Chapter 148 Explore the Ruins!!

“It’s unbelievable, even the Lijalu Plateau has been destroyed, this relic is actually intact, and the materials used to build the ruins are not special, how on earth did this avoid the aftermath?”

After the crowd came to the ruins, Rivilia, as an adventurer who had often ventured into the dungeon, felt a little incredulous after inspecting Ichika.

The ruins were not made of special materials, but the Lijalu Plateau had been destroyed, and the ruins were unscathed, which she could not understand.

“Maybe it’s because of luck, I can’t find any other reason than to use this explanation!”

Xia Ming said, as Rivellia said, the building here is actually not made of special materials, and the material is similar to ordinary buildings.

According to the strength of the aftermath just now, this ruin will definitely not be preserved, but now the ruins are unscathed, which is really only food luck can explain.

“If it’s really because of food luck, does the moon mean that there will be good ingredients in it?”

Alice’s eyes lit up, the matter of food luck had been explained by Xia Ming before, in addition to avoiding danger, the biggest role is to find ingredients and some related things.

Food luck works, which means that there should be some ingredients or things related to ingredients hidden in this ruin.

“It may be ingredients, it may be related things, let’s go, go and investigate Erzheng!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, basically it can be determined that there is no danger, but it is still necessary to be vigilant and be careful.

The group entered the ruins, which were not so large, not as large as the gastronomic pyramids, and looked only as large as a small village.

The scale is not large, and the probe is very simple, and Xia Ming and others have found three closed doors.

“A lot of kitchenware!”

After opening the door, everyone saw a large number of kitchen utensils in front of them.

“This is the kitchenware storage?”

Seeing so many kitchen utensils, Xia Ming was also very surprised, directly picked up a part of the kitchen utensils to view, he himself is also a knife caster, so now he is also very curious about the quality of the kitchen utensils here.

“Unfortunately, it is not made from the materials of the gastronomic world!”

After Xia Ming inspected Yixiang, he found that although the kitchen knife in his hand was good, it was completely inferior to the machine knife he had created with the material of the robot in terms of hardness and strength.

It’s right to think about it, after all, the materials of the GT robot are made of materials from the food world, and even Xia Ming spent a lot of effort to destroy it.

This is still stuck in the case of a bug, if this is head-on, according to Xia Ming’s strength before, he does not have a little confidence.

But now, after the real calendar is violent, it is not accurate.

The kitchen utensils here are good, but the material level is definitely not broken red Nitero family is not completely living in the food world, just like the food pyramid, the food pyramid things basically belong to the category of the human world, so the strength of the kitchenware here is not high, but Xia Ming does not care about these kitchen knives, he cares more about other kitchen utensils.

At this stage, he only has the Melk flow casting knife method, but he does not have much to do with other kitchenware.

Now that you have these utensils, it’s very good, and it seems that the kitchenware here has no problems because of the special preservation environment, just like brand new.

I have to say that the achievements of the Nitro family in this area are indeed extraordinary, after all, it is a race with an endless lifespan, which can spend more time to study these things.

“Good sharp knife, is this really a kitchen tool?”

Rivilia also picked up a knife and tried to swing it, but when she swung it, the knife was too sharp to cut through the air and cut it on the ground, leaving a deep mark.

This level of weapons is already quite a Ding super weapon in Riviola’s view.

In the dungeon, the costumes are quite important to the adventurer, just like when the Loki Clan encountered a new species on the fifty floors, the weapons were directly corroded, resulting in only a gray escape.

Weapons are very important to them, and as the elder of the Loki clan, Rivellia does not forge weapons, but she still has eyesight.

Just by wielding this power, there is no one in the dungeon that can be compared with it.

This kind of sharpness, let alone seen it, she really hadn’t heard of it.

This is actually very normal, after all, the casting systems of the two worlds are completely different, and to put it bluntly, the materials used in the weapons of the dungeon world are just like that, even the materials of the floor master obtained in the deep are only small subjects compared to the materials of the gourmet learning tiger world.

This is only a comparison of the human world, not the world of food.

Coupled with the strength of the caster, the Melk flow casting knife method was pioneered by the original Melk.

The original Melk itself is a super strong man who can break through the food world.

It even took enough time to get off the tooth part of the dragon king fossil.

The Melk flow knife casting method he pioneered was terrifying.

Although there are gods in the dungeon world, these gods are all sealed with the divine calendar.

Even a god like Hephaestus didn’t have a strong enough material, didn’t have a strong enough strength, and how many anti-heavenly weapons could she forge just by virtue of her skill?

Not to mention that the gods of casting like Hephaestus rarely made a move, and it was basically the members of the clan who were building weapons.

So the gap is here, of course, some magic swords and attributes are also very special, such as immortal attributes, these are advantages: “… It is true that the kitchen utensils are correct, but the kitchen knives here are weaker than what Xia Mingjun created for us! ”

The three girls are very clear that these kitchen knives are indeed worse than the three in their hands.

Of course, this was created by the Nederians after all, and although it was weaker than their hands, it was also a very good tool.

“Will Mr. Xia Ming still build weapons?”

Hearing this, Riveria was stunned again, in her opinion, the kitchen knife in her hand was already super strong, and Olali’s conventional weapons were completely incomparable.

But I never expected Xia Ming to be able to create a better one.

From entering the secret realm to the present, Riveria’s most understanding of Xia Ming is that he is strong and is the core figure and combat power of the entire squad.

This is equivalent to Finn, the head of their clan, but now suddenly told her that this is still a master of knife casting.

It’s like telling her that the regimental leader Finn she looks at is still two super sword casting heavenly masters.

So now Riveria was stunned again, she couldn’t understand how someone could do so many things at the same time, and still have such high achievements

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