Chapter 147: The Ruins Buried Under the Lijiaru Plateau!!

After lifting, everyone clearly saw that the entire Lijalu Plateau was constantly falling apart.

“The Lijalu Plateau collapsed!”

Everyone looked at this scene with an incredible feeling, and they did not expect that the battle between Xia Ming and another strange creature would actually shatter the entire Lijiaru Plateau.

“If only the previous battle would not have shattered the entire Lijiaru Plateau, Zhuang would have used Hao Dian Liu in the end.”

“The vast point six spreads through the earth, and this force causes the Lijiaru Plateau, which was already crumbling under the two of us, to collapse.”

Xia Ming also did not expect that this area, which could accommodate the life of a kilometer-level giant beast, was actually crushed by himself and a red Nitro.

And the appearance of the most contributor is Xia Ming.

After all, his attack frequency far exceeded that of the red Nitro, and the last shot was the deadliest, causing the collapse of the Lijalu Plateau.

But fortunately, there are no more creatures in the area around the Lijalu Plateau, and they are basically emptied by red Nitro, so it’s just a slight change in the terrain, well, slightly!

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that humans would have such terrifying power, by the way, that guy has been defeated by Xia Mingjun, what the hell is this?”

Tashoe couldn’t help but ask.

“Remember the GT robot we saw in the Beach Cave Secret Realm earlier? I told you it was modeled after Nitero! ”

Xia Ming reminded.

“I remembered, I did mention Nitero at that time, but because I only mentioned a word and didn’t ask much, plus I stayed in the secret realm for a year and almost forgot!”

Except for Riberia, the others also remembered under Xia Ming’s reminder.

“The guy who fought with me before was called Red Nitero, and Nitero was divided into Red Nitero and Blue Nitero, of course, this is not divided by color, but by three collectives.”

“The strength of this red Nirjara is similar to mine, if I don’t have many means, I really can’t figure out this guy, but now this guy has been eaten by me!”

Xia Ming explained a fragrance.

“Eat… Eaten? ”

Riveria looked at Xia Ming with a shocked face, one second she was still fighting, and the next second she ate it? What is this?

“That’s right, I ate it, just now in order to kill that guy, I forcibly used the vast point point, originally the consumption of this point point was large, but it was still used in the case of the bottom of calories, causing my body to almost run out of oil.”

“So I don’t have to choose me but to print and eat Zhuo’s family speedy recovery body!”

Xia Ming shook his head, if it weren’t for the lack of choice, he would have chosen to enjoy the fragrance and eat it again, rather than directly gnawing off that guy.

After hearing this, Riveria stopped talking, and from the fluctuations just now, she knew how fierce this battle was, although the time was short, but that level of attack, if it hit her.

Even if she uses her own defensive magic dimension to block it, it is useless, the defense will be blasted open like a bubble in an instant, and as for herself, she will be bombarded by the history of this scary cloth.

“Then Xia Mingjun, your body is not a problem now!”

Hu Di Kanae asked with some eagerness, and several other people also showed worried expressions on their faces.

“Rest assured, blessed by misfortune, although it was indeed the limit just now, after eating that guy, the cells became active, not only the injuries on the body were completely recovered, but even the strength was expanded by three levels!”

To tell the truth, Xia Ming is very happy now, after all, the strength has soared.

“That’s good! Wait, what is that! ”

After a sigh of relief, Nanaka looked again at the collapsing Rigaru Plateau, but saw three things that resembled three buildings.

“Buildings? Why is it hidden in this Lijialu plateau? ”

Others also saw the building.

“So that’s the case, no wonder there will be a red Nitro here, if nothing else, it should be from this ruin!”

Xia Ming was also suddenly shocked after seeing this ruin.

“Out of the ruins?”

The crowd was lost again, and they had a lot of knowledge of the world of the tiger capturing the world of food, but it was limited to the human world.

The affairs of the Nitro family are hidden even in the world of gourmet tigers, so they don’t know.

“The Nitro clan is a very intelligent family, and its own civilization and technology are still above human beings, and this relic should be built by the Nitero clan in the first place!”

Xia Ming’s words also made everyone a little shocked, originally they thought that Nitro was just a creature with slightly higher intelligence, but they did not expect that there were three civilizations.

“The Nitro family can form a civilization, how many should there be, the red Nitro just now should be the strongest of the Nitro family!”

Alice couldn’t help but speak.

“I don’t know much about the strength of the Red Nitero Clan, but the one just now should not be very strong!”

Xia Ming shook his head, the red Nitero clan had been enslaved by the Blue Niteros: after which the whole crew fell into a dry sleep.

After waking up from dry sleep, the strength of Red Nitero depends on what it eats, and the better it eats, the more it recovers.

The specific upper limit of Xia Ming is not clear, but it is certainly not low, after all, the three races of red Nizhiai are also races that can walk in the food world.

So naturally it is not weak, the strength of the one just now has exceeded the limit of the human world, but compared to the nitro that Xia Ming learned, the strength of this nitro is indeed not that strong.

“How strong is this clan?”

After hearing Xia Ming’s words, the others couldn’t help but fight a cold war, and this Nirjara was completely beyond the imagination of her price.

“Don’t worry, there should be no more extra Nitro, and even if it does, it is only out of dry sleep, there is no threat!”

Xia Ming looked at everyone with a somewhat frightened look and comforted.

Although there is a Nitero relic hidden in the Ligalu Plateau, it is now almost zero in its intestinality.

Even if there is still red Niterol below, and it is still out of the dry sleep state, but the quality of the ingredients in the entire First Ecological Region simply cannot make it take a long time to recover to this level before encountering this head before Wan becomes stronger, Xia Ming has now become stronger than before, so there is no need to worry about the existence of Nigero in the ruins.

Even Xia Ming would like to have more Nitero, which is a super heavenly thing…

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