Chapter 156 Xia Ming’s Question!!

“This is Xia Ming, the captain of the Secret Realm squad, if you want to make a comparison, just like Finn, Finn is the leader of our family, and Mr. Xia Ming is the captain of the Secret Realm Squad!”

Rivilia introduced Xia Ming.

“The captain of the Uncharted Squad? Have you formed a squad already? ”

Loki was also stunned, how suddenly it felt strange, the bone members of his own family suddenly became members of the other three squads.

“To be precise, I joined the squad, after all, that kind of place is extremely dangerous, and if it weren’t for Mr. Xia Ming, I would have died a long time ago!”

Riveria simulated that if Xia Ming was not there, such a simulation, the consequences were really unimaginable.

After all, that place is much more dangerous than the depths, not to mention the red Nitro, and other fierce beasts are also extremely strong.

At that time, although her magic was not weak, those creatures could not give her the opportunity to release magic, which was the sad point of the regular mage, once she was close, there was basically no resistance to it.

Her broad methods belong to those that need to be sung in a long text, although the power is huge, but it is really sad to face this situation.

As for her current title for Xia Ming, she has not changed from the beginning to the present, after all, she is different from Alice and others, and the world background is completely different.

So the final title has become like this, but I have to say that the secret realm is indeed quite powerful, and Livilia is a person from another world, but her language can be understood by everyone after entering the secret realm.

But the text is not recognized, only Xia Ming can directly recognize, after all, he has opened the ability to speak from the beginning.

“Riviola, you joined the squad.”

Finn spoke suddenly, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Revellia.

“I know what you’re trying to say, the squad has nothing to do with the clan, except for me, none of the members of the secret squad have received the favor of the gods, and there are no clans!”

Riveria naturally knew what Finn wanted to say, after all, she was the backbone of the family, and she had now become the strongest in the family.

In this case, if the squad involves the interests of the dependents, then it is troublesome.

“Haven’t received favors? In other words, the strength comes entirely from that thing called gourmet cells, right? ”

Loki’s eyes suddenly glared at the boss, there is no dependent, and there is such a strong strength, although she doesn’t know how strong Xia Ming is, but listening to Riveria’s tone, this strength must be strong.

After all, Riveria was an LV6-level magic guide before, although melee combat is a hard injury, but can be so respected by Riveria, it must not be a star and a half If Xia Ming is pulled into his own family, as well as other members of this team, then Loki simply dare not imagine what his family will become, I am afraid that he will not directly catch up with or even surpass the Zeus family and the Chila family.

Don’t look at the Loki family is now one of the two kings of Euari, but it is completely incomparable with the Zeus family and the Hera family back then, which is different from the giant clan.

Even the Freya family still has a lot of strong people hiding, and in this case, Loki’s side really can’t take much advantage.


Rivilia, who heard this, also knew what Loki was going to say next, but she shook it.

To be honest, if Xia Ming really had such a thought, she would try to pull Xia Ming into her own camp as much as possible.

After all, she is also a backbone member of the dependents, but Xia Ming does not have this idea, Xia Ming is completely thinking about other team members.

Most crucially, now Riviera also wants to know if the favor can reach the level of the gods.

At that time, no one had thought about this question at all, in their consciousness, the gods were the supreme beings, how could human beings reach the level of the gods.

In addition, the description of favors is already systematic, so these questions are not asked at all.

But Xia Ming also asked Riveria in the secret realm, and it really surprised Riveria at that time, she really didn’t think about this Liu’s problem.

“Okay, I see, then what is the purpose of Brother Xia Ming coming to our Loki family?”

After hearing Riveria’s words, Loki also shut up, her direct invitation and Riveria’s invitation must be two concepts.

After all, she and Xia Ming were in contact for the first time, Riveria had been with people for a year, and she also believed that Riveria would definitely think about the family, so she didn’t open her mouth to invite, and asked Xia Ming’s purpose…

“I want to ask God Loki a question, what is the limit of favor? Is it possible to have eternal life and great power like gods? ”

Xia Ming asked his own question, and as soon as this question came out, Loki himself was stunned for a while, and then Finn and Grace were also stunned, they didn’t expect Xia Ming to ask such a question.

It is quite taboo to touch the realm of the gods with the horns of a mortal.

Because people in this world have lived under the control of the gods for a long time, their belief in the gods is also unwavering.

In the wrong world, there are some beings called heroes, but most of the births of heroes are caused by the gods behind them.

The most straightforward example is Bell, who is followed by the hands and feet of the gods.

It can be said that his life after becoming an adventurer was almost under the control of the gods, and the major dangers he encountered were also called trials.

The trials issued by the gods never consider whether the adventurers accept them or not, they will only set the trials according to their own interests.

After that, of course, he is a hero, and if he dies, he dies.

This is also a point that Xia Ming is more disgusted with these gods, but it also shows a problem, that is, people in this world do not have that kind of resistance to the gods at all.

As far as they would take this kind of trial as an honor, they would only feel that the people who were trying it were not strong enough, and not many people would blame the gods.

In such an environment, Xia Ming asked this question, wanting to touch the realm of the gods, which was quite taboo.

“Interesting, really interesting, I didn’t expect that someone would ask such a question, does the little brother want to become a god?”

Loki couldn’t help but smile, and then asked.

“To be precise, I don’t care about God, even strength is secondary, what I care about most is longevity!”

Xia Ming shook his head, the age of the gods in the wrong world is counted in hundreds of millions, life expectancy is the key, he himself is not worried about himself, but he must think about other people, one more choice is better than one less…

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