Chapter 146 The Collapsed Plateau of Rigalu!!

Xia Ming, who had a hard time stabilizing his body, couldn’t help but spew out a mouthful of blood, and the attack of Red Nitero just now also had an effect.

However, now Xia Ming’s injury was not very serious, and he was still recovering quickly, and he didn’t have any idea of staying, and he didn’t think that the attack just now could defeat the other party, Nitero was notoriously tenacious, so Xia Ming quickly chased after the place where his chopsticks were bombarded.

Red Nitro itself is also a murderous creature, and it is estimated that other creatures have run away if they are beaten like this, but Red Nitro will not, and the more seriously injured this thing is, the more crippled it is.

However, the power of the chopstick cannon was not light, and Xia Ming estimated that this red Nirjura had reached its limit.

At their level, the battle is very fast, because no one will choose to keep their hands, and there is no such thing as fighting for a few days and nights.

Because each of their blows is an attack with all their strength, the calorie consumption is fast, and it can be said that every three moves are a move.

When he saw the red Nitro again, Xia Ming also found that the other party’s muscles had shrunk a little.

This means that the red Nitro is basically the end of the strong crossbow.

Seeing this scene, Xia Ming also breathed a sigh of relief, just now the continuous attacks, and the amount of calories mobilized are very terrifying, it is really consumed through the pressure of food.

“In that case, then send you on your way with the final blow!”

Xia Ming did not wait for the red Nitro to attack, and rushed in front of the other party again, because the strength was weakened and the injury was added, the red Nitro could not keep up with Xia Ming’s speed at all.

“Vast point!”

This time, Xia Ming was not using his simplified vast point, but completely condensed all the calories into this blow, hitting a real vast point.

“Knock knock…”

This blow was struck, and a continuous sound came, as if the heart of the earth was beating, and the ground continued to collapse: the power continued to conduct, and the three straight spread to the third life swallowing area of the clan seat before stopping.

Red Nitero had completely fallen into a dry sleep under this blow, and his strength was exhausted.

But Xia Ming was also uncomfortable, originally using this trick was quite reluctant, he had just forcibly used it in the case of the bottom of the calories.

His whole body now seemed to be a little dry, his arms were completely distorted, his calories had been drained, and the whole person was completely trapped in the shape of three kinds of lamp exhaustion, Xia Ming was in urgent need of replenishing calories at this moment, and his eyes were on the red nitro for the first time: regardless of the three seven twenty-one, directly biting on the red nitro’s arm.

Nitero is a very special kind of life, or Nitero is an appetite, and gourmet demons also belong to appetite.

Eating this kind of thing, for people who have gourmet cells, it is Daisuji Jiro who was fed red Nitero by Gines since he was a child, resulting in Jiro’s later gourmet cells directly reaching 100%.

This level of achievement should have been after eating the ingredients of the Earth’s full meal menu and fusing the gourmet demons.

But Jiro relies on eating Nitero to eat himself into a living gourmet demon.

Xia Ming was now also unceremoniously and directly began to eat this guy.

Nitro’s meat does not have any delicious places, but after eating it, the gourmet cells in Xia Ming’s body are directly activated, and the muscles are constantly surging.

The body that had run out of oil was constantly recovering.

“Not enough, not enough!”

At this moment, Xia Ming seemed to hear the sound of cells, and the cells needed more Nichera meat.

This also made Xia Ming have no intention of stopping at all, but kept eating, three times until he finished eating nits to eat Wang Jing.

After sleeping, Nitro tasted like beef jerky, and it had no taste, but after eating Nitro, the cells were finally satisfied.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the injuries on Xia Ming’s body were completely recovered, and at the same time, a terrifying aura spread out from Xia Ming’s body.

The entire first ecological region was shrouded in Xia Ming’s terrifying aura, and countless creatures continued to wail under this terrifying aura, and the weaker ones fainted directly.


At this moment, even with Xia Ming’s mentality, he couldn’t help but laugh, this time the harvest was too great, his gourmet cells were activated, and he could clearly feel that this time the activation of cells made him get a huge boost.

“By the way, I almost forgot a few of them, but I should have ordered six out of the way!”

Xia Ming suddenly remembered a few sisters, quickly took out a set of clothes to change into, as for the set just now, it has been scrapped…

After changing his clothes, Xia Ming quickly found several girls, just as he thought, several girls stood where they were and could not move.

The Vast Point Hole is a point point trick of indiscriminate attack, as long as the strength is not enough, and it is within range, it will definitely be pointed six.

Xia Ming’s blow just now was simply not something that a few girls could resist, and the attack just now spread to most of the first ecological region, and these creatures were also bitten by him.

However, such points do not last very long, and will automatically dissipate after a few hours.

After seeing a few girls, Xia Ming quickly lifted their points.

“What happened just now? Why are we suddenly unable to move? ”

Everyone asked with some doubts, just now after the shaking stopped, they fell, but suddenly a strange fluctuation came to them and they couldn’t move.

“The vast point point in the advanced point pointing technique, I used this trick just now, not only you, but all the creatures in the second life area have been pointed by me.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that although he had mentioned it when he had taught several people the acupuncture technique before, they did not know how powerful it was.

Xia Ming had used this trick twice, and once before they had already withdrawn from the secret realm, this time they had truly experienced this feeling.

“This is the advanced point acupuncture technique in the point point, and I don’t know when I will be able to learn it!”

Everyone who heard this was quite yearning except for Riveria, who didn’t know what the vast point was.

But they also know very well that they are a few pounds and taels, so they know very well that this point six is not something they can touch at this stage.

At the same time that everyone was envious, the entire Lijiaru Plateau shook again and again.

“It started shaking again, Xia Mingjun, didn’t you solve that guy?”

Alice who felt the shock asked quickly.

“It has been solved, but this Lijialu plateau should not be able to be saved, leave first, and then talk later!”

Xia Ming used a spoon to lead everyone to the air quickly…

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