Chapter 142: Ancient Moor!!

For the next few days, everyone stayed in this mushroom forest, and it was safe to stay here, and the mushroom forest should be regarded as the safest place in the first ecological region.

After all, there are no strong beasts here, and once you leave this place, danger will begin to appear.

In the past few days, everyone has also learned about Riviglia’s magic.

To tell the truth, in Xia Ming’s Mofa of Conrivilé is good and bad.

The advantage is that Rivilia’s attack magic range is very large, which can actually bring great convenience in this case.

In the original book, Ah Hu’s rank was not low, but after entering the first ecological region, he quickly became extremely awkward.

This is because the early stage of the gourmet tiger capture world did not master the food of the food and the cell level is not very high, the calorie content in the body is not much, and the recovery speed is not fast.

So don’t look at the level of those creatures that are not as good as Afu, but Ayu has also reached a certain limit after continuous wheel wars.

In the end, he was forced to be almost cornered by those creatures, and if Ah Hu’s original work had not been helped by Taili, he would have died in the first ecological region.

In the early days, this world’s power system rarely had large-scale attacks.

In the face of a large number of fierce beasts, in the end, even if they are higher than the fierce beasts, they will be dragged to death.

Riveria’s magic makes up for this, and a powerful spell is quite useful for group attacks.

But Riveria’s magic can still be used at this stage, and at the latter point, the strength of her group attack method is completely incorrect.

And there is also a big disadvantage at this stage, that is, it takes a lot of time to chant.

You must know that in the power system of the captive world of food, every second of the battle is quite important even if the level does not break ten.

Not to mention that now that there are dozens of levels, if Riveria is alone against a certain beast, then there is no need to chant, just wait for death.

Unless her magic can be instantaneous, but instantaneous magic except Bell’s open and hanging can’t be anyone, Bell’s instantaneous magic is not large-scale, more inclined to a single body.

In the wrong world, the magic of the big atmosphere basically means long chanting.

So Riviola’s magic was really big in Xia Ming’s opinion.

However, Riviera is not completely unable to change, after all, the rewards given by the Secret Realm will be rewarded according to personal circumstances in addition to the rewards of the gourmet tiger capture world.

This was the case with Butterfly Kanae’s breathing method in the first place, and if Rivellia was lucky, she might be able to get Shunfa Magic in the future, and the power of the magic might also increase.

“When the time comes, then it’s time to complete the mission, and I’ve explored the situation around the mushroom forest three times.”

“The only way to capture the flesh of the jewel is to go to the Lijalu Mammoth, but the Lijalu Mammoth is located on the Ligalu Plateau.”

“If you want to go, the nearest route is through the ancient moor, of course, you can also go around from other places, but there will be a detour, and the danger is the highest!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that in the original book, Nakamatsu and Sani were beaten into the mushroom forest, completely because of Li Xiaosong’s food luck.

Throughout the article, the food luck of Komatsu and Zong Kai is the most anti-heavenly.

Although Xia Ming now has food luck and has been increasing, it will take a lot of time to catch up with Komatsu’s perverted food luck.

“Then go directly to the ancient moor!”

In fact, you don’t have to think about it, why go somewhere else? There have always been several points to enter the secret realm, first, to ensure safety within seven days, and second, to ensure the completion of the task.

These two points are completely higher than the others, after all, as long as the task is completed, this is everyone’s back garden.

Isn’t it easy to explore later? Why take a long detour to explore?

Because of the skull of Li Jialu that appeared this time, the crowd did not intend to stay here for a long time, unless they found the source of danger.

“Then go from the ancient swamp, this time you follow me, the three of you need to be responsible for protecting Erina and Riveria, and don’t leave the secret realm unless I am defeated in danger!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, the reward of the secret realm is a very important thing, and in the past, Xia Ming always let her save her life at the first price.

The same is true now, but don’t leave early as a last resort.

“Rest assured, Xia Mingjun, we will be responsible for protecting them!”

Alice smiled and said, This is what should have been done, after all, she is now a squad of three.

In the past few days, Liberia’s guard against the crowd has basically been put down, and she also has her own judgment, knowing that the crowd will not do anything to hurt her.

Even everyone takes care of her in many ways, after all, she is strong in magic, but her physical fitness is like this.

Really fighting, she can’t even fight Eri.

After all, no one would be stupid enough to stand in the same place and watch her chant magic.

“Let’s go!”

Xia Ming is also confident in his current strength, after all, his strength has exceeded the positive limit of the human fruit.

Of course, it is not that his current strength can really enter the food world casually.

The kind of place in the food world is quite dangerous.

This is not a game, in the human world is fine, a certain range of creatures of the level division is placed here, will not exceed too much.

However, if the food industry is unlucky, it may just enter the situation that there is no clear biological classification in the Eight Kings food world, and there will be no situation where the biological level definition is.

Therefore, Xia Ming’s strength, once into the food world, the rate of delivering dishes is very day.

But now what is being explored is not the food world, even if there is always something in the secret realm, but Xia Ming’s current strength is not weak.

The group quickly left the mushroom forest and entered the ancient moorland, and the environment changed dramatically.

The previous mushroom forest felt more like it would appear in a fairy tale.

But the ancient moor is a solid wasteland, which is also known as the museum of food, and many creatures that existed in ancient times lived here.

It can be said that the creatures here are basically at the level of living fossils.

“Such a big snail, this is a Yagi snail, it is said to be very delicious, but it is a little difficult to catch, and it will shrink into the shell when it encounters danger!”

Butterfly Kanae suddenly saw a huge snail, a huge snail with a height of almost ten meters…

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