Chapter 166 Horror Grinding Techniques!!

“Lord Hephaestus, is there anything wrong with coming to me?”

Tsubaki couldn’t help but ask, she was still busy building weapons.

“You can see this knife by looking at it!”

Hephaestus handed Tsubaki the kitchen knife in his hand, and Tsubaki was stunned to see the sharpness of the knife.

She had never seen such a terrifying sharpness, and most importantly, she couldn’t understand how the knife was cast.

“Lord Hephaestus, how the hell is this done?”

Tsubaki is frenetic at the moment, as a hybrid of humans and dwarves, she is also quite obsessed with these three aspects of forging.

“This is to ask this little brother, the head of the Hestian family, this kitchen knife was forged by him, and the purpose of coming here is to learn our forging skills and exchange them for the forging skills he has mastered.”

After Hephaestus finished speaking, Tsubaki’s gaze was projected, and the feverish gaze made Xia Ming a little overwhelmed.

“Introduce yourself, my name is Xia Ming, and the purpose of the god Hephaestus also said that Xia Ming introduced himself.”

“Xia Ming, I know, then start now!”

Tsubaki can’t wait to see this new forging technique, so now is the time to get started.


Xia Ming also wanted to start early, so he immediately nodded.

Hestia was also curious to follow him to the forging room.

“Let’s build a weapon on both sides first, everyone has a casting foundation, most of them should be able to understand, and then ask how to ask what they don’t understand?”

Hephaestus asked, everyone has a foundation, then don’t have to come from the basics, just learn from practice.

“No problem, I’ll come first!”

After Tsubaki finished speaking, he began to forge weapons, and then Xia Ming also saw some differences, that is, the portrayal of runes.

These runes are the source of the so-called attributes.

It’s like the dense lines on the blade of Hestia.

It’s just that these are the most basic, and those on Hestia’s blade were made by Hephaestus and Hestia themselves, and there is no comparison at all.

Since the weapons to be crafted didn’t need to be very good, Tsubaki’s weapons were quickly completed.

“Brother Xia Ming, it’s your turn!”

Tsubaki said and gave up his position, and the next step was to see how Xia Ming built the weapon.

Xia Ming also did not contain the lake at all, and he directly used the materials here.

“Good precision tempering skills, the control of strength is higher than Tsubaki I don’t know how many grades!”

Hephaestus, as a god, can clearly feel Xia Ming’s precise control of power.

This degree of precision even Tsubaki has been dumped I don’t know how many streets, and even let her come can not do better, because this is already close to perfection in her eyes, you know, her age is more than 100 million, but how old is Xia Ming, I can only say that it is indeed quite a bug to definitely create food righteousness.

Under these blessings, Xia Ming forged these things with precise power.

“Skill is above me, but what’s wrong with that weird sharpness?”

Tsubaki watched Xia Ming’s movements and knew that she couldn’t compare with Xia Ming at all, but until the weapon had been formed, she didn’t see that Xia Ming had now made that strange sharpness, which made her slightly anxious.

After crafting his weapon, Xia Ming took out a whetstone from the package he was carrying.

There is no need not to expose your spatial abilities.

The key to Melk’s flow casting knife technique is grinding, and grinding these two pieces can be said to account for nine percent of the proportion.

So now is the beginning of the Melk Flow Casting Knife Method.

At this moment, Xia Ming’s hands were almost completely invisible, and so were the weapons in their hands, and the other people and two gods could only see the terrifying shadow and hear the dense grinding sound.

“Sizzle… How is this done, my LV5 strength can’t see this speed clearly! ”

Tsubaki was already completely confused, this grinding speed was simply exaggerated, it was unbelievable, she was an LV5 level adventurer who couldn’t see the other party’s hand speed clearly.

“Is the real key to grinding?”

Haphaestus couldn’t see clearly, but her experience taught her that the key was grinding.

To tell the truth, if you change to other weapons so grinded, it is estimated that the weapons have been worn away, but in Xia Ming’s hands, although it is not clear to see, it can be determined that there is not much of a problem.

Obviously it was grinding so quickly, but not much residue fell.

This is the key to the Melk flow casting knife method, it seems to be simply sharpening the knife, but sharpening the knife he must have skill.

Under this high-speed grinding, each stroke needs to constantly adjust the force and position.

It takes Xia Ming a few minutes to polish this weapon, but if he changes to a normal person, it will take years to do it without sleep.

Just this moment of kung fu, I don’t know how many times I grinded.

This is also because the materials used are average, and the time it takes to create the golden kitchenware created in the later stage of the world of food captivity is measured in years, and the second generation Melk at that time was not weak.

It can be seen that the key to this Melk flow casting knife method.

“Mr. Xia Ming, can you slow down a little, you can’t see it at all!”

In desperation, Tsubaki could only speak, and this also made Xia Ming stunned for a moment.

“Huggle, get used to it, I’ll slow down a bit.”

Xia Ming is also used to casting weapons like this, and he is always playing urine.

So this time he slowed down, and everyone finally saw clearly how Xia Ming grinded.

Although the speed was still very fast, at least it could be clearly seen that Xia Ming was constantly adjusting the position of the knife and the force of the press.

After watching this adjustment frequency for a few minutes, Tsubaki felt that his eyes were a little sore, even if he slowed down, it was too fast, and there were too many changes, causing Tsubaki to use his eyes too much.

“No wonder the sharpness of this kitchen knife is so terrifying, such a grinding technique is too difficult to master!”

Hephaestus opened her mouth and said that her vision was here, knowing that this casting technique could not be supported without strong physical fitness.

After all, without strong body support, the speed cannot reach such an extent, and it will take a lot of time.

As a result, the time it takes to build a weapon is a terrifying number.

She was a god who could now see what was going on, and she could also learn, but even if she did, she couldn’t use it, because her divine power was sealed, and her physical fitness was not enough to support how she could grind at a high speed.

(The rune setting was added by myself, because I couldn’t find information about the wrong casting, so I made the rune setting according to the clear patterns of Justia Zhizheng)

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