Chapter 171: The Three People Who Dominate the List!!

In the end, he realized that he had a problem with Jiu I Teruki directly chose to close the store, he needed to continue learning, the gap was too big.

It can only be said that this goods is really too arrogant, otherwise he can completely use the convenience of Shijie to study.

Although he did not dare to say what essence he could learn, but he would not be one-sided to such a degree, in fact, in modern times, if he searched on the Internet, he would not be biased to this extent.

So it can only be attributed to being too arrogant, after all, this product is indeed a little talented, a spicy taste is played by him to this extent, and he can also reach the position of ten masters with the fur he has learned, and talent is indeed nothing to say.

After tasting Alice’s dish, the crowd came to the last area, which had the fewest students.

After all, the students here need to be able to attract customers, otherwise customers will not come.

After all, the consumption here is the highest, and most people gather in the first two areas.

Saeche Erina is here, too, because of her presence, the others have no guests, and they all come for Katsuki Erina.

In other areas, because of the very large number of passengers and the large number of students, although Tian Sohui and Alice are far ahead, they will not completely monopolize the source of customers.

But now it’s different, Erina’s location directly monopolizes the source of customers, causing others to watch.

When Xia Ming brought the two to this area, he not only saw the guests who were dining, but also saw a group of ten jies sitting inside eating, except for Kobayashi gentian foraging outside, Kui I was closed to himself, the other ten jies were basically a little speechless about their operation Erina, but according to their words, they didn’t have a guest, so they could only come over to taste the dishes of Erina.

“Sure enough, this position has Xia Mingjun’s position, but who are these last two positions reserved for?”

At this moment, Nansai’s shop is also full, and her shop in the original book is a reservation system, but this time there is not, so it will cause so many customers to come.

However, there have always been two positions left here, one is naturally reserved for Xia Ming, and now Xia Ming has occupied this position when they come, as for the other, it should be reserved for Seiichiro.

After all, Sakai was taught by Seiichiro when she was a child, and because of this, although she was a little arrogant and a little bit wrong, at least her heart was good, otherwise she might really become like Akira Akira.

In the original work, only one position was left, and this position was reserved for Seiichiro, but the power of the Thistle directly occupied this position.

But don’t worry now, after all, Cut Thistle is already crazy, even if he is not crazy, there will be no plot in the original book.

After all, he didn’t have any way to seduce the current Ten Jie, and the current Ten Jie had already been tied to death by special ingredients, and his interests could not impress these people at all.

Xia Ming also said hello to Ichise-hui and the others, and then tasted the cuisine of Sakai Eirina.

Time passed quickly, and soon, after the opening hours, the top three in each area of the day began to be broadcast.

As for the rankings of others, they will be posted on the campus website later.

Unsurprisingly, the first of the three areas was taken by three people, and the others could only watch.

“Sure enough, there is no surprise first, but what is going on with this guy for a long time? It turned out to be the bottom of the central area! ”

Xiaolin gentian is a little confused, although these three people occupy the first place in the three regions, but Jiu I Teruki will not even be able to grab the second, but now not only the second without her, but also the third.

When the list came out, Kobayashi gentian actually found Kuga Teruki in the thirties and close to forty.

This ranking blinded her, and simply refreshed her three views.

Kobayashi Genie who couldn’t figure it out simply called Kumi, and soon, the phone rang.

“Long me, what are you doing?” Why is it in this near the end position? ”

Kobayashi gentian directly asked straight to the point.

“I lost, I failed miserably, and I found that something was wrong with my cooking philosophy, so this time I quit the Moon Festival, and I needed to go out and learn something else!”

After saying that, Jiu I just hung up the phone, and although he and Kobayashi Gentian usually look like sworn enemies, strictly speaking, the relationship between the two is somewhat similar to that of brothers and sisters.

It’s just that he is often bullied by Kobayashi gentian.

After listening to Jiume Zhaoji’s words, Xiaolin gentian also frowned, a little unclear what happened.

After that, she also asked some well-informed people, and finally understood what was going on.

Knowing this, she relaxed, and it was not that there was something wrong with Jiume Teruki, but simply knew that her cooking concept was wrong.

These of them who are ten masters can actually see a little, but the cooking system they master is not Chinese cuisine, so it’s hard to say more.

Now that I know that I have a problem, and I want to find a way to solve it, that’s good.

“I was directly beaten to myself, and when the guy 390 slowed down, this matter can be often brought out and talked about, but the mountain area seems to be quite miserable!”

Although the ranking did not change much, there was a deficit because the guests were snatched by Erina, leaving few guests in the other places.

So there is no surprise in the ranking, but there is a big problem in terms of sales, resulting in a deficit in the Liu Linshan area except for Erina.

This is also something that cannot be helped, unless Erina Sakuchi is not in this area, otherwise the source of customers in this area will gather on Erina’s side, and no one else can do anything at all.

“The way this school runs is really cruel!”

Both Hu Di Kanae and Riberia had known about the far moon, and now they had finally seen the situation of the moon festival.

Students who lose money during the Moon Festival are expelled from school, which is the result of five days.

Don’t look at the deficit now, but as long as the three people stop their work, soon other people who have been forced to run a deficit will soon return to their roots.

Even if there is no him on the side of Kugami Teruki, the students of other research institutes can easily return to their books.

If the three people have been open for five days, then this rule will naturally change, after all, the three people are already force majeure…

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