Chapter 176: The Possibility of Completing the Recipe!!

“I… A recipe? ”

Alice wondered if she had a problem with her ears, how many ingredients were there in this food window? Tens of thousands.

You know, the food cabinet window of the Ice Hell in the past was built by countless food hunters, and the number of frozen ingredients was terrifying.

She spent a total of thirty years searching for new ingredients to replace the ingredients needed for Century Soup, and cooked semi-finished products.

You know, with the strength of the mother-in-law, it only takes a short time to make food for hundreds of millions of people.

But it took thirty years to make Century Soup, and much of that time was spent thinking about what ingredients to use to replace the ingredients used in Century Soup.

However, this cooking time can not be ignored.

Komatsu tasted two versions of the century soup, and it took almost a year to hear the ingredients.

However, Komatsu’s century soup is also a little different from Setsuno’s mother-in-law, because Komatsu did not see many ingredients when he was 29, so most of these ingredients were things he had seen and could find.

Of course, there was also a part of it that Setsuno’s mother-in-law got it, during which Komatsu had consulted Setsuno’s mother-in-law, and also took some of the ingredients from Setsuno’s mother-in-law, but it was only a little, and now 99% of the ingredients in the entire food window are found by everyone.

As for the remaining one percent, it will take some time, after all, there are not many secret realms experienced by Xia Ming and others, and they cannot cover the ingredients of the entire human world.

There is no doubt that the century soup is made with ingredients from the human world.

“It’s a recipe, this recipe is very cumbersome, after all, this is a miracle of nature, to reproduce, it takes a lot of time and energy, the most important thing is how to make these ingredients perfectly integrated!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, this recipe said that it was a recipe, but Komatsu did not leave exactly how to make this century soup, he just left the ingredients he used to make the century soup.

This approach undoubtedly leaves a lot of room for later generations to play, how to fully integrate the ingredients in it depends entirely on the chef’s own ability.

Whether these ingredients can be replaced by other ingredients also depends on the chef’s own ability.

He didn’t leave out exactly the steps of how he made Century Soup, which is really good.

To tell the truth, this time on the trip to the Ice Hell, Xia Ming originally thought that there would be some accidents, but he did not expect that the biggest gain in the end was these two recipes.

As for the rewards of the system, the rewards given this time are too much, except for Xia Ming who guessed the century soup and got a copy of the Lifang’s casting pot secret skill, except for Mira’s level of 3, they are all promoted by 1 level.

There are no other rewards, perhaps because this time the secret is all about sending benefits.

There was no danger at all, and a recipe for century soup was delivered, a bit of a welfare secret.

Of course, the premise is also guessing, to be honest, the task of this secret realm is a little bit tricky, if it is not Xia Ming who knows the century soup in advance, how long it will take to change it to someone else, it is unknown.

In fact, even if Xia Ming is not there, it is only a matter of time before others discover this secret.

After all, there are so many chefs in the team, and the two of them have also received two inheritances of the world of food stopping.

With their cooking skills, giving them enough time, they can also find that these ingredients in the food window can actually be integrated, but it takes a lot of time.

“Letting tens of thousands of ingredients fuse into one dish is incredible no matter how you look at it, can we really do it?”

To be honest, the chefs present, even Mira, were shaken, after all, the number of ingredients in this building is not a joke.

“Of course, with your cooking skills, you can give you enough time and ingredients, even if you experiment slowly, you can experiment little by little, not to mention, you can still hear the sound of the ingredients!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that before Tian Sohui could already hear the sound of ingredients, the follow-up Yasaki Alice also quickly followed.

It’s just that the frequency with which Alice hears the ingredients can’t be compared to Tasho-kee.

But Xia Ming has another cheat, and that is food luck.

Komatsu hears the sound of ingredients with a high frequency, and it can even be said that he will inevitably hear the sound of ingredients at a critical moment.

In addition to his own respect for ingredients being recognized by ingredients, the most important thing is food luck.

The terrifying food luck on his body gave him the ability to hear the sound of ingredients anytime and anywhere, and food luck is something that Xia Ming also has now, although it is not as rich as Komatsu.

However, his food luck will continue to increase over time, and after his strength increases, the rate of increase in food luck will also become faster.

He only needs to concentrate his food luck on the people who study the cuisine, and that is enough.

Of course, it is not a simple thing to complete the century soup, but with the existence of the secret realm, it is completely possible to practice with the secret realm.

Now you only need to record the recipe completely, although there are still some ingredients that cannot be obtained, but you can complete the other fusion first.

Because of the Save, there is no need to worry too much about life.

They can quickly brush the favor level.

So all worries are gone, and now you just need a good secret place to stay for a while.

Of course, before that, Xia Ming has another thing to do, and that is to go to the world of small masters.

The matter of Mira has not been resolved.

Now Mira has only been released by Kaiyu not long ago, and is engaged in a series of cooking duels in the dark culinary world.

The duel of the Dodge Theory in the dark cuisine world is very cruel, and the far moon is nothing more than dropping out of school or the like, but in the dark cuisine world, once it fails, then the consequences can be serious, and if you are not careful, you may lose Zini’s life.

Kai Yu this person is very hot, although the talent is very anti-heavenly, and even among the super five senses, there are four kinds of goods, super hearing, super vision, super touch and super smell.

In addition, this product is also proficient in medical techniques, and even gradually researches a special qigong according to the concept of medicine, and even can modify the quality of ingredients.

This kind of ability can be said that Kai Yu is really a strong terror, but no matter how high his talent is, in Xia Ming’s eyes, it is still a garbage, even if the person who enters the secret realm this time is not Mila, as long as it is a person in the small family world, Xia Ming will dispose of this family Qiu…

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