Chapter 143: The Bones Embedded in the Giant Wall!!

“Yagi snail, since you see it, then capture it directly!”

After seeing the Yagi snail, Alice is also bright-eyed, and the level 23 Yagi snail is super delicious in the evaluation, and such a delicacy is not to be missed.

“Yagi snails are ancient creatures, and the number is not particularly large, but capturing a few does not affect anything, so it can be captured, but Yagi snails secrete super corrosive mucus, which needs to be careful!”

Butterfly Kanae said quickly, and she has become two regeneration masters and has also begun to think about environmental ink.

This is also a common disease of regenerators, after all, regenerators are originally to continuously regenerate various extinct creatures and protect the existence of the ecological environment.

Of course, this is not the case for all recyclers, and some recyclers become recyclers for profit.

This kind of regenerative master generally does not go very far, after all, the regeneration master needs the master to bring, otherwise he can only slowly membrane with the three straights of the butterfly Kanae.

The early stage is fine, but in the later stage, without these old regeneration divisions, it is difficult to improve yourself.

These veteran regeneration masters basically belong to the kind of ecological environment considerations, and they will never accept them for profit.

Of course, now that Hu Di Kanae has the opportunity to prescribe some of the lineage of the Regeneration Master from the reward, this is enough.

“Then I’m welcome!”

Alice took out her own kitchen knife, she did not plan to use the point hole, no way, her point point skill is not good, it is impossible to point six points for this level of ingredients, so it is still honest to use the knife directly.

Of the crowd, only Revela had been staring at this scene, and compared to the others, it was the third time she had seen Alice and the others do it.

I didn’t encounter any danger in the Mushroom Forest before, and neither did the powerful beasts.

Now that she has met, she naturally plans to see how Alice is fighting.

Although she kept staring, but suddenly, she found that the male cut Alice was in her sight.

At this moment, Alice had already come to the side of the Yagi snail at a very fast speed, and the knife in her hand was quickly waved, and after several flashes of knife light, all eight heads of the Yagi snail were cut off.

The difference in strength is too great, and the Yagi Snail can’t react at all, after all, it is level 50 to level 23, and this gap is not a big one.

Don’t talk about counterattacking the Yagi snail, even the shrinking shell is not enemy.

“So fast, you can’t see it at all, they definitely can’t keep up with this speed Finn!”

After seeing this scene, Riveria compared Alice and Finn, and found helplessly that the strongest person in her own clan was nothing in front of Alice.

This is normal, after all, everyone who has reached this level can blast out the power of missiles with two punches.

After the Yagi snail was cut off, before everyone could collect it, a large number of creatures emerged from the swamp.

These were all attracted to the Yagi snail.

Seeing this scene, Xia Ming also moved quickly to get out of the way.

This punch did not hit the object directly.

However, the erupting impact directly killed the creatures that pounced on the Yaki snail and Yache Alice.

This trick is the application of the simplified point six.

The vast point point itself was aimed at the earth bombardment, which Xia Ming had used before, but at a huge price.

He then simplified the Haohan point.

The simplified Haohan point can bombard the air, and the passage drives the air to form a shock wave.

The appearance of Xia Ming’s trick is a reference to the air shock of Whitebeard.

He didn’t have the Shock Fruit, but he could do it using the skills he had mastered, so there was a move similar to the Air Earthquake now.

And the power of this punch completely bypasses the carcasses of Alice and Yagi Snail.

A huge wave blasted out of the entire water.

Xia Ming’s precise control of power now is simply outrageous.

“I… Killing so many creatures with one punch, and it was still in the air, it’s really powerful! ”

Even if he was used to Xia Ming’s anti-heaven, every time Xia Ming burst out a powerful move, the butterfly Kanae couldn’t help but feel a little felt.

“Good words, one punch will explode the power of wide-area magic!”

Seeing the power of Xia Ming’s punch, Livilia was also stunned, this punch was comparable to a wide-area magic in both power and scope, and even more terrifying than the power of the wide-area Mofa.

During this period of time in the secret realm, her worldview has been constantly refreshed and refreshed.

Soon, Xia Ming put away all these ingredients.

Because of the horror of this blow, the creatures gathered around them did not dare to take the lead, even if Xia Ming did not erupt any breath, but these creatures were not fools, instinctively told them, do not get close, otherwise they will die very miserably.

“… This ancient moor is so chaotic, full of mutilated corpses! ”

When the people crossed the swamp, they stepped on Xia Ming’s calories and looked down, and they could clearly see the corpses of a large number of creatures.

“The ancient creatures of the ancient moor have a complex food chain, and these should all be left over from hunting!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, these creatures hunt casually are praying mantis cicada yellow finches behind, and it is normal to leave a part of the debris.

After spending some time passing through the ancient moor, everyone approached the Lijiaru Giant Wall.

The 90-degree wall reaches a height of 3,000 meters, and after going up, there is the Lijiaru Plateau.

“Xia Mingjun, that should be the body of the skull we saw before!”

However, what everyone saw was a huge skeleton embedded in the giant wall, more than one-third of the height of the giant wall.

The huge skeleton was thus embedded in the huge wall.

“If I’m not mistaken, this should be Li Jia Lu Meng in a state of hanging, and then his body is directly hit into the huge wall!”

Xia Ming took a look at it and said that there was still a clear depression trace garden around.

Even if only the bones remained, it could be seen what kind of attack the Lijiaru mammoth had encountered at that time.

“Punched in? What a power this is! ”

Looking at the skeleton above the giant wall, everyone was terrified, the kilometer-level giant beast, the body weighing tens of millions of tons, was actually hit by anything and fell into the giant wall.

Even if only the skeleton remains, the huge skeleton is still embedded in the huge wall, and this scene looks really shocking.

Not to mention the other girls, this time even Xia Ming was a little shocked, even if he could do it, but now the visual impact was too great

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