Chapter 173: Exploring the Secrets of Ice Hell!!

“She’s not the same as Chanahu, let’s look at the mission now!”

Xia Ming shook his head and checked the task.

“It’s such an inexplicable task again, find it yourself!”

After glancing at the mission, Alice said with some displeasure that unlike the specific ingredients to capture or what creatures to defeat, these three missions are to find the secrets hidden in the land of ice.

This kind of task is the most troublesome, there is no clear goal, before encountering this kind of task, if it is not Xia Ming knows some situations, it is really difficult to find, at this moment, Xia Ming’s perception is also released.

The scope of the Ice Hell was not particularly large, and it could not be compared with the First Ecological Region at all, so the entire Ice Hell was enveloped by Xia Ming’s perception in an instant.

“I didn’t feel any particularly powerful breath, or even a creature that could threaten you, of course, I can’t completely guarantee that I won’t encounter powerful creatures, in short, let’s be careful!”

After Xia Ming probed, he did not sense a particularly threatening creature, but after learning the lessons of the previous Hangulira Island, no one knew what would happen and what was hidden, so it was better to be careful with 733.

“Find a place to stay first, this place is not suitable for living!”

Looking at the cold wind that was constantly whistling, Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, there is an extremely terrifying wind in this ice hell.

Fortunately, the clothes on everyone are environmental clothes, otherwise the simple fire jacket may not be able to block it, after all, in the original work, there are many food hunters who are frozen in ice hell.


Just after Xia Ming and the others walked some distance forward, suddenly two extremely sharp ice spikes flew towards everyone.

Seeing this scene, Xia Ming directly made a spoon with calories to block the front of everyone, and the ice spike hit the spoon and shattered instantly.

“Where did these ice spikes come from?”

Looking at the large number of ice spikes that appeared inexplicably, everyone was also a little surprised, except for Mira, no one was frightened, after all, even if this ice spike crashed into them, it would not cause any damage.

Mira is indeed surprised, after all, she is a child’s heart, not a blank, she has her own ideas, but she generally does not express them, her thoughts are not complicated, but the most simple.

She also has emotions such as fear and happiness, but she can’t see it from the surface, although she is surprised at the moment, but she can’t see a little emotional fluctuation from her expression.

Even from the eyes, I can’t see that this is the heart of the child, although it is artificial, but he is very incredible.

Xia Ming also explained the source of the ice spikes, to put it bluntly, the naturally formed ice spikes were blown by the strong cold wind.

This kind of ice spike will appear every once in a while, it can be said that it is completely a natural mechanism of natural formation, of course, the current ice hell is man-made, so it seems that nature is not quite right.

“This is it, I don’t sense any danger, let’s stay here for a while for a few days, and then go to the core of the Ice Land to explore!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, this place is a natural ice cave, the cold wind does not affect here, and it is not bad to set up camp here.

After taking out the things and getting them ready, everyone turned their eyes to Mira’s body.

“Miss Mira, don’t you think Jingya is seeing these Chen Xi?”

Looking at Mira’s completely unchanged expression, Alice was a little puzzled, usually the most calm newcomer who came in was Riviola, but even Riviera was very surprised when she saw Xia Ming take out these things.

Only Mira, there is no change at all, as if it is independent of the world.

“Very surprised!”

However, Mira’s answer was to confuse Alice again.

“Then why don’t you have any expression?”

Looking at Mira’s completely unchanged expression, Yasa Che Alice said that she was confused.

“Why do you have to have an expression?”

Mira asked with some doubt, and Xia Ming also found that Mira’s expression change did not reach the level in the original book, and although the original Mira spoke very simply, at least the expression would change.

“Mira, how many skins have you had?”

Xia Ming directly asked, in the original book, Mira was only eighteen years old when she appeared, so what about now?

“Sixteen years old!”

Mira answered Charming’s question.

“No wonder!”

Xia Ming also nodded, and the current Mira is estimated to have not yet become a Five Tiger Star.

“Huh? Sixteen? I can’t see it at all! ”

Looking at Mira’s appearance, everyone was a little surprised, and now that it is counted, Mira should be the youngest of all of them.

Although Alice and the others are still considered to be first-year students in the Yuanyue, their age is already seventeen years old in the secret realm.

Hu Di Xiang Nai Hui was originally seventeen years old, and now she is close to twenty years old, as for Riveria, this is not sure how old, so among the people present, the current Mira is the youngest one, but although Mira’s age is small, but this figure is surprisingly good, it is not obvious that she is only sixteen years old.

Soon, everyone also told Mira about the secret realm, but unfortunately they still did not see the change in Mira’s expression.

Later, the people asked about Mira, and they finally knew why Mira was like this.

Now Mira has just been released by Kaiyu not long ago, it can be said that Mira has no common sense at all, after all, she has been imprisoned by Kaiyu since she was a child, and the things she learns are also cooking knowledge, and others do not know at all.

Without common sense, Mira would be surprised, but not overly surprised.

“Damn, how can this be, Xia Mingjun, wait until the end of the secret realm to go to Mira’s world, these bastards should be damned!”

Mira did not hide her encounter, because there was no need to hide it, so everyone knew about Mira’s situation.

Now after listening to Mira’s experience, everyone is angry and angry.

“Even if you don’t say that I will go there, after all, this garbage should be cleaned up early!”

Xia Ming nodded, he didn’t have any good feelings for Kai Yu, although there were some people in the dark cooking world who were also good and evil, such as Ya Magazine.

But Kai Yu Xia Ming will definitely not let go, after all, what is Kai Yu doing? Human trials.

The people around Liangshanbo don’t know how many people died by Kai You’s experiments, Mira is an experimental specimen, a successful experimental specimen, but Mira is not the only experimental specimen, and there are not many people who can survive in Kaiyu’s experiments…

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