Chapter 151 One year later, Xia Ming’s thoughts!!

In fact, the most important point is that because Riveria’s race is elves, she does not need to worry about the aging caused by staying in the secret realm.

Staying in the secret realm for a long time, their own time has been passing, just like it is difficult to cut Alice, their real age is one year older than the outside world.

This is also the reason why Xia Ming was only allowed to stay for one year before, they are young now, one year at a time in the secret realm, the early stage will not be good, but after more times, you need to pay attention.

As for Riveria, the Earth Fault World obviously did not clearly state what the lifespan of the elves was, but Riveria herself said that for their elves, a few years were just like a few months.

This shows how long the life span of the elven clan really is.

Staying here for a while, coupled with enough exercise effects, she can completely improve her various attributes to a certain extent and then leave, so that after returning to Eurari, she can have a great improvement, which is very critical and the most critical thing is that the first ecological zone also has a place similar to the dungeon mode, the Demon Arena, a dungeon-like level game, which will be related to the day.

These gatekeepers are very strong, and the most peculiar thing is that this place seems to have some magic.

The creatures guarding the gate will not leave the Demon Arena, as if they have a mission to stay in this place.

This was also Xia Ming’s most curious place, these creatures would not leave, and the monsters here were all when Ah Yu came, which was very limited.

This demon arena also encounters different creatures depending on the route chosen.

Good luck, you can encounter a road that crosses directly but will not encounter danger, bad luck, the result is the same as the original Ah Hu, encounter a variety of beasts.

If it weren’t for Terry, the two roads that Ah Hu chose to go to the back would really be a direct outrage.

After Xia Ming told everyone about this place and took them to take a look, everyone was also amazed.

In the time afterward, in addition to exercising, Xia Ming also paid attention to the situation in the Demon Arena, because Riveria often visited.

However, since she is a mage, there is usually a person who follows her, and Xia Ming of the first ecological region has completely investigated it, and there is no danger.

The most special thing about this demon arena is that after the barrier beast is defeated, it will attract new barrier beasts every once in a while.

Xia Ming really couldn’t understand what was going on with such an operation, and he once doubted whether the Demon Arena was alive, but after the tester test, there was no response at all.

In the end, the fruitless exploration of Xia Ming can only classify it as a special environment, after all, in the world of gourmet tigers, many things are completely unreasonable, and it is impossible to figure out the principle at all.

Therefore, over time, Xia Ming also gave up the idea of continuing to explore the Demon Arena.

After all, he was a food hunter, not a researcher.

A year passed quickly, and this year naturally gained a lot for everyone.

Riveria is also very satisfied with this year’s life, because no accident, she can probably upgrade when she goes back this time.

Don’t look at it as a year, but Riveria itself has a certain attribute foundation, and this year’s time is much more fulfilling than in the dungeon world, and she can’t run to the dungeon every day.

And the most critical thing is that she can’t reach the deep level in a short period of time, and at her level, she can only do it in the deep level if she wants enough exercise.

Going deep takes time, it takes time and preparation, and it can’t be too much to bring, after all, there is no space to pack.

As for the expedition, it is only carried out once in a while.

The expedition is a very big thing for the dependents, and there is a lot to do.

So Riveria’s existence of this level has very little time to exercise in the dungeon.

But in the first ecological area, it is completely different, and the strength of the creatures in the first ecological area has fully reached the strength of the deep dungeon.

So it didn’t take much time at all, and Rivellia stayed here for a year and the effect was even better than ten years in the underground world.

Although the gift value without the renewal of the gods is not an increase, it has been fully accumulated.

And most importantly, the great cause of upgrading is also enough.

The condition for the Dungeon World upgrade is that a single attribute is achieved and there is enough great work.

The so-called great cause is to do some surprising things, such as crossing the level to kill monsters, independently going to the floor where you are beyond your own level, and so on…

Rivelia had been exercising in such a place for a year, and the accumulation of great deeds had long been enough.

The accumulation of praise for this great cause is another kind of experience, and it does not require the presence of the gods, but only the presence of grace, which will be automatically recorded.

So now Rivellia even has enough of the great cause of upgrading.

Not surprisingly, this time after returning to Eurasia, Riberia will upgrade to LV7, and the strength will be even more terrifying at that time.

LV7’s magic guide, once she released the magic, the consequences were simply unimaginable.

“The time is almost up, according to the previous discussion, after entering the body of Li Jia Lu Meng, the flesh of the jewel will be captured by Elena and Rivellia to see if you can slightly increase the value of the Gongnan offering, if you can get the gourmet cells, it will be good!”

Since the two were the weakest among the many, Xia Ming gave the task of capturing the meat of the gem to the two of them in order to see if they could increase the Gongnan dedication a little to get gourmet cells.

Only with gourmet cells can we gain a foothold in the secret realm of the world of gourmet tigers.

There is no doubt about this, this is not to say that the power system of other worlds is very rubbish, but the power system received at this stage cannot keep up with the festival of this world, only gourmet cells can.

However, for the favor, Xia Ming also has some ideas, and he plans to wait for the end of this secret realm to visit Loki and ask about the favor by the way.

He himself does not need this kind of thing, because his growth is guaranteed, but others are different.

Although no one else but him is still unable to cross the world, there is always a chance that there is no certainty to say.

Because before Xia Ming crossed, many speculations about favors said that the limit of favors may be able to reach the god level, but this is a terrifying difficulty.

Xia Ming wants to verify this statement, after all, the food cells have a life extension effect in the later stage, but there is no effect of immortality.

Xia Ming himself has a system, he doesn’t need to worry about this, but he needs to be a member of the squad to test it.

Although it is not yet sure what the situation will be in the future, but there is a chance to appear in front of him, Xia Ming will naturally choose to seize every opportunity, and it is safest to make more preparations…

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