for storing our survival supplies!”

Xia Ming left after a brief explanation, he needed to check on the situation around him.

“Personal space, and this kind of thing, is really excussive!”

Riviera said that she was really envious, after all, the Loki clan often went on expeditions, and they needed to bring a lot of supplies with them.

It is precisely because of the carrying of so many supplies and people that the speed of the expedition is slow and takes a lot of time.

Moreover, after the end of the expedition, many materials and magic stones could not be taken away, because there were not enough personnel to transport so many materials, and she could only bear to abandon these things.

If their dependents had such an ability, the efficiency and benefits of the expedition would definitely be greatly improved, and this ability really made her extremely dazzling.

“Actually, if you are lucky enough and your contribution is high enough when you complete the task, you may be able to get it, but we don’t have it until now, and the only one who has this is Xia Mingjun!”

Alice said with a smile, most of the previous secret realm was just paddling, after all, the difficulty was too high, and they couldn’t insert a forehand at all.

Now the strength has kept up, but the last secret realm was also a little embarrassing, and the point-and-point skills were not good, and it was impossible to capture the puffer fish whale at all.

But even so, the reward is a very good reward.

“Is there a chance to get this kind of thing? Can you tell me more about that? ”

Riveria is not clear about the reward system, and at this moment she also joins everyone’s work, begins to collect sauce, and asks about things she does not know in the secret realm.

On the other side, Xia Ming made a tour around him, sensing that he hadn’t found any danger.

The range of this mushroom forest is not large, so it is not a problem to patrol the second circle.

However, Xia Ming soon discovered something very contrary, a mountain, which could actually be seen with the naked eye in the place where they had just entered the secret realm.

But this mountain is very contrary to the mushroom forest.

The reason is very simple, it is surrounded by all kinds of mushrooms, and there are some other creatures, but only this mountain, which can be said to be grassless, looks at the light and has no shell.

“It turned out to be this thing!”

Xia Ming knew what it was after probing the mountain, but he didn’t care, it wasn’t something of value.

“Xia Mingjun, are there any love horses around?”

When Xia Ming returned, several people looked at Xia Ming.

“I walked around the entire mushroom forest, which is relatively safe, but the mountain is not simple, of course, there is no danger.”

Xia Ming pointed to the mountain that could still be seen and said.

“Something wrong with the mountain? But there is no danger? Why? ”

The crowd looked at Xia Ming with some doubt.

“That mountain is not strictly speaking, it was formed by buying the bones of an adult Ricaru fierce horse and covering the mud king.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, it was indeed not a mountain, but a skull, the skull of Lijia Lu Mengma.

“Head… Skull?! ”

Everyone was shocked, although they had seen Li Jia Lu Meng’s information before, knew that this thing was a kilometer-level giant beast, and had also made up how big it was, but they had not seen it with their own eyes and found that a mountain in front of them was actually a skull, which was indeed very shocking.

“It’s really big, just imagining how big it is, I didn’t expect a skull to be so big, then if it’s a living Li Jia Lu Meng…”

After using this mountain as a reference, Tian Sohui was also frightened, no way, this body shape is really too scary.

“But why is there a skull here?”

Butterfly Kanae found something abnormal…

“There is only one skull, no other body parts, that is, this is not a natural death, but a doctor here after the head was prevented!”

Xia Ming nodded, this problem he had discovered before, but did not find any danger around.

“Cut off and left here? How much strength does it take to get such a big head here alone! ”

When Rivellia compared the size of the mountain, combined with the weight of the previous Ligalu mammoth, she felt three sorts of attacks.

“In fact, it is not too much of a problem for people with relatively strong strength, and I can easily lift a head of Li Jialu!”

Xia Ming shook his head, don’t look at his level is not very high, but his level in all aspects has already broken through the limits of the human world.

That is to say, his real battle history is more than a hundred.

His current strength is very terrifying, indeed he can lift a Lijialu who has more than 50,000 tons to write, and the further he goes, the more terrifying the combat power system of the gourmet tiger capture world becomes.

In the late stages, you can even play with the earth that is 659 times larger than the normal earth as a marble.


Rivilia took another breath of cool air, although she knew that Xia Ming was very strong, but no one said how strong it was.

But now that the other party has the strength to raise a whole head of Lijia Lumeng, she doesn’t know how many times she has been shocked today.

If Xia Ming’s strength is put on Olali, it is really an invincible existence, of course, provided that those gods do not unlock the restrictions.

In terms of brute force, Xia Ming is completely good, but for the void divine power, this kind of thing has little confidence at this stage.

Of course, the power system of the captive world of food is still quite perfect, and abilities such as time and space can be used in the late stage, but not at this stage.

“Well, let’s skip this topic for the time being, there is no danger here, but the appearance of Lijia Lu Mengma’s head here means that there must be some more powerful creatures, and now I will talk about it here for seven days!”

Xia Ming doesn’t talk about this topic anymore…

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