Chapter 165 Heading to the Hephaestus Family!!

“In short, our main goal is still the secret realm, and as for the dungeon, although Eurari has rules that adventurers must take risks, we can use the name of the Loki family.”

“After that, it will be announced that they will join forces with the Loki Clan, so that the adventure activities will be covered by the Loki Clan, and there is no need to worry about anything!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that Eurari had such a ridiculous rule, but it was not a big problem, just perfunctory.

Anyway, there are Loki clans, claiming to be in alliance with Loki clans, and then joint exploration is on the line, with Loki clan endorsements, and don’t have to worry about being braised by the guild to find trouble.

“This is indeed a solution to the guild’s question!”

Hestia also knew what everyone thought, and joining her dependents was nothing more than to facilitate the form and not be bound, and she really didn’t care about it.

As long as the people of her own clan are not the kind of heinous people, and what they do is not something to burn and loot, she will unconditionally support her own clan.

After everyone chatted for a while, the people of the Loki family also came to them and told everyone that the station had been purchased.

Hestia here is also useless, just buy a new one, and everyone will directly escort to the new station that day.

Before the Moon Festival, Xia Ming and the others planned to stay in the dungeon world, and the main reason was that Alice and the others were very curious about the other world, so they should take a vacation here.

Now you can stay in the secret realm for a long time, so you can do whatever you want this month, and you don’t have to worry about the lack of time as before.

“Hestia, you actually had time to come to me, but recently I heard that you seem to have formed a family and had a conflict with the Apollo guy, and said, what’s the matter with me?”

A few days later, Hephaestus’s family, don’t look at the first time that Festus swept Chistia out of the house.

But she had always been concerned about Hestia, and to be honest, she was not worried much about the safety of Chistia.

After all, Crestia was a god, and he was a very strong kind among the gods.

Even if there is any danger, as long as you use your divine power, although you will be repatriated back to the Heavenly Realm, in Hephaestus’ opinion, if it really reaches this step, then it means that Hestia is really not very compatible with the Nether, and it is better to stay in the Celestial Realm.

However, what she did not expect was that someone would actually take the initiative to find them to join the Hestia family.

Even so, the day after joining, the Loki clan announced that they had reached a cooperative relationship with the Chistia family.

A series of things happened too suddenly, Hephaestus was completely blinded, and she also made people want to check the identities of Xia Ming and others, but they didn’t find the slightest information.

However, Justia didn’t have much of a problem, so she didn’t have too many waves, but just chose to wait and see.

Until today, Hestia came directly to the door.

“Really, is there something wrong with me? Can’t you come to see your own god friend? ”

Hestia said with a dissatisfied face, she has been quite moisturized these days, but from time to time she still goes out to sell potato balls.

If it had just been swept away by Hephaestus, Hestia would definitely not sell potato balls, but would only be a rice worm at home.

But after working outside for a while, Chisti died.

She also didn’t want to be a rice worm all the time, but she couldn’t find anything else to do, so she could only continue to sell potato balls.

Even though there is a large amount of money in the family that she can use casually, but this time she did not squander it casually, according to her, this is earned back by the members of her own family, although she is the main god, but she can’t be so messy.

I have to say that Chitia, who has experienced two periods of hard work, is indeed very good in these two aspects.

Even if Xia Ming and others said that the money was not very important, she could squander it at will, but she would not move it unless necessary.

“I’m not sure just now, but now I’m sure, let’s say, what is it for, if it’s borrowing money or something, don’t talk about it!”

Hephaestus spoke.

“How can I borrow money, although my clan has just been established, but don’t worry about money, well, I came here because the leader of our clan hopes to learn forging skills with you!”

Hestia said his purpose, which was what Xia Ming asked for, and Hestia was also very happy when Xia Ming just proposed that he wanted her help, although Xia Ming did not join the clan, but claimed to be the leader of the Crestia.

So strictly speaking, she is also her own person, she has been raised to do nothing every day, and suddenly something happened, and Hestia immediately agreed.

And after listening to what Xia Ming said, she also felt that there was no problem, so she came here to find Hephaestus.

“Learn forging skills? The head of your family is still a forger? ”

Hephaestus was also stunned for a moment, not thinking of it at all.

“That’s right, and he said that in exchange, he will exchange his casting skills, and this will be handed over to you, saying that you will make a decision after reading it!”

Hestia said and handed a kitchen knife to Hephaestus.

“Interesting, exchange forging skills? Then let me see how your head of the family is skillful! ”

Hephaestus said and pulled out the kitchen knife in his hand, and Hephaestus was stunned the moment he saw the light of the knife.

Then Hephaestus gently waved the knife in his hand, and a flash of knife light flashed, and a huge mark appeared on the ground, and the floor was directly cut.

“It’s an incredible forging skill, and this material is something I haven’t seen before, how on earth can I raise the sharpness of the knife to such an incredible level?”

Hephaestus was stunned.

“Hestia, I promised this, what about your leader?” Call him here! ”

Hephaestus spoke.

“Just wait for your words, he’s out there.”

Although Hestia was also shocked, looking at Festus’s expression, he knew that Xia Ming’s Duan Zhao ability was super strong.

Soon, Xia Ming was brought over by Hestia, along with another person, this person was the Cyclops Tsubaki Cobrand, the head of the Hephaestus family.

Hephaestus also called Tsubaki because Tsubaki is the head of the family, so there are some things that Tsubaki must know, and he hopes that Tsubaki can also learn such forging skills…

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