Chapter 170 Doubting the Ancient Past of Life!!

“Damn, what should I do if I go on like this, don’t say the first, maybe there will be a deficit!”

Jiu I in the hotel, at this moment long I Teruki is also very helpless, originally he was full of confidence to get the first place in this area and then to challenge Si Yingshi to come, but did not expect that Xue Che Alice directly opened another Sichuan restaurant, directly robbed his business.

If it were other dishes, then maybe he could have recruited more guests, but now the biggest problem is that the two sides have crashed.

Jiuma Teruki studied Sichuan cuisine, and only mastered the fur, and Che Alice because of the special chef’s understanding that she mastered is Chinese cuisine.

And the Sichuan cuisine system occupies a large area, so she is also very proficient in Sichuan cuisine, just as the so-called shop has to be thrown away.

So now it has led to the fact that Teruki Kuga’s side can’t find a few guests at all, and the others would rather line up than come over.

In the end, Jiume Teruki couldn’t sit still, and simply went directly to the state line, he was very curious to know that both sides were Sichuan food, why his own Sichuan food was worthless, but other people’s could attract so many guests.

As for Xia Ming, he naturally saw this scene, and can only say that Jiu I Zhaoji did it himself, even if he is narrow-minded, he plans to spread this wrong idea, Xia Ming naturally will not look at it.

That’s why we have the current scene.

Similarly, after coming here, Alice also prepared a position, which was also always empty.

Now that Xia Ming and them have arrived, they are naturally seated directly.

However, Xia Ming also met an acquaintance here, Miyoko Hojo, who also studied Chinese hopper theory.

Compared to the narrowness of the long Ichijo Shōki, Hojo Miyoko is slightly better, but there are some gaps in her own strength.

“Xia Mingjun, you are here, I really envy you, I also want to go around!”

Alice couldn’t help but smile when she saw the three of them.

“What’s the problem with this, with the ability of a few of you, today’s turnover of one day can completely surpass others in total, and there is no problem with resting in the next few days!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that with the speed of the three people’s cooking and this passenger flow, the time of one day can completely exceed all the accumulation of other people’s five days.

“It seems to be the same thing, but just leave it for two days, otherwise it is not good!”

Alice is also bright, but she still decided to open a three-day shop to eat a meal, the crowd has not left, the queue of people have come to the queue of people also learned, directly purchased the packed lunch box, and then took away to eat, with the speed of Alice’s cooking speed, you can easily let these guests quickly eat the dish.

It’s just that the location inside the store is limited, and the people who eat are here to enjoy it, so naturally they won’t leave so soon.

In the original work, one of the conditions for Kohei Sojin to defeat Kuga Teruki is also this, and the pattern on Kuga Teruki’s side is similar to this side, and the people who eat will not leave quickly, which will lead to the queue being too long.

That’s why Kohei Chuangzhen and others attracted some of the guests, this competition is not better than whose cuisine is more delicious, more exquisite, compared to sales.

However, the same thing naturally does not happen to Alice, because the gap in cooking skills is too large, so that people here would rather line up than leave.

Now that there is a packing box, the team is naturally advancing faster.

Soon, Teruki Kume also came in.

“Huh? Kume senior? Why are you here? ”

After seeing the Kume Teruki, Hojo Miyoko was also stunned, what did she do here if this product was not operated in her own shop?

Because the business inside the store is so good, Hojo Miyoko and others can’t leave at all, so naturally I don’t know what the situation is in the Kui Hotel.

“The business has been robbed by you, there are no customers in my shop at all, I want to see what your Sichuan cuisine looks like, why can it attract customers so much!”

Jiu I was very dissatisfied, he felt that his achievements in Sichuan cuisine were already very deep.

“You’re still the same as before, summarizing everything in your own one-sidedness, but it’s just so good that now these hoppers should be able to make you sober up a little bit!”

Naturally, Miyoko Hojo knew what it was like to be with Kumi.

She also knows how powerful Alice’s dishes are, so these dishes should make the arrogant guy in front of her realize his shortcomings.

Soon, Kumitsu Teruki finished ordering and the meal was quickly completed, and he returned to his restaurant with the hopper.

“Does this dish really belong to Sichuan cuisine?” Why doesn’t it feel spicy at all? ”

Because they were biased by Kugo Teruki, these people have only one understanding of Sichuan cuisine, that is, spicy, and they do not understand the attainment of Sichuan cuisine in other flavors.

For example, dishes such as boiling water cabbage, fish-flavored shredded meat, and sweet duck in Sichuan cuisine have nothing to do with the location of hemp.

In addition, there are some snacks and desserts.

In addition to the spicy taste, the taste of Sichuan cuisine also has a series of flavors such as fish aroma, tangerine peel flavor, pepper hemp flavor, strange taste, sour and spicy taste, etc.

“Taste it before you say it!”

Jiu I Teruki is also a little unhappy, after all, in his philosophy, spicy represents the entire Sichuan cuisine system, representing the entire Chinese cuisine system.

I don’t know who this product learned from, maybe he was fooled when he went to study, after all, if he was an outsider who had not settled there for a long time, it would be too difficult to learn the essence of Sichuan cuisine.

As I continued to taste, Teruki Kuga’s face became more and more ugly, not because the food was unpalatable, but because it was so delicious, and every taste was vividly displayed.

Even the spicy dishes made by others are completely beyond his imagination.

“Could it be that the Chinese hopper theory I have mastered is really just scratching the surface?”

Although someone had said something similar to him before, he had never believed it, and felt that he had mastered the essence of Sichuan cuisine and the essence of Chinese cuisine.

But now these representative dishes of Sichuan cuisine are really completely crushing his share.

He found that his insistence was simply ridiculous, his own spicy taste in front of others, the difference was not a star and a half, let alone other tastes.

He hadn’t dabbled much with other flavors other than spicy.

Completely beyond the spicy taste he didn’t know, how could he still feel that the other party was wrong and he was right.

His current situation is like elementary school level mathematics meets university level mathematics, and his level naturally cannot determine the other party’s right and wrong…

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