Chapter 164 Shocked Hestia!!

Being so threatened by Riveria, Apollo, who had no choice, could only shut up and leave.

No way, the Loki dependents are not something he can provoke, the disparity in strength is too great, and the lower three indiscriminate means he used in the past can only deal with some very weak small dependents.

“It’s really ugly, I was targeted by this garbage!”

Xia Ming looked at the departing Apollo and said helplessly, he really didn’t expect to meet Apollo here.

“Is there anything wrong with this Apollo?”

Hu Di Kanae asked with some curiosity.

This guy is a big problem………

Before Xia Ming could speak, Riviera had directly repeated the deeds that Apollo had done, which Xia Ming had heard before, and that Rivilia had introduced him to these divine messages during the guild.

“What a disgusting guy, he actually stared at us! ~”

After listening to Riviola’s words, several sisters all had two disgusted expressions.

“Apollo this guy is indeed a rather disgusting guy, thank you this time!”

Hestia opened her mouth to say thanks, although she and Loki did not deal with each other, so it was not pleasant to look at Loki’s family, but this time people helped themselves after all, so the one who should thank him still had to thank him.

“You’re welcome, God Hestia, I said it, I am very good friends with them, and this has nothing to do with the scene!”

Riveria shook her head, her relationship with Xia Ming and the others was no less than that of the Loki family, so it was appropriate to help.

“So, then go to my residence first… Accommodation! ”

Hestia spoke, the next thing is to give favors, but the favors must not be outside, only home.

Thinking of his home, Hestia couldn’t help but feel a little toothache.

Where she lives now, to be honest, she is really afraid that everyone will see it and leave directly.

“I’ve asked the people of the Rocky family to help me buy the station!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, the meaning of this statement is already obvious, I have already bought the station, and I don’t care about the dilapidated place.

Hearing this, Chistia was also dazzled, and she was still a little troubled by where the members of her clan lived.

After all, her place is too small, and the original only one is Bell, but now there are so many people.

Soon, the group came to the place where Hestia lived.

“Although I had heard of the bad situation of the god Hestia before, I didn’t expect it to be like this!”

Rivellia said she was also shocked, and that Chistia was in a worse situation than she thought.

It seems that Hephaestus really couldn’t stand this friend of gods, otherwise it would be okay not to give the house and give a decent place to live for Hestia to overuse.

However, although the outside is dilapidated, it is still okay after going to the basement.

“When you arrive, you only accept the favor first? Boy or girl? ”

Hestia looked at Xia Ming and the others, and couldn’t wait to give favors, after all, only with favors can they become true members of the family.

“You just need to give them favors, I don’t need to!”

Xia Ming found a place to sit and said, the biggest benefit of favor in his opinion is to go to the last life blessing, but he does not need it.

“Huh? Aren’t you joining my family?! ”

Hestia asked a little confused, she didn’t understand Xia Ming’s operation, she could see that Xia Ming was the backbone of this line, but the main backbone did not join, what was the operation of others joining?

“I don’t need the favor of the dependents, in fact, they don’t need the favors of the dependents in terms of strength, but she needs the life span brought by the favor!”

Xia Ming directly stated his purpose.

“Lifespan? How do you know the secret of grace? ”

Hestia was shocked, hadn’t this news already been blocked by the gods? Xia Ming, how did they know?

“I asked Loki before I came, so I know these things.”

Xia Ming calmly told Hestia about the situation, and there was no hidden meaning, after all, Hestia’s personality did not need to be guarded at all.

“Loki that guy said that?” Forget it, none of this matters, I just want to ask one question now, do you really want to join the Chistia family? ”

Although Chistia is simple, he is not stupid, and everything that Xia Ming shows is very strange.

She didn’t want to know the secret, she just wanted to know one thing, whether these people really planned to join the Hestian family.

“Of course, you also know that we have a good relationship with Loki, but instead of joining the Loki family, we came to you, which is enough to say it all!”

After Xia Ming’s words were finished, Hestia also nodded, she didn’t want to pursue so many things, since the other party really wanted to join the family, there was no need to say anything.

Soon, Hestia began to exert favors.

“Hey… How can this be, what a strange property! ”

Soon, Hestia’s exclamation was heard in the room, and Xia Ming was basically sure what was going on, because Eun could not read the skills of the other world.

After all, across the world, although Grace can record the values of exercises, record great deeds and the like, but it cannot identify the ability of other worlds out of thin air.

So it’s no surprise that Hestia should be in the same situation as Loki before.

After several people had received favors, Xia Ming and Rivilia entered the room again.

“Can you explain to me what the hell is going on?” Is it really okay for these things to be seen by the people of the Loki family? ”

Hestia couldn’t help but spit.

Let’s not talk about why there are so many question marks on these attributes, you must know that the information of the members of the family is secret information, Riveria is still here, but Xia Ming and others said that there was no problem, which made Chistia really helpless.

“Our abilities Rivellia knows all too well and need not be concealed, as for the question mark on this…”

Xia Ming looked at the pile of question marks on these pieces of paper in terms of skills and repeated what he had said to Loki before.

“Secret realm? It’s incredible that there is such a thing, I have never heard of it when I was in the Heavenly Realm! ”

Hestia finally understood that what grace could recognize was what the gods knew.

Grace is like an information base, the information stored in this information base can be recognized, but if it is not stored, it will naturally not be recognized.

Hestia also knew why the other party would choose to join his own poor and white family, people did not lack strength at all, and it was more convenient for them to ask them that their family was more convenient than other clans…

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