Chapter 144: Red Nitro!!

“Is the Snake Cliff gone?” Killed by something? ”

Xia Ming took a closer look and found that above the huge wall of Li Jialu, there were many holes on it, and these holes should be the hole six where the snake cliff lived.

But now, Xia Ming did not sense any life breath from inside.

“Whatever it is: just go up and see, spoon!”

Xia Ming made a huge spoon out of calories and lifted several people into the air together.

It’s not difficult to climb this three-thousand-meter-high wall, and everyone here can do it.

It’s just that it will be very tiring for Xue Qie Linai and Riberia, and it will be very messy, and it will take a lot of time, so Xia Mingbrian will lead the crowd to the three Fa-rectifications to tell the truth, he does not dare to put the crowd below now, because he is not sure if the thing that killed Li Jia Lu Meng is still alive and where.

If they were separated now, the others might not even have reaction time when they were attacked, and they would not have a chance to leave the secret realm at all.

So Xia Ming took them with him, and he could be regarded as the third calendar in case.

At a height of three thousand meters, soon everyone climbed the Lijialu Plateau.

“It feels much more desolate than the ancient moorland, and there is not a single living creature in sight!”

Looking at the barren area ahead, Jinghua felt a sense of oppression.

“There is no breath of life within the range of perception, go and find it first!”

Xia Ming also frowned, his perception range is very large, but within such a perception range, there is no life breath, which is very strange.

If the mission had not been placed here, he would not have doubted that there was still a shop here, Li Jialu, and continued to move forward: the crowd soon saw the skeletons of a place, completely covered by the accumulation of skeletons into the earth.

“How many creatures have died?”

Looking at the skeletal earth composed of large and small strangely shaped skeletons, Rivellia was amazed, she had never seen such a scene before, and the visual impact of these three acts was no less than the sour bone of Li Jia Lu Meng who had just been embedded in the huge wall.

After all, the endless skeleton earth is really creepy.

“This should have been left after Li Jialu’s fierce predation, of course, it may also be the guy who killed Li Jialu’s fierce code!”

Xia Ming wasn’t very sure either, he knew how much Li Jia Lu had eaten and digested the cloth.

Li Jialu had two elephant trunks, and the suction of these two trunks erupted in an instant was very terrifying, and Li Jialu wrote that eating was not with his mouth, but with his nose.

Use one of the noses to suck the prey straight in, and then use the other nose to squirt the bones out.

The middle time is only a moment, and the prey that is sucked in will be divided into three and sprayed out in two instants.

This kind of digestion ability is simply terrifying, and it can be said that Lijiaru Mengma, a creature, can easily eat an entire ecosystem to collapse with his own strength.

Fortunately, in the world of gourmet tigers, there are a large number of creatures in the Lijiaru Plateau itself, and these creatures are enough to write for Lijiaru as food.

But now, everyone really was a living creature who didn’t see it, it was all white bones, and Xia Ming wasn’t sure if it was caused by Lijialu’s fierce horse or something else.

“Stay away from me, coming!”

When Xia Ming was wondering, suddenly a terrifying aura appeared within the range of perception and shot in his direction.

Xia Ming also reacted at the first time, and then instantly entered a state of imminent battle, and the explosive aura also brought several girls directly out of these three areas.

Xia Ming could clearly feel that the other party had discovered him, and it was directed at himself, and the breath was completely locked on himself.


The others didn’t react much before they were rushed out by Xia Ming’s breath, and her physical fitness would naturally not be hurt.

But before they could return to their senses, a violent explosion occurred at Xia Ming’s location, and the terrifying impact formed a circle of ripples that spread in all directions.

Before they could land, they were affected again.

“This… What the hell is going on here! ”

The continuous impact directly forced them to love, and all this came too quickly.

The aftermath of the explosion that swept them away from Xia Ming’s explosion to the back exploded in less than ten seconds, but at first Xia Ming’s eruption speed was too fast for them to react at all.

“There is danger, stay away from here, and wrap Xia Mingjun’s hind legs!”

Butterfly Kanae reacted the fastest and said quickly, she didn’t know exactly what was going on, but something must have attacked them.

At this moment, because of a large amount of sediment floating in the air of the explosion, nothing can be seen clearly.

But for people who have strengthened their five senses, opening is not too much of a problem.

Just as several people were quickly moving away from the position just now, suddenly another impact came.

However, this time the impact was not particularly strong, but simply emptied the surrounding air of sediment, and everyone saw what the center of the explosion was.

At this moment, in addition to Xia Ming, the center of the explosion also has something outside.

“That is… GT robots we met before? ”

Everyone except Riveria remembered the GT robot they met in the beach cave.

“Doesn’t seem quite right!”

Butterfly Kanae opened her mouth and said that although it looked similar to Yi, this one looked completely different from what she had encountered before.

“I didn’t expect to meet Nitero here, but is this strength the red Nitero?”

Xia Ming could clearly sense the strong vitality of the other party, this was definitely not a GT robot, and the guy in front of him was simply a living Ni Zhi.

The reason why the other party is a red Nitero is also very simple, because this guy’s strength is too weak.

Although in Xia Ming’s crisis induction, the sense of crisis brought to him by the other party was very strong, but this sense of crisis was not strong enough to make Xia Ming feel that he might be killed instantly.

The strength of the other party should be similar to his true strength, and this level of Nitero can only be a red nun.

The red Nitero’s combat power is completely incomparable to that of the blue Nitero, but it is not weak.

The most important thing is that the lifespan of this thing can be said to be endless.

Now this red Nitro, Xia Ming doesn’t know where the other party came from, but now these don’t need to be considered, Xia Ming has included the red Nitro in front of him in the prey list.

Nitro is quite a big supplement, and Xia Ming does not intend to give up this mission, so he must kill this red Nitro…

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