Chapter 155: A Bunch of Question Mark Attributes!!

Loki’s shouting attracted the attention of everyone in the family, although usually Loki is very unreliable, but such a shouting is definitely something happened.

The first people to arrive at the door of Loki’s family were the three of them, then Finn, Grace.

“What happened?” And who is this? ”

Finn arrived the first time to ask, and he also had some feelings about Xia Ming, a stranger who appeared inside his family.

Before Xia Ming could speak, the door was suddenly opened.

“Mr. Xia Ming, you can come in, and Finn and Grace, since you two have come and come in, the others can disperse!”

After Rivellia said a word, Xia Ming went straight in, and as for Finn and Grace, they followed after a glance at each other, and after they entered, the door was directly closed.

“This… So what’s going on? ”

Theona asked a little confused.

“There must be something very big, otherwise we won’t be allowed to go in~, let’s disperse first!”

Tiogne shook his head, the LV6 members of the family have all entered, plus Loki, the main god, and they have not allowed the people of their first echelon to enter, it can be seen that it is a very important matter.

After listening to Tionne’s words, everyone left with great interest, even Ace.

Although she was curious about what had happened, she was not a person who liked to mess around in this situation.

“Loki, what the hell happened?”

Finn asked directly.

“Riveria, can you show them the horses?”

Loki didn’t answer, but looked at Riviola.

“Yes, there is no need to hide from both of them!”

Riviera nodded, and Loki gave the two of them a piece of paper.

“How is this possible! ×2。 ”

However, after Finn and Grace read the paper, they also let out an unbelievable roar, and their voice was no less than Loki’s.

“So what the hell is going on, how come both of them make this big noise?”

Burt, who had just turned his head and walked a few steps, stopped directly, and Loki called out, and the other two also shouted.

“No matter, I’ll wait here for them to come out!”

Theona doesn’t plan to leave this time, so her heart is bursting.

Similarly, so did Ace, and Thiorge had no choice but to disperse the other members, leaving only the first echelon to guard here.

“Your voice is too loud, those guys outside probably have exploded their curiosity because of you!”

Riveria said a little helplessly.

“It’s not because this attribute is so scary, and it has been upgraded directly, so what the hell is going on?”

Loki asked with a serious face, not to blame her for not being calm, but it was so frightening that Finn and Grace also cast their eyes at this moment, because of the paper in their hands.

This piece of paper is the attribute of Riberia, and now that Riberia has been upgraded, yes, Riberia is now the first of the Loki family to arrive at LV7.

The most important thing is not this, but the weird state.

On the piece of paper where Riveria’s status is printed at the moment, all attributes after Riveria upgraded to LV7 are zeroed, which is normal.

After upgrading, no matter how strong or slaggy, the attribute will be zeroed and the counting will start again.

But the key is to upgrade the properties before the promotion, and the properties before the promotion are a bunch of question marks.

That’s right, except for a few known spells, magic attributes, all other attributes are question marks, even if Loki is the third time he has seen it.

This meant that the increase in Revelia’s strength was completely beyond the limit of the counting of the God’s favor, making it impossible to measure.

The only magic power displayed also reached the SSS level of the dire cloth, and the value exceeded one dry four.

There is also an additional question mark skill among the skills, a skill that the favor of God cannot recognize, and it should be a gourmet cell if nothing else.

“In addition to upgrading, it is because of this incident that you have not seen me for almost a day, but I have not seen you for a year, and Rivilia told Loki about the fact that she was pulled into a special secret place today.”

This was discussed with Xia Ming before, after all, the upgrade of Riviria is very special, plus she is also a member of the Loki family, and it is not realistic to want to completely hide these things.

So after Xia Ming discussed with Riveria, she would reveal some information about the secret realm and the food cell.

But it does not reveal information about the other world.

“You let me slow down first, do you mean that you actually spent a year in some dungeon-like place and exercised for a year?”

Finn said his brain was a little messed up now.

“It’s almost a meaning.”

Rivelia nodded, and there was nothing wrong with that understanding.

“It should be more than that, otherwise the attributes will not be completely undetectable except for magic, and there is this undetectable skill.”

“There is also this kind of secret realm that I have never seen as a god!”

Loki said that she had too many questions.

“Regarding the attributes, it is because of Chen Xi, who has been called a gourmet cell.”

Riveria didn’t tell Loki and the others about part of the gourmet cell, and this kind of thing can’t be hidden.

“You can become stronger by eating, and there is such a thing!”

After listening to Riveria’s words, the three of them all looked good, this food cell is really strange, and it can become stronger by eating.

“It’s not as simple as you think, you can only eat the things in that secret realm, and the strength of those things is very strong, you have all seen my magic grow, and the creatures in the secret realm are equivalent to the creatures in the depths of the dungeon, or even stronger.”

“That’s why I was able to get the magic to this level in a year, which is equivalent to a whole year in the depths, can you understand?”

Riveria asked.

“Staying in the depths for a whole year? It’s really… It’s unimaginable! ”

Finn himself made up the picture, that kind of place was full of dangers, and even an adventurer of their level would lose his life if he didn’t pay attention.

To be in that kind of place for a year is creepy to think about.

Now they didn’t wonder why Riveria’s magic power had risen to this level, and they estimated that other attributes could easily reach this level.

“Well, roughly understood, then this little brother is…”

Loki looked at Xia Mingtu…

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