Chapter 150 Lijaru Mammoth in the White Forest!!

There is nothing useful in the ruins, in addition to the kitchenware storage, there is also a storage room for ingredients, but unfortunately, it is completely empty.

Not surprisingly, it should have been eaten by the red Nitro before.

I have to say that the technology of the Nezhola family is really powerful, and the preservation of kitchenware and ingredients is quite good.

For such a long time, these kitchen utensils were not made of gold materials, but they did not decay, like a new two strands.

Unfortunately, there are no ingredients left, and the entire food library is empty.

But in any case, this time it is also a gain.

“Then the next step is to look for Li Jia Lu Meng, the first ecological area is very large, but Li Jia Lu Meng wrote the size is not small, should be able to easily find the financial pair!”

After leaving the ruins, Xia Ming led the crowd to find Li Jia Lumeng.

The enormity of the first ecological region can be said to be equivalent to a continent, and after the strength is enhanced, Xia Ming’s perception range has expanded again, and it is not too easy to find each other.

By the way, Xia Ming’s strength rose to level 90 after eating the red Nitero.

Don’t look at the level increase is only more than twenty levels, but you must know that Xia Ming’s level is getting higher and higher.

The most important thing is that the more you go on, the more difficult it is to improve the cell level.

Ah Yu is like a plane improvement in the original book, but it is also necessary to see how many good things they eat, but they eat the ingredients of the full meal menu of the earth.

The improvement of gourmet cells is not as simple as imagined, combined with Jienai’s mother-in-law, they know that there is no earth’s full meal menu, and for hundreds of years, the strength of Jienai’s mother-in-law still has not reached the level of blue Nitro.

Except for the Earth Meal menu, you can eat any ingredient, but after hundreds of years of accumulation, it has finally been stuck at this level.

So the further you go, the more difficult it is to improve, unless there are special ingredients, the earth’s full meal menu, so this time the level has been raised to level 90 is quite good, he is not Jiro, and there is no wolf king father who takes a red Nitro back every once in a while.

The current level is 90, but the real combat strength, Xia Ming himself is not clear, his means are too many and too strong, so he can’t figure out how strong it is.

But Xia Ming doesn’t care about this, anyway, no matter what, there is no problem with strong effort.

Now it’s still to go to Li Jia Lu Meng.

The secret realm gives the task, then it means that there is still a living Li Jia Lu Meng, but this Li Jia Lu plateau has been occupied, Li Jia Lu Meng can only change places.

As for this place, the clan probability should be on the edge of the white linen forest.

The reason is very simple, Li Jia Lu Meng wrote that he is huge and has an amazing amount of food, and the white forest is the most dangerous area of the first ecological region, and the beasts inside are also the most.

In this case, the probability of the Lijaru mammoth in the white forest is extremely high.

Sure enough, before they reached the white forest, people saw Li Jia Lu Meng, who was moving in the second strand of the makeup worker.

There are two Lijia Lumeng here, which seems to be unisexual breeding, and it is quite strange.

Now that the big one is small and the small one is half the size of the big one, it is likely that the flesh of the gem has also formed in the body.

“Although I have seen the bones before, the living Lijia Lu Mengma looks really spitting!”

Compared with the skeleton, the visual impact of this living Lijiaru fierce code is of course, not as big as the movement made by Xia Ming and them before, but the movement that Xia Ming and them made before directly blasted the Lijiaru Plateau.

“Sure enough, it is much more powerful than other creatures, and point six has been removed!”

Looking at the Lijia Lu Mengma moving ahead, Xia Ming also felt a word.

It didn’t take long to explore the ruins, just a short time.

The effect of the vast point point had not yet passed, and the three roads were seeing a large number of creatures that could not be moved by the point six.

But this Lijialu mammoth can move, which is actually multifaceted, on the one hand, because the other party is huge, and secondly, it is naturally affected, but it is far from the center of Xia Ming’s eruption of the vast point point, so the point point effect is weakened so that now when you see the other party, the point point has been solved.


Xia Ming glanced at the two Lijiaru mammoths and directly condensed the chopsticks of the two stages into Lijia Lu’s body, and the point was completed instantly, and the two behemoths stood still in place.

“It’s unbelievable, such a huge creature is so easy to complete the point!”

Seeing Xia Ming complete the point point so easily, everyone was also amazed again that after a few people who could point six compared themselves with Xia Ming, they sadly found that it was better not to make a comparison, which was completely incomparable.

As for Riberia, who could not point six, she could only feel the power and fear of the ability of point six.

The crowd had already explained to her the point-and-point technique, and she could learn it, but it would take a long time.

“Wait, Xia Mingjun, let’s continue to train in the Secret Realm for a while, and then capture the flesh of the jewel!”

Just as Xia Ming finished the point, Butterfly Megumi suddenly said.

“Yes, while the task is not completed, we can continue to stay here!”

Alice and the others also reacted quickly, what they lacked was time, so now it was natural to take advantage of this time to train.

“What does this mean?”

Riveria asked a little unsurely, seeing Riveria’s reaction, Xia Ming also quickly told her about the use of the secret realm.

“So that’s the case, time is standing still, Yue Na can stay here for a while!”

Rivellia was also heartbroken.

As a member of the Loki family, she knew how difficult it was to want to upgrade, except for Bell, who was open, and even the fastest Ace spent a year on the first upgrade.

And the attributes are not as full capability as Bell has reached the SS level, and even individual attributes exceed the SS level.

It is even more difficult for others to upgrade, especially in the later stages, and the most important thing is that they are growing at the same time, others are also growing.

For so much more time to improve now, Riviera was glad that it was too late.

The creatures here are very strong, the exercise effect is not bad at all, and the dungeon world is not a simple monster upgrade, but a training attribute.

By honing different attributes to improve the attribute value, killing monsters is only incidental, and will naturally play a role in training when fighting monsters, rather than gaining experience after killing monsters, which is the difference between zero…

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