Chapter 172 New Ice Hell, New Mira!!

Two days after the Moon Festival, the three did not continue to participate, which also made other students breathe a sigh of relief, capable students got out of the deficit crisis and earned a lot on the same day, and those who did not have the ability could only be sad.

This is also no way to do things, after all, Yuanyue has always been adhering to the same teaching philosophy as raising cups.

Xia Ming is also studying how to make weapons that store calories, after all, he has learned how to store magic, so it is not so easy to modify it.

Time flickered, the new secret realm was about to open, Xia Ming also knew that this time it was the Ice Hell, but he was not worried, after all, the environmental clothes were given to everyone, and it would definitely be changed before entering the secret realm.

As for himself, he didn’t need to, the extremely cold environment of the Ice Hell didn’t work for him at all.

It’s just that Xia Ming is more curious that when the four beasts attacked, each ecological region was affected to varying degrees.

Among them, the ice hell is the most serious, and the other areas are basically just the surface destroyed, like the beach caves and food pyramids, which are all exposed parts of the surface and destroyed.

But the ice hell is different, the ice hell was directly smashed by the mine turtle, it can be said that it belongs to a completely destroyed place, and now this secret realm has appeared ice hell again, which makes Xia Ming a little curious, could it be that the ice hell has also been rebuilt?

With the strength of Ah Yu and others in the later stage, it is not too simple to rebuild the Ice Hell.

The prepared crowd was directly pulled into the ice hell when the time was up.

“It is worthy of the average temperature below minus 50 degrees, the closer to the center, the lower the temperature, and it must have been rebuilt… Not good! ”

As soon as he came in, Xia Ming had already sensed this terrible cold, and he was not wearing environmental clothing, after all, for him, such a cold could easily adapt.

But soon Xia Ming saw a comatose person, which was a new person.

The new person has just come in and is unconscious, which means that the physical strength is not good, and under such a severe cold, the new person can not resist for long.

So at the moment of seeing the newcomer, Xia Ming’s body suddenly erupted a heat wave, and the heat wave even shook the surrounding air to form a feeling similar to releasing a shock wave.

At the same time, Xia Ming’s body was a little red.

“Here… Where is it? ”

The shock caused by the heat wave also woke up the newcomer directly, and the other party’s voice was very ethereal.

“You help her change into environmental clothes, before that I will maintain the temperature around Xia Ming handed over an environmental clothes to Tian Suohui and others, and then turned his back, now I can’t care about what is going on around, anyway, as long as I don’t look at it, everyone else is a girl, and it doesn’t affect anything.”

After getting the environmental clothes, everyone also changed each other’s clothes directly without saying a word.

“Why do you always feel weird about her?”

After helping the other party change his clothes, Tasshoe asked with some doubts.

“It’s very strange, there is not the slightest sense of resistance at all, it feels more like a doll!”

Riveria frowned, although their behavior was indeed for the good of each other, but normal people would definitely resist.

However, now this person has no reaction, as if he is a doll.

At this time, Xia Ming naturally heard the movement behind, knew that his clothes had been changed, and stopped to continue to release the heat wave.

Xia Ming’s movements stopped, and the temperature around him began to drop rapidly, but there was still hot air constantly bubbling up within a few meters around Xia Ming.

“Xia Mingjun, what was the situation just now?”

Sakura couldn’t help but ask, just now Xia Ming had actually released such a terrible heat from his body, and it was really the first time they had seen it.

“The principle is very simple, just like in winter, people can make the body warm up quickly, and what I just did is to quickly shake the body, because the heat released is too large, forming such a heat wave.”

Xia Ming simply explained the principle of this trick, this trick can be heated in a short period of time, but it is not suitable for long-term use, because it is too calorie-consuming.

However, with Xia Ming’s calorie volume now, the number of times you can use it is too much, but there is no need to keep it on.

Absolute adaptation is already in play, and Xia Ming’s body is rapidly adapting to the surrounding temperature.

At first, Xia Ming could still feel this coldness when he came in, but now even if his body stopped shaking, this cold could not affect Xia Ming.

Absolute adaptation has been developed to a terrifying degree, and now it has almost ignored such extremely cold temperatures.

“So it can still be like this!”

After listening to it, others also understood that feelings can still be like this.

After knowing the principle, they can easily use this trick after experimenting a few times, after all, their strength is here.

“By the way, I almost forgot about the newcomer, your name is Shi Gongmingxue?”

Looking at the girl in front of her, Hu Die Kanae asked.


Very simple answer, at this moment the girl is still expressionless and speaks in an ethereal voice.

“No wonder it looks so familiar!”

Xia Ming heard the other party’s self-introduction and also knew that this person was the blue-eyed tiger Mila, one of the five tiger stars in the dark cuisine world of the little boss.

Has an ability called the super-visual and spice inequalities of the Sun.

In addition, the biggest feature of Mila is the heart of the naked child, because when she was young, she was imprisoned in the cell by Kaiyu and received various trainings, resulting in her becoming extremely empty, and finally became like this, which can be said to be the heart of the artificial child.

It is no wonder that the other party will be like a doll, and Mira does not express her meaning too much except when cooking.

It’s like when you meet Master Xie for the second time, when you are hugged by Master Xie, you won’t resist.

“It feels so familiar, it seems to be similar to Chanahu, but it is not as serious as Chanahu!”

Hu Di Kanae felt that this state was very familiar, and the other party was the same when she first brought back the chestnut flower falling Kanahu, and the state of completely reversing the obedience like a doll A mira was just a little better in her opinion than the chestnut flower falling Chanahu.

In fact, there is no comparison between the two, chestnut blossom falling Chana is completely scared, so she does not dare to express her heart, and Mira? She is because of the artificial child’s heart, so Ben Bird has no ideas, so she does not express it.

The two cannot be generalized, but the arrival of Mira is good news, after all, the world of small masters is a very good food world, and the cooking skills and concepts in it are very useful…

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