Chapter 175 Strange Food Window, Mission Accomplished!!

The Tundra Dragon affair was just a small episode, and after seven days here, they went straight to the heart of the Ice Hell.

This was originally the location of the food cabinet window.

Food cabinet window, is the ancient period of people to store ingredients, over time, more and more ingredients, and finally formed a food cabinet window, and then by the ice hell itself continues to ferment, by nature to make such a super gourmet century soup is born in the human world, but its own fear cloth even the three tigers’ gourmet cells will react to the centuries of soup.

At that time, the Three Tigers could only be improved by eating eight kinds of dishes from the full meal menu of the earth.

However, there is a reaction because of the century soup, which shows the horror of the century soup.

However, the original food window has been destroyed by Tieping, because it cannot be saved, so Tieping, as a regenerator, finally squeezed out the last drop of century soup, at the cost of completely damaging the food window.

The food cabinet window was gone, and then the whole ice hell was destroyed.

But what appeared in front of Xia Ming and others now was a new frame window.

“It’s all some familiar ingredients, so this food window is also remade?”

Xia Ming found that the ingredients in it were all in the picture book, basically they all knew each other, and many of the ingredients in the original food window had been extinct, so Xia Ming determined that this was a reconstructed food window in the later stage.

But Xia Ming did not find century soup here, and if you think about it, it seems right, the century soup that appeared later was restored by Komatsu.

The century soup of the ice hell belongs to the miracle of nature, such a miracle cannot be replicated, and it is naturally impossible to freeze the ingredients here to reproduce the century soup.

To be honest, Xia Ming is also quite disappointed, if there is a century soup, his strength is estimated to rise another level.

But alas, apart from these frozen ingredients, there is no century soup here.

“Strange, what is the secret of the Ice Land? Isn’t it these ingredients that are frozen here? ”

Riviera couldn’t help but ask, inside the iceberg they had already looked for a circle, and only here was a little frozen ingredients, but the task did not react at all.

“It’s not so simple, Livilia, you haven’t experienced many secret realms, so I don’t know, every secret realm will always make some things, in short, this time it will certainly not be so simple!”

Elice said that she was used to it, and since the task of the secret realm was not clearly stated, it meant that the task would not be so simple, but she did not know what the specific thing was.

“Stay here for the time being, and then I’ll look through the entire Ice Hell to see if there’s anything to be gained!”

This time, Xia Ming was also very surprised, there were no twists and turns, so smoothly arrived here, but did not complete the task.

So next he plans to search directly on the carpet.

For the next few days, Xia Ming was wandering around outside every day, there was no danger here, he was always watching, and the strength of the crowd was not weak.

But after a few days, he had turned the Ice Hell upside down, but he still couldn’t find any clues.

This made Xia Ming a little unable to start.

In this way, another month passed, and this time, everyone did not deliberately stay here, but really could not complete the task.

“What exactly is the mission?”

Xia Ming has never been able to figure out what the mission is all about, and the entire ice hell really has no secrets in his eyes, but the mission just doesn’t have the slightest clue.

In desperation, Xia Ming could only go out for a walk, and Xia Ming came over like this for a while.

“This is a wall penguin, Komatsu has one with him, wait…”

This time out, Xia Ming found the wall penguin, but he did not capture it, the wall penguin is not suitable for direct consumption, so he did not want to capture the wall penguin.

And the wall penguins he encountered are basically adults or semi-large, not as cute as the wall penguins next to Komatsu.

However, after seeing the wall penguin, Xia Ming suddenly thought of a point, maybe he was in the wrong direction at the beginning.

The mission was to let them find the secret hidden in the Ice Hell, Xia Ming had always thought that there was something hidden, but he turned the entire Ice Hell upside down and found nothing, and he did not change the task.

Now he saw the wall penguin and suddenly had an idea, maybe this secret was in front of their eyes…

This guess is actually very simple, it is the new food window, he now needs to go back to make sure, although he is not a chef, but in the special secret place to help others so his cooking skills are not weak.

After returning to his place of residence, Xia Ming began to study the ingredients that these ice babies were sealed in the ice.

“Sure enough, although not all the ingredients I can master, some of them can be fused!”

Xia Ming found out the problem, it was at this time, the task prompt also came, the task was completed, and everyone left the secret realm in an instant.

However, in the blink of an eye, he was directly pulled back by Xia Ming.

“Xia Mingjun, have you completed the task? So what exactly is the task? ”

Everyone looked at Xia Ming with some curiosity, and Mira was the same, for more than a month, others patiently taught Mira some common sense, which made Mira grow and have a very close relationship with everyone.

“It’s the food cabinet window in front of you, remember what I told you about the destruction of the ice hell once!”

Xia Ming said.

“Remember, of course remember, Xia Mingjun said that this ice hell is man-made now, and I still thought it was incredible at that time!”

Everyone nodded, and when they heard the news, they all felt strange, the whole ice land was man-made.

“Yes, the whole Ice Hell is remade, and in the past Ice Hell there were food windows, and there was a miracle food called Century Soup, which I also said.”

“I always thought that the new food window was just made to imitate the previous food window, after all, we didn’t see the shadow of half a century of soup.”

“Nature cannot reproduce such a miracle, but it does not mean that the new food window is useless, this whole food window is actually a recipe, the recipe of the century soup!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, it is estimated that Komatsu was involved in the reconstruction of the food window, so he left this recipe to reproduce this century soup recipe in the way of recreating the food window.

Before Xia Ming admitted that he was indeed misled, such a simple answer took so long to discover…

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